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Dad Boxes with 3-Year Old Son; Kills Him


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Originally posted by Skin-N-NY

I was gonna type a little something but I don't know what to say. I'm numb after reading this. I look at my son and think, how can anybody do this to their child.

The same....words just can't cover what I feel.

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Usually I just shake my head at some of these stories and think what an idiot. This time though, this really pisses me off.

I have 3 kids and my last, a 21 month old son. He is a rough kid, but never in my wildest thoghts could I see someone doing this.

I tickle him to play with him, what the hell are people thinking. Well thinking is something this moron obviously was not doing.

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I body slam and wrestle / box with my little girls all the time..

The difference being: They always win...

Isnt that how its supposed to be?

I doubt it had anything to do with religion or gay/not gay or sissy or attention from Mom/lack of sex. You could remove all of that and he'd still be a waste of skin...

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Originally posted by codeorama

I hope he doesnt run into any gay guys in prison....


Sometimes irony is great though. Poetic justice if you ask me. His son won't be gay now, but he will surely know what it feels like to be gay. . . well, that's if he even lives that long in prison. Convicts have a nice way of dealing with people like this.

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Originally posted by Thiebear

I doubt it had anything to do with religion or gay/not gay or sissy or attention from Mom/lack of sex. You could remove all of that and he'd still be a waste of skin...

I disagree with the religion part. THe rhetoric displayed against homosexuals brings about this kind of hatred, and it manifests itself in people who aren't all there. I do agree that he is a waste of oxygen though.

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Originally posted by chomerics

I disagree with the religion part. THe rhetoric displayed against homosexuals brings about this kind of hatred, and it manifests itself in people who aren't all there. I do agree that he is a waste of oxygen though.

The impression I took from the article (my interpretation of course) was that this guy probably thought it wasn't "macho" for his kid to be gay...not that it was a sin...just an embarassment to his 'manliness'.

....either way...he's an idiot who deserves any punishment he might receive at the hands of his new prison friends.

Unfortunately we ar hearing about these types of stories (bonehead parents) too often....but this one really pisses me off. How anyone can scare their kid so much that he pees his pants is beyond me....

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Originally posted by chomerics

I disagree with the religion part. THe rhetoric displayed against homosexuals brings about this kind of hatred, and it manifests itself in people who aren't all there. I do agree that he is a waste of oxygen though.

[santorum]You're just saying that because you're from Boston.[/santorum]
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Originally posted by chomerics

I disagree with the religion part. THe rhetoric displayed against homosexuals brings about this kind of hatred, and it manifests itself in people who aren't all there. I do agree that he is a waste of oxygen though.

With what you have said previously about religion I would be shocked if you didnt blame everything on it... What about Love the sinner hate the sin, sounds like good rhetoric. But nobody can change your mind about what your 'feel'.

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