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What angers you the most as a skins fan....


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we've all been in those arguments with other NFC East fans. always arguing about how good or bad the skins are, and how good are chances are for the upcoming season. but of all the excuses you've heard- which angers you the most? is it "Joe Gibbs has lost his touch..."? Or maybe its "Ramsey's a bust.... what the skins really need is a quarterback...." Personally, people saying we need a quarterback. we have a quarterback. a good quarterback. a quarterback thats gonna torch your defense next week. okay, that never happens, but ramsey hasn't been in a stable offense for more then two years. nor has he had a go to reciever that lasted in the same offense with him for two seasons (Coles was in spurriers and gibbs system.)

So what about you?

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What angers me most? Purchasing an authentic jersey, then having to keep the darn thing in the closet because the "core" player has bolted for more cash. But then again, I'm a blind homer and can't wait for the games to begin (no matter who's on the field)...HTTR.


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I could say the record, which makes me very angry at times, but i'm gonna go with media bias. we could play brilliantly and the media would make up some excuse such as the others teams QB had an off day or something, its ridicolous, when were back to the days of old and dominating the NFL i'd like to hear the excuses then....

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I agree with ghost here. Especially when it's some Dallas fan saying we need a QB. Then we draft a top notch one to potentially replace the decent one we already have and they STILL say we need a QB.


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Originally posted by illone

I agree with ghost here. Especially when it's some Dallas fan saying we need a QB. Then we draft a top notch one to potentially replace the decent one we already have and they STILL say we need a QB.


If there are fans of one team in the league that shouldn't talk trash about qb's it would be Dallas fans.

It's not only our losing to Dallas for so long that burns my butt, but our players in the past seemingly not giving a ****.

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Originally posted by KINGBRICE_28

Deep down it WAS our owner refusing to commit to one coach......

Now it is the media resusing to believe Gibbs can win again.......

bingo. i can't stand this. i got Gary Horton (ESPN.com) to answer a question on this a couple of weeks ago (on the media refusing to believe Gibbs will stay-- even though he has stated it many times). i was just pissed that so many coaches and organizations get free passes for all the poor decisions they make but we are ripped. sometimes we deserve it, sometimes it's an obvious anti-Skins bias.

hard to disregard it when it seems all-too-common.


the cowboys QB situation has been even worse than ours over the past few years, but does anybody question Jerry Jones or Parcells? of course not. i doubt it's because they had one playoff season recently.

look at Shanahan and his run of luck since Elway left. he makes bad signing at the QB position, Champ sure wasn't worth what they paid him... and all they talk about is Portis not being remotely good in WAS?!?!?!?! i thought not having a shut-down CB was why they couldn't beat INDY??? What gives?

has anyone heard HOU get ripped for once again NOT improving their weak OL? it's the one thing that is holding their organization and their future-star QB back-- they do nothing, nobody seems to notice! the only excuse i've heard made for them by the media is that they are going to zone-blocking schemes... as if this will improve the talent they have on the line. i understand you have to game-plan to your team strengths, but c'mon, they didn't do **** about it! and there is silence in the media.

sorry to vent. i pay attention to EVERY team in the league and criticize them for their mistakes the same way i criticize the Skins when i don't agree with the FO or the coach.

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Those that refuse to acknowledge the fact that this was a competetive team last year. Even with a horrific offense this team still managed to stay in most every game we played till the end.

I also hate those that refuse to admit that we were negatively impacted by poor officiating quite a few times last year. The "you should not have let it be that close that a bad call loses the game" argument is abolute cattle refuse. Anyone who says that, including members of this board, deserve to be slapped upside the head with a sock full of quarters. No game should ever be decided by a bad call, (especially with instant replay) and it is unfair to the team that got screwed no matter how you look at it. The league needs to do something this year or they are going to have a riot on their hands before too long.

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First and foremost it is the 2-14 record against Dallass over the last 8 years. That s*it has got to f*cking stop!!!:cuss: :cuss:

THEN....People saying the Redskins NEED a QB.:cuss: :cuss:

When Spurrier was coach Ramsey ran for his life like an escaped convict. It took 12 games but he was finally "caught".

THEN Gibbs comes in and starts Brunell. FOR TOO LONG!!!

This season I don't think there will be anymore excuses. He has the talent and the toughness. No production means the bench.

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What I hate most?

People Underestimating Ramsey.

People writing us off.

Sometimes I hate US, because we've killed ourselves in games a few times....

But what I hate the most, is our streak against Dallas....

all I can say to that is...

W...t.f....:puke: :puke: :puke:

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losing to Dallas because of POOR officiating, and when it's not the Refs Just losing to Dallas or anyone else on some fluke play that was basically a busted play but some how went the distance for the other team. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH THAT drives me nuts !!!!!:puke:

OK ! I'm better now:cheers:

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Originally posted by feeshta

Those that refuse to acknowledge the fact that this was a competetive team last year. Even with a horrific offense this team still managed to stay in most every game we played till the end.

I also hate those that refuse to admit that we were negatively impacted by poor officiating quite a few times last year. The "you should not have let it be that close that a bad call loses the game" argument is abolute cattle refuse. Anyone who says that, including members of this board, deserve to be slapped upside the head with a sock full of quarters. No game should ever be decided by a bad call, (especially with instant replay) and it is unfair to the team that got screwed no matter how you look at it. The league needs to do something this year or they are going to have a riot on their hands before too long.

I've said in the past that one bad play, should not be blamed for a loss, But you are right one bad call or a few when it comes to the Skins can totally change the outcome of a game. Like the game against dallas when there was NO call for pass interference

that would have put us one the one yard line, then in the same game they CALLED pass interference on Walt Harris that you could see in the replay was a great pass def. just like you could see in the other replay that our guys arm was pulled away from the catch before the ball got there. Like Hank Stram said those refs should wear stiped pants too because some of them are criminal:doh:

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Going to a home game against Dallas and being overwhelmed and having the stadium over run by Dallas fans. I've personally never been there and had that happen to me, but I've seen it and heard about it from friends. That would anger the hell out of me.

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