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Covers.com: Gibbs, Redskins figure to struggle again


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Originally posted by JerseyGator

Moss put up a lot of those numbers, off the top of my head, with Pennington, who Randy Moss calls the best QB he ever played with, including Culpepper.

Doesn't matter who he put those numbers up with...this writer says those numbers aren't good enough. I say, if Moss puts up numbers like those with Ramsey, it'll definitely be good enough...lol

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Originally posted by bulldog

last August the Redskins defense was supposed to be in trouble because Antonio Pierce was starting at middle linebacker after being a special teams performer for most of his four seasons in the NFL and because the team was depending upon the 'overrated' Fred Smoot at cornerback......................

now these guys are ready to have their busts enshrined in the NFL Hall of Fame?? :laugh: :laugh:

no secondary? I see veteran corners, a #1 pick developing as the nickel to be the future starter and a host of safeties that are familiar with the system and that know Gregg Williams and vice versa.

and we couldn't over come the loss of Bailey at cb with a broken down Shaun Springs

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Originally posted by Califan007

Doesn't matter who he put those numbers up with...this writer says those numbers aren't good enough. I say, if Moss puts up numbers like those with Ramsey, it'll definitely be good enough...lol

considerig Pennington doesn't throw many deep balls, and Ramsey best passes are the long ones..... well

bombs to a speed WR like Moss :D

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Hope our skins will prove all the haters wrong this season.Its been a long thirteen years or so of heartaches,but I look forward to a new season of hope,a sweep of the Cowturdes,a split at least with the Eagles,and a NFC championship at FED EX.Damn the haters!:point2sky :dallasuck

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I've never heard of this guy but the critics need to get it straight.

Has Gibbs lost it because he's unwilling to change and adapt to the NFL today?


Is he in panic mode and is adopting some ideas from his coaches including Musgrave to pep up his O?

He's in panic mode because of the shotgun. Hey Einstein remember 1991, the Super Bowl run? Gibbs adopted the no huddle offense mid year to spice it up...was that "panic"?

Seems to me, Gibbs is in the HOF because of his ability to adapt and change his offense.

Take a look at his O in 1981.

Then take a look at it in 1983.

Finally check out the O in 1990 or 91.

Worst thing you can do is question Joe Gibbs' ability to construct an offense.

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"Joe Gibbs never should have come back. It’s too bad the late Bud Wilkinson wasn’t around to advise him of that. Legends shouldn’t be disturbed. Not when it’s been more than 10 years since they last made their mark. Too much has changed."

Sigh....Nover just doesn't get it.

Many Redskins fans however do get it and know the difference between where the team was headed before Coach Gibbs made the comeback and where the team is now.

Don't give a hoot what Nover says, I'm glad Coach Gibbs is back and I hope he stays involved with the franchise for many years.

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Originally posted by scruffylookin

I've never heard of this guy but the critics need to get it straight.

Has Gibbs lost it because he's unwilling to change and adapt to the NFL today?


Is he in panic mode and is adopting some ideas from his coaches including Musgrave to pep up his O?

He's in panic mode because of the shotgun. Hey Einstein remember 1991, the Super Bowl run? Gibbs adopted the no huddle offense mid year to spice it up...was that "panic"?

Seems to me, Gibbs is in the HOF because of his ability to adapt and change his offense.

Take a look at his O in 1981.

Then take a look at it in 1983.

Finally check out the O in 1990 or 91.

Worst thing you can do is question Joe Gibbs' ability to construct an offense.

I think they are right. All these experts can't possibly be wrong.

We're doomed.



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thing that gets me , i can take the bad press and stuff , but a lot of the time people act like we are gonna do the exact same things as we did last year , like we havent learned anything , its been said our offense has been adjusted and the run plays for portis are gonna be more his style , ...... ahh well ....

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the bottom line is that all the reporters and media people will continue to bash the skins and how they are ran until they start to win. and im sure when they do everyone will backpeddle their way through a story acting like they knwew that gibbs would turn the whole thing around.

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Gibbs deserves his plaque in the Hall of Fame. But you have to wonder if he’s really in touch with the way football has evolved. He started an obviously over-the-hill Mark Brunell the first nine games, didn’t utilize stud running back Clinton Portis properly and had trouble adjusting to pressure defensive schemes that are standard strategy in today’s NFL.

I love how he points these three things out, and these are the three things that Gibbs has focused the most on this offseason. He's starting Ramsey and drafted a young QB to come in and challenge Brunell for the second-string spot, he's converting to a lot of zone-blocking schemes to utilize Portis' natural skills and get the most out of him, and he's inserting a lot of quicker developing pass-plays into the offense to counter the quick blitzes and such.

Maybe do a little research before you write your articles, jackass!

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WOW! one season and Gibbs is done..Amazing simply amazing

Geez...can anyone say "adjustments" ? I thought you could....

Rabach was a true need

Jansen is back

Musgrave was hired to get the offense geared more to this century..(if Gibbs was still thinking old style and not making needed changes I might agree with this article..but the fact is he isn't)

Add in the fact that we are zone blocking and designing schemes more geared to set Portis free like in Denver and I personally have had a joyous offseason relishing the pundits complete lack of NFL knowledge.

Gibbs has done practically everything this offseason I personally could have asked in a letter (the shotgun!!!!).

I guess Patten sucks too according to this guy.

The offense is going to be completely new and yes it does hinge on Ramsey (and Gibbs knows that also I think). Ramsey is a very critical key to how far this team improves for sure. But then I always liked Ramsey unless he was crying and whining..

I predict the ST's are gonna be the best in the league.

Defensively, Williams deserves all the credit for last season's surprise and until this defense proves otherwise they deserve a little respect..

Does anyone other than me believe that Williams could practically put in anyone and the "D" would be solid?

Yes..Taylor, Arrington and Coles made some stupid noise but Gibbs has managed to keep the team focused in OTA's it seems to me..

This writer is just another clueless pundit who knows the NFL has a "hard on" for Snyder. So yes in that sense Gibbs has his work cut out for him and needs to make one final adjustment to complete my offseason.."run up the score and take the refs out of the picture completely"

That's the one adjustment that I'm not sure Gibbs is willing to do.

I know last season we couldn't have taken the refs out if we wanted to with that offense, but if what I expect to see comes to fruition..Just score early and often..and I will be one damn happy Skins fan...

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Originally posted by scruffylookin

I've never heard of this guy but the critics need to get it straight.

Has Gibbs lost it because he's unwilling to change and adapt to the NFL today?


Is he in panic mode and is adopting some ideas from his coaches including Musgrave to pep up his O?

He's in panic mode because of the shotgun. Hey Einstein remember 1991, the Super Bowl run? Gibbs adopted the no huddle offense mid year to spice it up...was that "panic"?

Seems to me, Gibbs is in the HOF because of his ability to adapt and change his offense.

Take a look at his O in 1981.

Then take a look at it in 1983.

Finally check out the O in 1990 or 91.

Worst thing you can do is question Joe Gibbs' ability to construct an offense.

Exactly. Browsing through this thread, I was hoping someone would hit this, so I didn't have to make the point myself, and you came through scruffy.

As I read it, I found this nasty little contradiction between the rigid, stubborn Gibbs who refuses to change and adapt and the panicky Gibbs who is adopting these new techniques that he didn't use in the past.

Why doesn't this guy (or any journalist, really) just look to the past and see that given time, Gibbs will come up with the right answer. Football is still fundamentally the same game it was in 1991. Sure there have been changes, but that is what last year was for. We didn't have much success, but Gibbs was learning, taking it all in, trying to fully grasp the game as it is played today.

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