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Video footage of a fleet of UFOs


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This is footage that was shot last year in Mexico. It shows a literal fleet of UFOs hovering around the sky:


And the backstory: http://www.rense.com/general66/uupd.htm

There is more footage at the front of http://www.rense.com/.

Yes, it is Rense, but you should watch the video footage, since it's fascinating either way.

EDIT: There are several other videos of events that can be viewed from the front page. And remember that guy - the prophet - who said he could summon UFOs? And he actually summoned, or conjured, something in the news footage? Well, what he summoned resembled one of these things from the Mexican footage.

Hoax, natural phenomena, or real UFOs?

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Originally posted by autographcollector

Uhhhh because then you will see they are not UFO's?? :rolleyes:

That was my point.

;) :doh:

It is very easy to make a bogus still photo. A video is a different animal. A video can show movement and that alone can eliminate many possibilities. The only video I have ever seen that showed an object moving in a manner that could not be easily explained was also blurry even when the object was at a hover.

With all the attention the Mexico city area has gotten over the last decade. You would think a professional tv crew with high tech equipment would have gotten some outstanding footage by now if they were real.

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Originally posted by Thiebear

Its like bigfoot: I got a digital camera with my 150 dollar printer that i can't seem to make blurry.. yet....

I thought they were balloons but at that distance apart they would have a different current for some ....

I thought they were balloons as well. I kept trying to see if they were moving in different directions or if they were all going in the same direction but, the cameraman kept moving around so much it is hard to judge there movements in relation to each other.

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In addition to a possible hoax, this could be a flight of airborne tree/flower seeds, a spider hatch, or some other natural phenomenon. There are just far too many "UFOs" for this to have not been a source of international hysteria.

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"I've always found it interesting as to how many people can believe so strongly in God and just totally blow off any mention of life from any of the billions of billions of other planets in our solar system."

I believe in God and I don't dismiss the possibilty of life on other planets. But why travel all this way, enter our atmosphere and be seen by many, yet not make contact. Just doesn't make sense.

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Originally posted by stevenaa

"I've always found it interesting as to how many people can believe so strongly in God and just totally blow off any mention of life from any of the billions of billions of other planets in our solar system."

I believe in God and I don't dismiss the possibilty of life on other planets. But why travel all this way, enter our atmosphere and be seen by many, yet not make contact. Just doesn't make sense.

What would we do if we discovered 'lesser" life forms on another planet?

We'd observe them and not interfere. If we did contact them, It would probably be their leaders, but I still don't think we'd contact them for a while.

Think about it, look what we do to "lesser" species here on Earth, we do testing on them, keep them in cages etc...

I have no doubt that if in the future, when we are capable of space travel in a much greater capacity, we will be "abducting lifeforms" and observing etc...

I do believe we have been or are being visited by aliens, however, I'd say it's a very small percentage compared to the volume of reports.

Obviously, many are misidentifications, and others are just nutjob stories.

My belief is based only on the fact that IMO, the odds are there is other life out there and I"m sure some must be more advanced than us. In a couple hundred years or so, we'll be the aliens abducting some oddballs out in the country of some other planet.

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Originally posted by Renegade7

Seriously, if those aren't UFO's, what are they?




Expert: Mexico UFOs May Have Been Gas

Monday, May 17, 2004

MEXICO CITY — A series of brightly lit, rapidly moving objects filmed in the skies over Mexico (search) could have been caused by a scientific phenomenon involving gases in the atmosphere, a scientist said Thursday.

Visible only with infrared equipment, the hauntingly fast-moving lights were captured by air force cameras on March 5 but made public only this week, sparking rampant speculation they were flying saucers.

Julio Herrera, a nuclear science researcher at the National Autonomous University (search), said the bright blurs could have been caused by electrical flashes emitted spontaneously by the atmosphere.

"They are very strange phenomenon and there is little information about them," Herrera said of the atmospheric flashes in a phone interview. "That's what's so interesting."

He said more data than is available on the videotape would be necessary to determine if that hypothesis was correct, including precise information on atmospheric conditions at the time the lights appeared.

The Campeche coast on the Gulf of Mexico (search), where the objects were filmed, is Mexico's main oil and gas producing region. Oil platforms there release or burn off some of the gas they produce.

The objects were recorded flying at more than 11,000 feet over southern Campeche state (search) using a video camera equipped with an infrared lens. Infrared equipment can only detect heat emanating from objects; it is unable to provide an image of the objects' exact form.

"As far as public opinion goes, it's much more interesting to believe in fantasy, and for us it's the opposite," Herrera said, adding that he and other scientists are working to "try to determine a rational explanation for all this."

In the videotape, first aired publicly on national television Monday night, the objects appear to accelerate rapidly and change course suddenly. At least one crew member testified that the objects surrounded the air force jet when they were at least two miles away.

The pilots sighted the objects as they conducted a routine drug-surveillance mission.

Defense Secretary Ricardo Vega Garcia has said the military has yet to conclude what its pilots captured on tape.

Vega Garcia gave the tape to UFO specialist Jaime Maussan, who has spent 10 years studying unidentified flying objects. Maussan immediately concluded the video was evidence of the existence of UFOs (search).

"This is historic news," he told reporters Tuesday. "Hundreds of videos [of UFOs] exist, but none had the backing of the armed forces of any country. ... The armed forces don't perpetuate frauds."


More from Rense {shudders}, including more pics taken by their Air Force


yadda yadda yadda



I've always found it interesting as to how many people can believe so strongly in God and just totally blow off any mention of life from any of the billions of billions of other planets in our solar system.

Blowing off UFOs does not equal blowing off life on other planets.

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Originally posted by skinsfan913

I've always found it interesting as to how many people can believe so strongly in God and just totally blow off any mention of life from any of the billions of billions of other planets in our solar system.

Now I am by no means a scientist, but I think that there are only 9 planets in our solar system... Not Billions.. Or are you from another solar system? :)

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Originally posted by skinsfan913

I've always found it interesting as to how many people can believe so strongly in God and just totally blow off any mention of life from any of the billions of billions of other planets in our solar system.

My belief in the God of the Bible is what keeps me from believing in life on other planets....although that has nothing to do with this discussion.

The notion that life forms can travel to other planets is quite absurd due to the speed needed and then when that speed is achieved the impact from the dust particles at those speeds would completely destroy any craft designed to go that fast.

This is a subject best left to my favorite movie genre (sci-fi) and that is about it.

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Originally posted by stevenaa

But why travel all this way, enter our atmosphere and be seen by many, yet not make contact. Just doesn't make sense.

What makes even less sense is.....

How did they get here in the first place?

First you have to find us. Fill up the Pacific ocean with a bunch of needles. Then try to find a specific needle out of all those needles. Trying to find earth is much worse than that.

Then you'd have to get here. This would require material that's able to survive traveling many times faster than the speed of light. It would require an energy source to power aircraft many times faster than the speed of light. It would require bodies that are able to survive traveling many times faster than the speed of light. It would require time. Even traveling many times faster than the speed of light, it'd still take hundreds? thousands? of years to get here.

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Originally posted by airborneskins

Now I am by no means a scientist, but I think that there are only 9 planets in our solar system... Not Billions.. Or are you from another solar system? :)

Look up into the sky at night, how many stars do you see??

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Originally posted by Skins24

First you have to find us.

What are we doing now? We are actively trying to find other life, yet we are not all that technologically advanced. Think about us in 200-400 years? I think it will be easier for us to find other life forms, which may or may not be similar to ourselves.

The possiblilites are endless, yet so many think we are it, I think that's funny actually.

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My impression of it was that it's a flotilla of sailboats superimposed on the sky.

I'm not one to poo-poo things offhand, but that was my impression of it.

You know what's funny? Science has no problem believing and even expounding at great length on the existence of black holes, to the point of even surmising an entire science to support the theories.. yet when it comes right down to it, there is tons more hard evidence for UFOs. Photos, Videos, credible, even high ranking witnesses stretching back for centuries.

But, if this WAS real, what could the governments of the world do? Any admission will create instant panic.


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Originally posted by airborneskins

Now I am by no means a scientist, but I think that there are only 9 planets in our solar system... Not Billions.. Or are you from another solar system? :)

In our solar system, there are 9 known planets for sure. There are a bunch of planetoids and stuff like that, and more planets possibly.

The universe is huge....there are definitely other solar systems out there, and more planets as well. Because of the almost infinite nature of the universe, its hard to argue that there aren't any other planets with life on them, simply based on probability.

The Big-Bang, which created earth, was a highly improbable event in which a bunch of things happened at exactly the right times and in exactly the right places, creating earth and life. A lot of things happened exactly at the right times along the way to develop our life. But I am of the opinion that we have a too narrow view of the conditions under which life can live. We think that there has to be sunlight and oxygen. But up until recently, no one ever thought that there could be life living in extreme temperatures, but they've found bacteria living in volcanoes. Up until fairly recently, no one thought that life was possible without sunlight, until they found abundant life surrounding deep-ocean thermal vents, and discovered chemosynthesis.

Anyway, Just because it was so improbably for our planet to come around doesn't necessarily rule out the formation of another, completely different type of life that for example breathes Helium instead of oxygen or something. In my opinion.

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