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Midseason Backpedaling


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Ok. Here's the scenerio as I envision it. Midway through the season it will become clear that the "new NFL" hasn't past by one of the greatest coaches of all time. The mediots will start backpedaling and spinning their pre-season naysaying.

I'm not sure which I'll enjoy more. Watching a pathetic group of reporters eat crow, or watching the best Franchise in the game have a winning season and make a solid push for the playoffs. Well, I'll enjoy the winning more, but it will sure be fun to watch the worms squirm. They've so unequivically bashed the Skins that there isn't enough spin in the universe to help thier cause.

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The reporters and critics will never give the Redskins and Joe Gibbs their due. If you're waiting for these chumps to eat crow, the Skins will have to win the Super Bowl this season. We can improve by 5-6 games, make the playoffs, and the only way the team will make a national headline, is when they talk about us losing the playoff game. Then some ass will talk about how the game has passed Gibbs by. Its comical and expected. The Skins are the team that evryone loves to hate...screw em all. :logo:

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Originally posted by REDKORN

Just keep in mind that most of the people who wrote all of this never played football in their lives. They were BZ playing in the band.

You are exactly right. Reporters are the guys who were always picked last or not picked at all when they were picking football teams on the playground.

I guess some of them are probably still upset that all the girls were picked before they were.

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Joe Gibbs called this a process. The spin is obvious as even we die-hard fans know that Joe Gibbs is great at adjustment, if I was a mediot, I'd start there (I'd probably set it up now and I've seen some mediots do that). Also, people such as Doc Walker seem to realize the main problems are less tangible, not necessarily just having an outdated system or inferior talent.

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If we are 12-4 and in the playoffs, every single member of extreme should be calling Czabe's show as well as writing Peter Queen, Dr Zit and Lenny P.

Don't forget about Paul Woody and Pompeii

We'll make sure they eat their crow. We just have to flood the phone lines and write every single fool 100 times

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Originally posted by SkinsHokieFan

If we are 12-4 and in the playoffs, every single member of extreme should be calling Czabe's show as well as writing Peter Queen, Dr Zit and Lenny P.

Don't forget about Paul Woody and Pompeii

We'll make sure they eat their crow. We just have to flood the phone lines and write every single fool 100 times

pompeii... wasn't that the city that got messed up with Vesveus's volcanic eruption?.....

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Originally posted by budski

"Musgrave has done alot for this organization"

I think this is more along the lines of what we'll see.

Remember last year with our D? How many of these reporters were saying "If it weren't for that defense, the Redskins would be hard pressed to have won 2 or 3 games."

Basically, they gave all the credit to Williams, which was well deserved, but they forget that if it weren't for Gibbs Williams WOULDN'T BE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!

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Originally posted by Chachie

I would love to hear Steve Czaban choke on every bad thing he's said about Joe Gibbs.

You and me both Chachie. If we make the playoffs this year, I think it should be a personal duty of this board to make sure that Czabe in no way shape or form, is allowed on the bandwagon.

Flood his phones and remind him every day how he gave up on this team and Gibbs. :2cents:

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Midseason isn't generally a time when Redskins fans tend to gloat lately, that may well change but I'll believe it when I see it.

Mainly what happens is that you get all sorts of undeserved hype like Joe Gibbs this, Steve Spurrier that, Clinton Portis this, and the Eagles will suck this year that... Most of the Analysts that have hyped the Redskins over the years have been sorely disappointed.

I can see why they are unlikely to jump on your bandwagon after what they see as a lackluster off-season, when they were disappointed with what they saw to be stellar off-seasons. This is a remarkably flawed argument, because they have never shown in the past, to have good judgment of what makes a good off-season.

The Redskins ability to play well this season will be dependant on if they have developed a consistent way of winning against their divisional opponents (this has been terrible in the past). The number of wins will depend on if they can dramatically improve their offence without dramatically weakening their defense. It will depend on if they are healthy along the offensive line, and if they are able to develop a consistent run game. Will they dramatically improve the pass game off of their run game?

Now I don't know if any of that is going to happen. I expect coaching consistency to make an improvement. I expect their first line on both sides to be worthwhile if they all stay healthy (I don't like the depth there). I see Ramsey as developing but erratic, and I don't see that Gibbs trusts him. Arrington, Barrow, Bowen and Jansen were big losses last year, but I really don’t know what the fall off in play was between them and their backups. I suspect Jansen to Brown was a large drop off, but I suspect Arrington’s replacement played more disciplined football than he is capable of, since I have never thought his play was disciplined. Barrow was replaced by a guy you liked but no longer have, and I really don’t know if you can just plug someone in there and have a lot of success. Smoot was reliable and he is now he might be replaced with a rookie, who may surpass him in the long run, but I am not sure he should be expected to already be better than Smoot was. I honestly don’t know what Taylor’s situation is right now. I can’t begin to try to analyze your wide receivers, as I really have never watched most of them.

That’s not even taking in to account the players whose play may fall off, and whose play we should expect to get better, but then again I doubt’s that people that analyze football for a living really have a great idea on that one either.

I don’t know that outstanding players from last year’s defense are going to return the performance this year. Griffin and Springs both had what I consider career years, and both of them are getting up in the age where you start to expect drop off for both their positions and their styles of play. You can never analyze these things completely, so until I see something to change my mind about the Redskins I expect them to be only marginally better than last year.

Their usual is anywhere from 7-9 to 8-8, with 6-10 last year, so I will predict anywhere in the range of 7-9 to 10-6 for a marginaly good team. Which one in that range will depend on ball bounces, injuries, penalty assessment and dumb luck in my opinion.

Feel free to make me eat any of my words come midseason, I really don’t care.

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Originally posted by twist

Midseason isn't generally a time when Redskins fans tend to gloat lately, that may well change but I'll believe it when I see it.

lately i do all of my gloating while watching the eagles choke

Originally posted by twist

Arrington, Barrow, Bowen and Jansen were big losses last year, but I really don’t know what the fall off in play was between them and their backups.

how do you consider them big losses if by your account there was no fall off in play between them and their backups? :rolleyes:

Originally posted by twist

Barrow was replaced by a guy you liked but no longer have, and I really don’t know if you can just plug someone in there and have a lot of success.

hate to break it to you but pierce was just plugged into barrow's spot last season and did just fine. same will happen this season if barrow isn't able to play.

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Originally posted by Wicked99

lately i do all of my gloating while watching the eagles choke

Well, that must make you feel awfully special and fuzzy inside. The team you rooted for had 6 wins last year (none of them against the Eagles) and it probably cost you more angst than I had to worry about during the same period. I suppose I'll respect the Redskins as a team a little more when they keep themselves from being systematically swept every year by the team I cheer for. The team you root for really has nothing to do with the Patriots, so I would have to wonder what you gloat about.

Originally posted by Wicked99

how do you consider them big losses if by your account there was no fall off in play between them and their backups? :rolleyes:

I said that I really didn't know what the fall off was. You can't seem to grasp the idea that something might seem to be a bigger loss than it actually ended up being. Now I could go on and say that what things seem like to me are in actuality, absolute truths, but then I would be a lot more like a sports writer.

Originally posted by Wicked99

hate to break it to you but pierce was just plugged into barrow's spot last season and did just fine. same will happen this season if barrow isn't able to play.

My point was that it was uncertian, both if Barrow will play, how well he will play, and wether or not you can just plug anyone in there and have it not be a major issue. Pierce may simply be a very talented player that needed to be given a chance.

So, I try to be fair in my analysis. You try to insult me and then complain about what I said instead of reading it apparently. I said many positive things about the Redskins; you seem to only be focusing on one side of the analysis.

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:rolleyes: you guys have every right to be overly obsessed with the media but I just don't get it? Why waste your energy on what everyone else thinks. Sure, you should want to "shock the world" but why should your team be given the benefit of the doubt for greatness? Because Joe Gibbs is back? O.K., well he has to RE-prove himself AGAIN. Because of your off-season? Step outside of your natural bias and look @ what has gone on with the Skins for the last decade/5 years and ask yourself why should the media be big on the Skins right now especially after believing your offseason hype the last few years? Look @ Wilbons article on Duncan today. This league is all about what have you done for me lately.
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The interesting thing about the Redskins is that six or seven games into the season, people could be saying Washington is the best team from top to bottom in the league, and why not?

We see the depth and talent on a healthy defense coached by Gregg Williams allowing us the possibility of four Pro Bowl players in the back seven without stretching too hard. The defensive line will not produce anything more than one top Pro Bowl player, but a defense that has five guys you can reasonably say are Pro Bowl level players is as good as there is in football with no dramatic weakness.

Offensively the line is as good as there is in talent from top to bottom. Should it come together and allow Ramsey the ability to emerge, suddenly, Washington has everything where entering the year you can wonder if it has enough.

If Ramsey develops, you have an elite level running back, a top offensive line, a solid, young tight end type in Cooley and a receiving core anchored by a guy who's shown he can perform at a high level in the league catching balls from an emerging player in Ramsey.

Ramsey's improvement answers so much for the team that if he does well, everything, suddenly, looks very strong. If he does poorly, you will again have worries about consistency at receiver and a hit and miss quality in the running game, and therefore, the team will either be merely average or somewhat below in performance, like last year.

But, if every player on offense simply approaches what they've already done in the NFL AND Ramsey does substantially more, the backtracking will be that the Redskins have no obvious weaknesses. And, they won't, if 10 players play as they already have proven capable of playing and one plays better.

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