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New Roommate


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I just wanted to share this story with my fellow Redskins fans; some of you might enjoy it.

Next year, I am having two new roommates move into my house here at college. The one guy, Dave, I knew from pharmacy school. I needed another person to move in as well, so Dave said that his friend Corey needed a place next year. Corey looked at the place and said he would take the room.

A few weeks ago Corey calls and asks if he can keep a few things in an empty room in my house while he goes back to his hometown for the summer. I said that it wouldn't be a problem and to call when he was going to move and I would give him a hand. He calls earlier in the week and says that his dad is coming out to help him move this weekend, and asks if I was going to be around. I told him that my brother was coming to visit and I probably wasn't going to be here, but I would leave the keys in my mailbox and he could just let himself in.

So, my brother and I are out of the house all day, while Corey is moving his stuff into the empty room. When my brother and I get home later that night, I go into the empty room to see if Corey was able to fit everything in there. I walk in and laying all over the place, what do I see................. Cowboy's crap everywhere. Cowboy's blankets, posters, glasses, etc. :puke:

I have unknowingly sentenced myself to a full year of living with a Cowboy's fan. :doh:

Wish me luck......

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I remember when I worked in Norfolk, a Skins fan and a Cowboys fan at the factory had a standing bet.

Whenever the two teams played, whichever fan's team lost the game had to wear the winning team's t-shirt to work the next day.

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Originally posted by LivestrongSkins

Set his stuff on fire, but salvage all redskins goods! :noflame: :laugh:

I was going to ask everyone if I should smash and/or burn all of it and tell him someone broke in and did it when I wasn't home one day. :D

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Itching Powder?

Soak'em in HEET?


Tell him you ran out of decent toilet paper and was forced to...?

Have a Junk Sale?

Unforseen cost of living rent increase? Say $10,000.00 a month?

Lots of remedies man. Lots.:D


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Spray paint the windows black.... find a bunch of dead flys and distribute them all over the floor below the window. Tell him it's unsually cold in there and the room now has a putrid smell. Make him aware that you've been hearing horrible noises from the room, and you came home last week to find all of your dining room furniture balanced precisely on the table. :paranoid:

Tell him you thought it had something to do with the collision between his Cowboy stuff and your undeniable fanaticism of the Redskins. Say you had to burn his stuff to "rid" the room of the evil. :D

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