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Did a search and didn't see this anywhere. What is this world coming to?


Teens kill homeless man 'for fun,' sheriff says

HOLLY HILL, Fla. (AP) — Two Florida teenagers found a homeless man in the woods and beat and kicked him to death "to have something to do," according to Volusia County sheriff's investigators.

Christopher Scamahorn, 14, and Jeffery Spurgeon, 18, confessed to beating the 53-year-old victim with their fists and sticks and kicking him, sheriff's spokesman Brandon Haught said Sunday.

The pair were charged with murder Sunday. Spurgeon was being held without bail in Daytona Beach. Scamahorn taken to a juvenile jail.

The teens said they attacked the man "for fun" and "to have something to do," Haught said. They went back to the woods three times after the initial attack to beat the man again, he said.

The victim was found Saturday, and the condition of the body indicated he had been dead for several days. An autopsy Sunday determined that the man died from blunt force trauma to the head and body, Haught said.

The victim's name has not been released.

"We're trying to find next of kin," Haught said Monday. "He apparently doesn't have any next of kin nearby."

Investigators said there may be more arrests.

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You see posts like this and it makes you wonder. Have people always done awful things like this or do we just know about more of this stuff because of the information age? Meaning, someone gets killed in podunk Alabama and the next day the whole world knows about it. It comes on the 5 o'clock news (or linked on Drudge) and people wonder if the World is going to hell in a handbasket.

Would also think the number of violent acts would rise as the population does.

It is a horrendous crime no doubt.

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I'd be willing to bet one of these two nuts is a sociopath or something similar. The other is unlikely to be the same, as that would be a pretty unlikely coincidence. More likely murderer #2 is a weak personality willing to go along with anything at all.

Rot in jail sh!theads.

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Originally posted by Destino

I'd be willing to bet one of these two nuts is a sociopath or something similar. The other is unlikely to be the same, as that would be a pretty unlikely coincidence. More likely murderer #2 is a weak personality willing to go along with anything at all.

Rot in jail sh!theads.

Exactly! Complete sociopath.

Go ahead and fry them. They can't be rehabilitated!! :mad:

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Originally posted by Joe Sick

You see posts like this and it makes you wonder. Have people always done awful things like this or do we just know about more of this stuff because of the information age? Meaning, someone gets killed in podunk Alabama and the next day the whole world knows about it. It comes on the 5 o'clock news (or linked on Drudge) and people wonder if the World is going to hell in a handbasket.

I think you have pegged it accurately. Things like this have always happened. Now, we know about it every single time it happens, and it makes us much more paranoid.

People don't have any idea that violent crime has been going down for years and years.

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Violent crime has gone down, Predicto, but juvenile violent crime has gone up.

And the character of crime(with many juveniles) has changed. It is more heinous(like beating a retarded girl and hanging her from a tree for fun) and too many people are involved in some of these instances for it to be truly "just as it's always been."

I think a lot of young people are rudderless and more heartless than before. It's one thing for people to break into ice cream parlors, even steal hubcaps, but to beat a man to death for fun?

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Originally posted by modok

This is coming from the "Time out" generation. This kids are not afraid of anything. The word consequences mean nothing to them.

Oh, give me a fu(king break. You can't generalize a whole generation based on the actions of a couple maniacs. These two clearly have severe mental issues. It has nothing to do with their generation.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Violent crime has gone down, Predicto, but juvenile violent crime has gone up.

And the character of crime(with many juveniles) has changed. It is more heinous(like beating a retarded girl and hanging her from a tree for fun) and too many people are involved in some of these instances for it to be truly "just as it's always been."

I think a lot of young people are rudderless and more heartless than before. It's one thing for people to break into ice cream parlors, even steal hubcaps, but to beat a man to death for fun?

No, sick people used to do this crap before. Always did. Really. Lynchings, gang rapes, you name it. People didn't used to "just steal hubcaps" except in Norman Rockwell paintings and our faulty memories.

We are aware of horrible incidents now because every single time it happens it gets instant nationwide news coverage, and the whole country of 300 plus million people feels like our own small town.

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