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Ball Security

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Everything posted by Ball Security

  1. Scouts need to do a deep dive on Jones’ grill game to make a proper Cousins comparison.
  2. JHU has updated their dashboard that shows vaccine distribution. Nationally, we are at 9.6% vaccinated. Virginia is at 10.1%. Fairfax County is now setting up appointments for those who registered on 1/20 while vaccinating 193,878 out of about 1.1M people. West Virginia is leading the country with 19% vaccinated.
  3. I’m a little confused with why the former guy is big mad at Jared. The former guy won the election bigly, but it was stolen from him by antifa, Soros, Mexicans, and Mitt Romney. The most rigged election against the most persecuted President in history. So why would he be mad at Jared? Weird.
  4. Kenny said that Dee Brown still has his eyes closed. 😆
  5. Man, this All-Star game. What happened to five passes and a jump shot, guys?
  6. Many families are getting stimulus that don’t really need it. Some will choose to give it away. For others, I recommend treating yourself to a nice getaway to Georgia when it’s safer later this year. Visit Atlanta and Savannah. Without them, this doesn’t pass.
  7. Yeah, it could happen. And with the larger amount of cuts, you have more players to choose from. But then we wouldn’t be getting guys like David, Robinson, Samuel, Davis, Smith, etc.
  8. Jen Psaki has been a shining light. Compare and contrast her to Sanders, Spicer, and the other clowns the past four years.
  9. You would think cults would take a lesson and not time-stamp their prophesies.
  10. I’m not in favor of trading Dlineman just for the sake of trading them. But if we get blown away, I’d listen. The Colts traded a 1st for a Dlineman last year. If we don’t make a trade, whose playing time do you reduce? Allen and Payne both had 800+ snaps. Ioannidis had 81 and Settle 347. If you want to get Ioannidis up to around 500 you have to find 400+ snaps from Payne, Allen, and Settle. Do we really want to cut Payne and Allen’s playtime by 25%? Having the four guys helps in case of injury like last year. But we also have Brantley that can play inside.
  11. Last bullet: no, no, no. Schools must open immediately. Freeeeeddddoooommm!!!! But the Senate must return to a more deliberate body and we should not rush to pass this bill. Why yes, I did favor confirming a Supreme Court judge in half the time of the shortest nomination process in history one month before an election. But this time is different. —Ron Johnson, probably.
  12. I don’t believe they lowered the caps. I read yesterday that they were still 75/150. I’d be happy to be shown differently if I’m incorrect.
  13. The people who are now getting zero were never promised 2000 or 1400. They didn’t get the 1200 or 600 in 2020.
  14. I think the clerk should ad-lib occasionally. And just roast Cruz, McConnell, Paul, Rubio, etc.
  15. Saw that 75-100k is 12.3%. So 10% or slightly less sounds about right.
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