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Extremeskins at mini-camp. What do you want to know?


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In an ongoing effort to provide the fans of Extremeskins.com the best Redskins-related community on the net, we will be sending two staffers to mini-camp this weekend to give you a personal feel for what's going on at Redskins Park. As we continue to provide the highest level of fan access anywhere, we will cater our reports to serve you. So, if there are areas you'd like us to focus, please let us know.

Redskins mini-camp runs Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 17-19. Tarhog and TK will be in attendance. They will focus on camp from the aspect of reporting what you guys want to know. If there are aspects of camp you'd like them to really detail for you, let us know. If there are interviews with certain players you'd enjoy more than others, we'll try to get as many as possible within the parameters of established rules of conduct.

We can't promise that everything you'd ask for will be tracked, but, we'll do our best. All we can promise is a level of detail you won't get from typical media. We have no space constraints, so both TK and Tarhog will be writing Om, er, long :).

We'd like to extend our thanks to the Washington Redskins for allowing this very rare level of access for a site like ours. The professionalism we've been able to demonstrate to them with past interactions, coupled with the respect this site has generated due to size and activity levels have helped make this a possibility.

It is a pleasure to be the first fan site granted access to a closed function such as this as it gives all of us a look at the inner workings of the team we could not get otherwise. Please post your ideas or wishes in this thread so TK and Tarhog can track them and try to gather everything.


Extremeskins Staff.

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Nice Job Art, I for one would like to hear from two fan favorites that seem to have more fans than stats, McCants and Cartwright.

I would simply like to know what they think there role with the team is and what they expect be doing come September 11th.

I would also like to know why these two think that they have such a following among the fans.

Thanks again Art and congrats on returns on your investment of time over the last few years. You all should be very proud of what you have done here.

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Wow, what an amazing honor. As much as you'd like to give credit to the quality and size of the member base... this wouldn't be possible without the hard work and professionalism of the staff. So kudos to Blade, DH, Om, Buddha, Art, TK, Tarhog, Henry, bubba, PCS, iheart, and everyone else who has contributed over the years. If this isn't a prime example of a culmination of ... something, I don't know, hard work and dedication ... then I don't know what is.

Congratulations. :cheers:

As for what I'd like to know...

1) I'd like to learn a bit about the professionalism, attention to detail, and practice work ethic that these Redskins have. Is it good? Is it better than last year, or the years prior (in case Tar and TK have a frame of reference)? Are the players happy, but working their butts off?

2) Does it look like Ramsey is clicking well with his receivers? Are the receivers running crisp routes? Do they look fast, or at least faster than last year's bunch?

3) How does the O-Line look, particularly the starting five that now includes Jansen and Rabach? Are they all business? Do they look crisper and stronger than last year?

...those are just a few things off the top of my head...

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Well I would like to know:

1) The mood of the players regarding the Sean Taylor incident. We hear what Joe Gibbs has to say, but what about the players?

2) I would also like to know how many of the Redskins players come to this site and read what we have to say.. Or even if they have heard about us.

3) I would like an insiders view of how they feel they will do this year.

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wow, that is awesome that you guys got this honor!!!

Im just wondering the attitudes of the players and whatnot, are they feeling good, confident, and building strong camaraderie?

Is the play of the o-line improving, as well as Ramsey and the receivers?

Yeh, thats mainly it, is the team still gelled despite the offseason stuff, and is the offense looking better, as Ramsey has new receivers to throw to.

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I would like just a general walkthrough of what they do.

I would like to have our crack reporters find who has the most pimpin' ride and who drives a rust bucket.

I would like one of the two to kick Barrow in the knee and just end the speculation (j/k :D )

I would like an interview with somebody asking general "who is best at X Y Z?" stuff.

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Wow, that is awesome! Congradulations. :party: :cheers: I'll bet Tarhog & TK are gonna be soaking in everything they can & will probably turn out to be more reliable & better written then anything we will read in SI (which stands for Sucks Intensely, Soulless Imps, or Satan's Imperials...whatever floats your boat on that one). With that said, I will be brief, because I know once word of this travels, you'll have more questions then answers...literally. Again, congradulations & keep up the good work. :cheers:

#1 - How's the team chemistry? Do they look like they are clicking or still trying to figure each other out?

#2 - How does LaVar look? Does he look like he's favoring his knee at all? How's his speed?

#3 - Any new news on Sean Taylor that we would not get from the media.

Possible interview interests: Patrick Ramsey, Chris Cooley, Marcus Washington, or anybody would be fine. :D

Have fun guys, & don't drink too much. :2drunks: :laugh:

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The WR group. Please watch them and tell us who really sticks out and who runs the best patterns. Who is the quickest one out there.

Congratulations on the invite as well. Im beyond jealous!

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I would be vary interested in Taylor Jacobs. Is he a viable #2, or does he have the skills to beat out everyone for the #2 position? I feel this is a big part of how our offense is going to look.

Congrats guys.

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Wow! What a testimony to the admins and members of this site. Great job all!

If you get a chance, I would like to know

1. Who is getting playing time at MLB

2. Is McCants practice reputation justified or not.

3. How about Wilson and Molinaro, are they progressing.

Thanks guys.

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I would like to know the type of pass patterns that they seem to working on the most. Is Ramsey leading his receivers and hitting them in stride or are they still throwing lot's of curls and comebacks where he fires bullets to the gut, leaving little chance for yards after the catch?

Are they working on lofted passes that drop over defenders and hit a WR in stride, or are most patterns still requiring bullets? How is Ramsey's accuracy on the non-bullet passes?

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Great job guys congrats.

Interview type questions:

It would be interesting to see how some of the players and/or coaches feel about how they are being portrayed in the media as almost a complete disaster. Does this unify the team and give them that hunger to prove everyone wrong or do they not pay attention to that kind of thing?

From a player standpoint how does year two in Joe Gibbs system compare to year two in a Spurrier/Schotenhimer system.

Have the players really bought in to what Gibbs is trying to do or is there still some outstanding doubts that they are running a "1992 offense" and don't have everyone on board philosophy wise.

Observation questions:

How does Jansen look after coming of surgery?

Is Patrick Ramsey in sync with his receivers?

Does the Defense have the same intensity as last year, more or less?

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Wide Receivers. The entire unit is in a state of flux, so the potential for a guy to step up is huge. Who takes advantage of the opportunity?

Fullback/Portis. It seems obvious that we drafted some big bodies in an effort to find someone to ram through the short yardage and goal line stuff. What does that mean for Portis? Are we looking at an Earnest Byner/Gerald Riggs kind of thing? If so, which one gets to play Riggs?

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I just wanna echo JMac and a few others about getting a good look at the WR's. 1. Does Moss look to be the real deal? 2. Is MCants putting forth effort in practice. 3. How is Patten taking a leadership role among the wideouts? 4. Also is A. Brown lining up at WR or is he strictly special teams?


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One other suggestion: It's always occurred to me that the assistant coaches, position coaches, etc. would be a great source of information. Most news sources want to talk to Gibbs or Williams or Bugel, but their time is scarce. ExtremeSkins could get great insight if it could develop relationships with coaches closer to the players. I realize that mini-camp might only provide an opportunity to acquaint yourselves to these guys, but later in training camp the relationships might pay off.

Stan Hixon could give some insight into what the team is looking for on its WR depth chart, and later in training camp who is stepping up. I haven't heard how his son is progressing lately, I wonder how he's doing.

Ernest Byner could give us an idea of what the plans are for short yardage plays. Whose going to get the rock on 3rd and 1?

Bill Musgrave could let us know about PR's development and what the shotgun buys us. What are his first impressions of Jason Campbell?

Dale Lindsey could let us know how the MLB battle is shaping up.

DeWayne Walker could give us a clue about whether Walt Harris is holding his own as a starting CB or should we expect Carlos Rogers to take the starting job.

One of Kirk Olivadotti's functions is Quality Control Defense. Coy Gibbs is Quality Control Offense. Does this involve reducing penalties? How does the team work on avoiding penalties in practice? What type of penalties will the offense be focused on this summer? The defense?

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