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Everything posted by formerly4skins

  1. For those who, like me, are waiting with bated breath for new ownership to ****-can Jason Wright for being an incompetent stooge... Here's our guy, once again, embarrassing himself by speaking utter falsehoods and nonsense to the media.
  2. Not too long ago, some folks here literally didn't know if they'd live long enough to see the end of Snyder. Heck, I had always figured I'd outlive Dan, and he would just pass the team to his son. Today is a good day.
  3. The consistent silence from the Bezos camp vs. all the noise we've heard from/about the other bidders makes me feel like it was always going to be Bezos...and everything else has been an exercise in driving up the price. That said, either him or the Harris group will represent such a drastic improvement that they'll make me happy...I don't see why folks have to hate on one or the other.
  4. I'd be down for a rebrand with Redwolves fo sho...would buy new gear Day 1.
  5. Given the direct connection to Dan, the abysmal failure of the roll-out, and how actually terrible it is...I just can't ever get down with Com**nders. I don't see myself ever getting team gear with that garbage on it. Shoot, I don't even like to say it, if someone asks me, "who's your team"...the answer is "Washington", not "Com**nders."
  6. The only way it could play out, really...but that's Dan the in a nutshell.
  7. I think in the aforementioned scenario, Dan takes the liquid assets to the face while Tanya watches from the corner...that just feels right to me. Jason Wright is just happy to be there...he knows his days are numbered.
  8. I like Logan Thomas, but I don't think he'll ever return to his 2020 season form. He's never been close to the same player after shredding his knee...and at 32, it's unlikely he ever will be. He's seems like a good guy and did some good things for us, but def not worth $7mil. this year. Agree with you that they take a good long look at at TE in the draft.
  9. Sure is. And, while every other fanbase is wallowing in offseason boredom...we've got constant headline-worthy state-of-the-franchise news to follow. It's the most entertained I've been by this team in ages.
  10. Too true...costing himself the better part of an actual billion dollars for an imagined personal victory does seem on-brand.
  11. So, understanding that Danny-boy is a small-minded, petty, vindictive, little turd of a man... Does anyone else feel like the whole "Bezos is barred from bidding" is just a not so transparent ruse to drive the sale price up? Like, if bids have come in around $5.5-$6 bil. from other bidders, with Bezos being "barred"...it stands to reason that if Bezos is going to bid anyways, he's being made to feel like his bid is really going to need to blow everyone else away. Feels like Dan @ Co. is just trying to push the price past the $7 bil. mark to me.
  12. She's the one who was supposedly banging Scot McCloughan, right? ...got his wife all fired up on twitter, as I remember. It's funny, because I find Wright to be extremely unlikable (he's a proven liar), quite smug (doubles down on lies and BS given the chance), and a consistent source of miscues (everything ST related, rebrand, uni.'s, etc.) To me, at this point, other than the Snyders, he's the person most in need of being separated from this franchise.
  13. I do find myself wondering if this extremely phallic logo could end up on a helmet or uni...only kind of kidding.
  14. I don't think the role Bezos plays in the rest of his business ventures really bears that out. And for him, the WAS franchise would be but a piece of a business portfolio that is dwarfed by the other components. For example, Whole Foods alone is worth twice what this franchise is....Amazon is worth over 100x as much. In my mind, Bezos would hire smart people and let them manage the franchise...because: 1) that's what his "ownership style" in other areas suggests. 2) WAS Football and the associated outlay of cash are relatively small potatoes in his world.
  15. Finally getting vets to resign...a la Terry and Jon Allen...instead of bilking us with a franchise tag and then splitting is a good point. I'm sure you're right that Ron bringing an aire or respectability influenced those decisions. And, when you put it in the context of "substitute Ron for Jason" it sounds like a much better idea. That said, I really, really, really dislike Jason Wright...dude is a lying sack of ****.
  16. Ron is a great guy and a good motivator....but, I feel like he's pretty terrible at what you would generally think of as the "asset management" parts of his job. I don't know that he's a guy I'd feel comfortable with in the FO making those calls. Now, in a player development role, he'd be amazing, but it doesn't seem like that's a spot many former HCs step into.
  17. It would certainly help...but I just don't think I could ever wash the stink of Snyder off any of the re-branded garbage we're currently stuck with. Personally, I refuse to utter the name Com**nders under any circumstances...I just say "Washington" when referring to the team.
  18. Let me first say, I'd take EB here in a heartbeat... That said, I always figured it had to do with his reported history of violent behavior in the 90s, his DUI in the early 00s, and being linked to the Colorado football program's getting in hot water for use of booze + sex to entice recruits. That, and he's not an OC who is also a playcaller. Granted, most of the behavioral stuff happened what might as well be a million years ago...it's still quite a bit of personal baggage that most NFL coaching candidates aren't carrying around.
  19. I'm inclined to say you find a way to keep both. If I'm allocating resources along the DL, Sweat is the one I'm moving before he needs a big payday.
  20. Putting Jones as a borderline top10 at his position, in combination with your username, has me suspicious this may be a burner account of his. I kid, but... While dude had decent competition % numbers this season...15TD/5INT is so bad you'd assume he didn't play a full year just looking at those stats. There was a stretch this season where he went almost a full month between TD passes...9/18 vs CAR - 10/16 vs BAL.
  21. PFT/Florio and Peter King are probably pretty close as far as producing content with the sole purpose of crapping on this team...though they're more talking-heads than analytics guys.
  22. I feel like Jason Wright has existed solely to carry Snyder's water...which requires being a liar and a bull-**** artist. Neither of which he seems to be very good at, though he has tried. On a different team, he might have been a halfway decent executive. But not in WAS.
  23. 100% agree...chances of both those dudes panning out is pretty darn small though. That said, even with his 5th rd. pedigree, I'm totally game to see what Howell can do as a starter given the chance. Dude was at one point projected as a 1st, has good measurables, and didn't **** the bed in his first taste of live NFL action. Cole though, to me, looked mostly fat and lost when he saw the field this past year. Dude seriously needs to get in the gym and the playbook this offseason to have a chance in the NFL.
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