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Official Unofficial words of gratitude


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Though I have made jokes about TK & Tarhogs big adventure.. (the green eyed monster took over)

I want to start a thread of EXTREME thanks and appreciation for all their hard work, and professionalism representing eXtremeskins as a whole, and letting all of us experience a taste of mini-camp.

Even though it would be a dream come true for many of us, they did a great job, of putting their duty over their fun (something I doubt I could have done as well)... in sharing the sights, sounds, and thoughts of Mini-camp.

It truly got me pumped up in full homer mode for this upcoming season... I doubt I can make it to the start of training camp.

Again Thank you very very very much for being there for the board... you guys are great.

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

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Sure it was a dream come true, but that doesn't change the hard work they put into it.

I know firsthand the rigors of travel, and putting in a full day, coming back to the hotel room exhausted, then signing on to your computer for hours on end. Trust me... all you want to do is get some dinner and crash. :)

I don't want to make it sound like it was torture for them ( :) ), but seriously, they put some work into this and the updates were outstanding and timely. I was very impressed.

Oh yah... next year TK said I can go in his place. And I thank him for that, really nice of him. :)

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I haven't gotten a chance to review most of what was done, but in anticipation of doing that tonight I would like to offer both my congratulations for for the opportunity and also a hearty THANK YOU for sharing it with us all... You guys rock!

:respect: :respect: :respect:

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Awesome job. But I don't care how much work it was; its the equivalent of helping Jessica Alba move a piano up 3 flights of stairs if the reward was some booty.

You guys really did a great job; the photos were really good, the audio was very good, and the coverage was ultra-extensive. Hope you guys get to go again next year! You deserve a little Jessica Alba booty for your troubles!


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I was thinking about this the other day. This isn't just some ordinary site with forums where we just sit around and talk football. You guys go the extra mile to actually meet and interview the very people we chat about everyday. You guys make a very aggressive effort to make this site what it is: The best Redskins site on the internet! This weekend was proof that you guys are dedicated to continually improving this site and giving us (the fans) everything we could every ask for in a Redskins site! TK & Tarhog, excellent work this weekend!BTW......I am soooo jealous of yall!

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Thanks guys, that means a lot. Truth is, it was simultaneously one of the greatest weekends of my life and incredibly exhausting. Being one of two lucky guys given a media pass, we couldn't have done anything less than try to share as much of it as humanly possible. It makes me feel good to know that a lot of you recognized how much work it was. I must have been tapped out when I got home this weekend, because I woke up at 4am vomiting and err.....other things....... I'm sure part of it was being run down.

But it was worth every second.

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I've said it all weekend but I'll say it again. Tarhog and TK, you guys were awesome in your covergae this weekend!!!

I can't imagine how difficult it must've been to keep your focus on doing your assignments while the team you've lived and died for every Sunday of the fall, was standing there, a few yards away.

Instead of staggering around googly-eyed, you guys were complete professionals and for that...I thank you.(You lucky bastiges ;) )

To Blade,Diehard and the rest of the staff: Thank you so much for this kick-ass site!! ExtremeSkins Rocks!!!!!

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Man, did I pick a bad weekend to go away. :laugh:

Thanks for the hard work, guys. I'm sure it was exhausting while exhilarating. From what I've seen so far, you all did a fantastic job. If there ever was a test to determine whether Extreme should continue to have press passes, you all passed it.

I'll tell you, I'm loving every word, quote, picture, and video clip. It's great to see a minicamp through a fan's eyes. Or, in this case, two fans' four eyes. Four eyes of two fans? Two fans' sets of eyes?

Here's to TK and Tarhog, thanks for the hard work and cheers on the awesome result. :cheers:

And by the way, now I'm even more sure that we're winning the Super Bowl this coming year.

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I tell ya, for years all I checked out was the skins website. Now I dont hardly ever go there, you guys got it going on over here. I love this site and will always be appreciative of the quality information put up by this site. The minicamp deal is just another example. Great job guys. Very informative, and I cant wait till July 31. Go skins

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Though I would have loved to be at mini camp, I know that I could not have done the job as professionaly as you two. Your pictures, videos, analysis and answers to our questions gave everyone a true feel for mini camp. Extremeskins sent the right two people. Thanks for a great job.

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