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Everything posted by formerly4skins

  1. I always feel like if dudes like Gibbs and Shanny, with 3 rings each and respect across the league, can't survive Dan...nobody can. A good dude with mediocre coaching talent like Ron has no chance.
  2. This was one of my favorite little nuggets...for all the kind trusting folks who actually believed that Danny-boy was keeping his nose out of football decisions. That always seemed a laughable assertion to me. The more things change....
  3. I listened as well. Ron sounded defeated and had no good answers. Dude is doneski in WAS.
  4. His contract said he was... "After an afternoon of negotiations produced an agreement, Mike Shanahan signed a five-year contract to become executive vice president and head coach for the Washington Redskins. Under the terms of the new deal, Shanahan will team with Redskins executive vice president and general manager Bruce Allen, but Shanahan will have the ultimate authority on football decisions." https://www.espn.com/nfl/news/story?id=4799532 Now, in reality, I do agree that was not the case. And, while I don't think Danny is outright making personel decisions (like drafting Bob) for Ron like he did for Shanny...I think it's foolish to believe he's not meddling in the background, foreground, or wherever he likes. Ron isn't GM either, Martin Mayhew is. I don't think Ron is the cap guy crunching the numbers either, though I can't put a name to the front office person who is.
  5. Exactly, and that's why your unequivocal statement that "Ron is in control of every facet of the organization" is as silly as it is incorrect. Oh, god yes I do lol. Past performance is generally the greatest indicator of future behavior, and we've been down this same road before. This is not the first time Danny Boy has erroneously "ceded full control of the team"...see Shanahan, Mike for reference. Dude had "full control" as HC and team Exec. VP written into in his contract, but in reality didn't even get to run his own draft room.
  6. Every facet, you say? Every single one without exception? Including ownership? You really trying to make the case that Danny Boy takes his marching orders from Ron lol? If thats the case, I hope Ron is hard at work on the stadium search and figuring out financing the whole thing.
  7. Interesting take, to be sure. I'd say it's much more reasonable to place blame on both...just like with Ron. Again...hard to actually quantify...but it seems nearly impossible that Dan's ineptitude has had absolutely zero effect of roster construction or the coacing staff. It stands to reason that if players or coaches have options, they wouldn't come play for Doofus Dan. His reputation very much precedes him.
  8. How you can absolve Dan's malicious incompetence...shift 2 years of blame solely to Ron...and then in the very next sentence, say this... ...really just doesn't make sense. Dan is responsible for (among plenty of other **** ups) the idiotic "coach centric" model that has put a boob like Ron in charge of far too much. Ron desperately needs a boss who is a real GM to have any chance of success IMHO. Dan screwed that pooch right out of the gate. First, let me say...Ron has failed here plenty on his own. And obviously, this is impossible to actually quantify...but, I just can’t see any way in which the major decision maker for the team being an asshat, who after 20 years hasn't moved this organization beyond "clown show" isn't making nearly every person on the team's job harder...including Ron.
  9. Give a defensive HC...who already has full control of the team...who has over 3 years in WAS failed to build a competent defensive unit that has 5 starters drafted by this team in round 1 of the draft...more decision making power? No way...hardest of hard passes.
  10. Here's to hoping Bruce goes scorched earth on airing all the Snyder/Gruden/league dirty laundry. But, I won't hold my breath.
  11. I'm sympathetic to the fact that being married to Dan is probably terrible in many (most?) ways not related to his net worth, and agree that she's not on his level of depravity or malicious incompetence. Still, at this point, given her role with the team over her time "stepping in for Dan" and the continuation of the same-old management clown-show...I stand by what those asterisks in my previous comment would indicate she needs.
  12. Couldn't disagree more. Tanya's involvement seems to start and end with carrying Dan's water...to me, her response to the sexual harassment stuff + involvement with the disaster of a rebrand bear that out. **** her and **** Dan...both are cancer and belong nowhere near leading an organization.
  13. Dude has been a tackling machine over his career, I do wonder if his knee is right though. Either way, considering the sad state of affairs at LB around these parts...he's got to be worth taking a look-see.
  14. No. I come to the football forum to discuss football...good day.
  15. Please keep the 2A bull**** to yourself next time Dirty Harry.
  16. Personally, I don't like Holcombe as the Mike signal caller, a true 4‐3 MLB, or as one of the 2 LBs on the field in our 4-2.
  17. A fringe starter that they're trying to shoehorn into the MLB spot, at that. I like Cole, but not at MLB...seems obvious his natural fit is more as a Sam. That the team didn't address MLB in some way this off-season seems either arrogant, negligent, or incompetent...I'm not sure which.
  18. I think that's him a little above and to the right of where 6yds. and 2.4sec intersect...his face is covered up by Ravens QB Anthony Brown.
  19. If JDR gets ****-canned in-season I'd prefer to just see RR take the reigns on calling the D and see how that plays out...then worry about a permanent replacement at D coordinator next off-season. Though, if the team is playing bad enough to fire 'ol Dust-up Jack...RRs seat is probably getting pretty hot too.
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