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Everything posted by formerly4skins

  1. If JDR gets ****-canned in-season I'd prefer to just see RR take the reigns on calling the D and see how that plays out...then worry about a permanent replacement at D coordinator next off-season. Though, if the team is playing bad enough to fire 'ol Dust-up Jack...RRs seat is probably getting pretty hot too.
  2. Lobsters is better... Works with the fight song phonetically and the garish red that they're trying to pass off as burgundy.
  3. Your point still just doesn't hold water. For example, the Commanders sub-Reddit, all on its own, has 109,452 unique sunscibers. That one corner of one single social network has 10 times the people associated with it as STHs. To me, the very clearly very much larger segment of fans represented on all the social platforms...vs. only STHs...is going to be more representative of the whole of the fanbase.
  4. I'm not sure what to think about the fact that you think there are more season ticket holders for WAS than ALL the people that post on social media about the team. Other than it's just silly. Yes...given the scale of all the various social media nerworks in the world...there are undoubtedly far more than 10,000 total SM users that post about this team.
  5. So, you disagree by saying I'm only taking into account a "very small portion of the fanbase" in ES viewers/posters and social media users...and then go on to try and make your point by citing an even smaller portion of the fanbase in STH holders? Only time will tell. But, I don't see any world in which this team is "one year away" from a resurgent fan base after two solid decades of misery not nearly solely related to mostly sucking on the field.
  6. Personally, I think Wright is a classic bull-**** artist...so I take anything he says with a massive grain of salt. To me, that he'll claim that the fan-base is a "year away" from a "major resurgence" bears that out. Or, maybe he really is just that naive to think that 20 years of suffering under Snyd-dog will be undone quite so easily.
  7. A big problem last year was FedEx being basically taken over by away fans....will be interesting to see how that plays out once we get to regular season games.
  8. As much as I dislike Commanders as a name...I didn't expect to literally cringe every time I hear the guys calling the game say it lol. Good times.
  9. I think we should all expect a guy who ranked 27th in completion percentage last season to have some accuracy issues...which, is what I take from your summary of his performance. https://www.teamrankings.com/nfl/player-stat/completion-percentage That said, he's got the arm to stretch the field like we haven't seen in a few seasons, and it's on Turner to run the offense to accentuate his strengths. We shall soon see how that pairing works out. But, if we're relying on the accuracy of Wentz's arm vs. his ability to use it as a cannon, I think that's a losing strategy.
  10. It seemed like Gruden could design an offense to scheme guys open...but, he sucked at calling a game and leading men. I always thought it was over for Gruden when DeSean gave him that titty-twister at practice...players just didn't seem to respect the guy as a leader. I mean, can anyone imagine a legit, well respected nfl coach, getting his nips tweaked by a player?
  11. I'd make this deal in a heartbeat considering Payne's contract situation + drafting a DT in the 2nd who could be his in-house replacement. Chicago would have to go into the trade wanting to extend Payne. But, they could be...a quick glance at their roster and they don't seem exactly stacked at DT.
  12. I've been hoping we'd hear good news on Butler at safety...dude has some serious speed. And, as I remember, taking questionable angles was a knock on him pre-draft...so, nice to hear praise in that area of his game. It would be huge if he was a guy that could develop into a legit FS this season while earning his stripes as a gunner.
  13. Those are some impressive powers of deduction you have there lol. I was just thinking it's kind of rare for an NFL coach to throw their owner under the bus like that...particularly a guy like Ron.
  14. Yeah...I was pretty surprised he took that not so subtle shot at Dan. The typical "coach-speak" answer would have been something like, "we focus on the game, everything else is just noise."
  15. That's one way of looking at it...but he obviously also hasn't done a great job coaching the D.
  16. Scott Turner got a bunch of new pieces for the offense this off-season...i think all JDR got this off-season was fined for running his mouth. I'm cautiously optimistic that given the personel moves at QB, WR, and RB there's no way the O isn't on the upswing and that Turner gets to really open up the playbook. I don't know what JDR can do to cover up the struggles with LB play, other than hope the light-bulb has come on for Jamin.
  17. 100% agree that video game ratings are a joke. But, they're not always a year out of date...EA pushes periodic ratings updates to their terrible game as the season goes on. Looking more closely, the reason Wentz overall is a meager 73 is largely because they've given him a terrible awareness rating (69, heh). All his throwing ratings are actually pretty darn good. Will be interesting to see how they adjust Wentz a few weeks into the season. https://www.ea.com/games/madden-nfl/player-ratings/player-name/Carson Wentz/17543
  18. Dan happens to own a business that directly benefits from federal antitrust legislation, i believe that's what ups the scrutiny.
  19. I would argue that they are simply carrying out their charge to seek out information to craft or review legislation, which is valid. And, that Snyder being held to public account for being a scumbag sex-pest is a fortunate byproduct of the above process. Snyder can supply them with relevant, direct, and first-hand information concerning the matter at hand -- an investigation of institutional sexual misconduct in a workplace that benefits from the direct support of the federal government...to the end of crafting or reviewing legislation.
  20. Honestly, the point does not hold. The House hold quite broad implied investigative rights: "The Constitution says nothing about congressional investigations and oversight, but the authority to conduct investigations is implied since Congress possesses “all legislative powers.” The Supreme Court determined that the framers intended for Congress to seek out information when crafting or reviewing legislation. George Mason of Virginia said at the Federal Convention that Members of Congress “are not only Legislators but they possess inquisitorial powers. They must meet frequently to inspect the Conduct of the public offices.” https://history.house.gov/Institution/Origins-Development/Investigations-Oversight/ Now, I'll l give you that directly meting out punishment isn't their job. But, investigating such issues as institutional sexual misconduct in a workplace that benefits from the direct support of the federal government via antitrust legislation is most definitely in their job description. Hopefully it allows them to more effectively craft legislation with regards to the NFL in the future while referring any overt crimes to DOJ.
  21. Well, the subpoena has to be lawful and the committee itself has parliamentary procedure under which it operates. So there's certainly constraints within which they're working. I wouldn't argue that some of the timing or questions an individual may be subjected to during testimony can be negotiated, though I don't know that Dan has that kind of cache. But, being served a lawful subpoena is not a negotiation. It's a binary decision -- show up for the testimony you are being compelled to give (he can show up and claim the 5th all day), or be held in contempt. Now sure, Dan can hide offshore to physically dodge being served and hire a lawyer to argue the subpoena is unlawful. But, the fact is that this is well within the committee's purview and the subpoena is lawful -- otherwise why go to such great lengths to dodge it? I think everyone on the board and most fans in general would like to see him testify. But, I can also think of a lot of people that don't want him to testify. In fact, most of the Republicans sitting on the committee have argued that they have no interest in continuing these proceedings -- which would include Dan's testimony. And, I'm not making that as a political statement of any kind, just summarizing a point they've continually made. I'd also be shocked if Goodell, the rest of the owners, team management, Tanya, or his lawyers were keen on having to deal with the fallout that Snyder testifying would certainly bring. I appreciate you're confidence in Snyder actually being willing to show up voluntarily, though I'm uncertain where you've found it. To me, that just sounds like some grade-A bull-**** from a known bull-**** artist...I don't believe for one second that a coward like Snyder would show up voluntarily. Edit: typo
  22. Congress is generally not in the business of letting people who have been subpoenaed set the terms for their own testimony.
  23. I feel like they were initially using #TakeCommand, until people began calling out that they straight lifted that from the now defunct AAF San Antonio Commanders.
  24. Personally, I'd also love to get JDR within earshot just so I could tell him what an insufferable piece of **** he is.
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