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Gardner, Patten & Moss Besides Speed are they different talent wise?


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If this has been talked about so what? I'll be the 1st to say that Gardner has been inconsistent since being a Skin. I can't defend him anymore. That being said The Skins have are bringing in 2 guys that are faster than Gardner but are they truly better than Gardner? I mean Gardners' numbers are just as good if not better than Patten and Moss. I had no problem with picking up Patten but to reward him with almost a 4 million dollar signing bonus baffles me. In his 8 years I guess he's gonna bust loose and do somehting here he's never done. Also Santana Moss got rewarded nicely (11 mill bonus) for a average at best career thus far. I really think Santana Moss is a number 2 WR. I hope I'm wrong. Me and other Skins faithful feel Gardner has not been consistent. Its why Bruce Smith labeled him 50/50 and the name has stuck with him. I don't think anyone is gonna be mad if he goes or stays but to bring in 2 guys who are doing the same thing if not less just baffles me. It looks like Gardner is gone and I just wish they woulda got some kind of compensation but then again other teams don't just jump out there like us and pick players up from other teams and reward them. They'll (other teams) wait until a player is cut and sign him to minimum contract. Gardner has to be saying to himself damn, I'm being run outta town and they're bringing 2 guys who I have better numbers than. That 4 mill bonus spent on Patten could be added on to whatever the Skins offered Pierce and Smoot and maybe they'd still be in the fold. The reason Smoot is gone is because they so called didn't want to give him (Smoot) more than Springs. I'm just interested to see how much Carlos Rogers will get. If he gets a 10 million dollar signing bonus or more I'd have to again question why Smoot was allowed to leave. Wouldn't make sense if that happens.

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I really don't have a clue what you are trying to say, due to your incredibly poor grammar, but let me try to guess at it none the less. Both Moss and Patten are sure handed WRs, unlike Gardner. They will go out and give it all they have on EVERY play not just on two or three plays a game like Gardner. Both Moss and Patten will run block unlike Gardner. Neither one of them is going to catch one pass out 10 attempts and start throwing 1st down signals around like they're the best in the league.

Does this answer your question?

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I agree with most of what you say but Patten isn't quite the sure handed receiver you're making him out to be.

But last year neither post toe Coles or Gardner possessed elusiveness or the speed to really make the big plays to turn a small gain into a big one. Plus both Moss and Patten bring more team oriented winning attitudes and a better work ethic.

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Originally posted by jrfriedm

I really don't have a clue what you are trying to say, due to your incredibly poor grammar, but let me try to guess at it none the less. Both Moss and Patten are sure handed WRs, unlike Gardner. They will go out and give it all they have on EVERY play not just on two or three plays a game like Gardner. Both Moss and Patten will run block unlike Gardner. Neither one of them is going to catch one pass out 10 attempts and start throwing 1st down signals around like they're the best in the league.

Does this answer your question?

Patten may have a great attitude and he may be a great guy but his teams's success and his individual ability are 2 different things. The guy has about 240 catches over 8 years. All I'm saying is he shouldn't be rewarded 4 mill for that. Hard worker OK but he's average at best. The Patriots if I'm not correct haven't given any of their WR's a contract that large because all of them are right on par with each other. Santana Moss is fast and injury prone. He plays hard also but he is what he is. He's making #1 WR money now and I'm just not sure if he's that. Like I stated before, Gardner has done better than both of them and he's played very inconsistently. As for Patten and Moss being better blocking Wide Receivers than Gardner, I don't agree with that.

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I'll also toss in that to many people overate a WR's importance on offense. Teams like NE, KC, NYJ, and the Randy Moss free Vikings all had top offenses without premeir WR's.

The WR's you have just need to fit your scheme. Gibbs replaced slowness and poor yards after completion #'s with 2 guys who were NFL leaders in yards after completion.

A telling sign don't you think?

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Originally posted by DCMONEY

Patten may have a great attitude and he may be a great guy but his teams's success and his individual ability are 2 different things. The guy has about 240 catches over 8 years. All I'm saying is he shouldn't be rewarded 4 mill for that. Hard worker OK but he's average at best.

Gardner wishes he was average at best. Too many mental lapses, too many lazy routes, too much half-hearted blocking or no blocking at all.

Like I stated before, Gardner has done better than both of them and he's played very inconsistently.

That inconsistency is reason enough to not have him. We need a team where the whole is much greater than just the sum of its parts. The WR corps will only be as strong as its weakest link. As unremarkable as our corps may seem to some, 50/50 is that weakest link.

As for Patten and Moss being better blocking Wide Receivers than Gardner, I don't agree with that.

Any one of my cats, and I have one in particular in mind, could be a better blocker than 50/50. He's lazy.


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Originally posted by arenasisgod

you got some gully-ass cats bro, pics?

Not on me, no. She's packs a helluva punch. Almost knocked me over this morning when I got out of the shower because she wanted to be fed... :laugh:

Yeah... that's it. Let her be a leading blocker for the 'Skins. Just put some food in front of her and have Portis follow.


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Originally posted by RyansRangers

Patten is a proven winner in big games, we have no one like that.... In big games in crunch time our recievers drop balls... Patten can stay focused and make the catch in big games

McCants and Cooley, drop very little.

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Originally posted by KDawg

Ok, so now our whole corps is almost sure-handed...

I'm not sure why alot of people here have a problem with that...

I'm not saying that, you are.. Everyone here can agree, Cooley catches most things thrown at him.. McCants in the redzone is as sure as anyone else has been on the team.. I'm not stating opinion it's fact..

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Originally posted by ntotoro

Actually, no. She's a chubby, little black & white tuxedo, but she's still a better blocker than 50/50. She just has good leverage and a really low center of gravity... :laugh:

So this is your cat?


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Originally posted by Gothtimus

I'm not saying that, you are.. Everyone here can agree, Cooley catches most things thrown at him.. McCants in the redzone is as sure as anyone else has been on the team.. I'm not stating opinion it's fact..

What the hell are you talking about?

When did I disagree with your statement? I didn't. I backed you up if anything...

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