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Everything posted by FootballZombie

  1. I thought that too but it looks like current season holders are getting their renewal notification so you gotta roll it out now. This certainly aint gonna help sales, and I think they know that. All the more reason to believe that there are likely several "splashes" in store to help move tix next year
  2. There is entirely too much hand shaking and not enough fat mama jokes going around for my liking. I'm wasting perfectly good popcorn over here.
  3. Not that it should effect the choice, but bringing in a heisman winner, whoever it is, would be huge for an org that has virtually no star power or recognition... We sure could use the bump. Plus it comes w national commercial deals of which our guys get like none.
  4. I want that for everybody. Might be my #1 ask even as someone who has never taken Metro to a game b4. Total gamechanger.
  5. @Skinsinparadise When are you just gonna give up and include your "I'm one of Sam's biggest fans, just saying its OK to question" disclaimer in a signature? Prolly' save you a couple of hours a day. Yup. Griff could do no wrong in 2012. Pretty sure they legit called him "Black Jesus" in the locker room. Wentz was the chosen on early in his career when the dubs were rolling in too. Broncos couldn't get enough of Wilson when they brought him in, after a poor season all we got was info about how separated he was w/ his own personal staff. Now he's ballin and they luv him again. When those wins dry up, so does the luv. As w/ everything, if u ball, nobody cares what u do. You can absolutely be an Aaron Rodgers level douche and psychopath... just be Aaron Rodgers on the field too.
  6. I think that just like w/ Harris, the majority of us are willing to give positive vibes and expectations to a new staff, even sight-unseen. Its a level of organizational hope we didn't really get to have under Snyder. Personally, I'm more than willing to give a new FO and coaching staff excessive amounts of slack, wiggle room or what have you. They get more than a clean slate, w/ many of our faults being pinned to previous regimes.
  7. I sure am. Your welcome to your opinion about it but I view it very much in the same light.
  8. Team captains and leaders have to want to be here. Without that you have nothing. If he wants to move on to greener pastures next year it should be facilitated. Sucks, but you can't have your foundational pieces not invested. It would quickly spread to the rest of the squad.
  9. You will if the guy sucks. lol If we could get him back for lets say... 6.5 Mil, what would be everyone's interest in bringing back JB as a continued backup/mentor?
  10. In a vacuum yes... Can't imagine the whole impending jail-time thing is working in his favor tho. New staff is gonna look at that and may just choose not to push any kind of money his way.
  11. There were positives to take from his training camp and preseason performances, but it comes w/ a grain of salt as he was buried on the depth chart and was playing the dregs of other teams b/c he was not in the plans for this season.
  12. Howell sure can take hits... like on a Homer Simpson level. Actually impressive. I'm pretty much left where I have been for a while. I still think Howell has been good overall all things considered, but he is being absolutely hung out to dry. Terrible O line. Horrible play calling. Horrible gameplanning. Nobody getting open. No defensive support. Just the royal screw-job special. Nobody is succeeding in that position and to put that on a young player is ridiculous. Just treading water in that ecosystem is impressive. Most weeks we are just demanding one man to go out and beat the entire opposing team. Its some of the stupidest coaching I have ever seen. That Howell is not currently hurt or Ramsey'd is nothing short of miraculous. Unfortunately, even tho Howell is not playing garbage level ball his team is. We are getting blown the crud out on a weekly basis. Nobody is helping this kid right now, an that puts Sam in an increased position to pay the price. If we are in position to easily get a QB the new FO believes in, they will not hesitate to move on... and that aint Sam's fault.
  13. Dude never had a chance. From the jump the staff had Strom pegged to redshirt this year. There was no intention of having him contribute in any meaningful way this season. This was put out there by the coaching staff to a good degree and helped fuel the argument that we drafted players this year that we did not intend to even play, making this whole draft a cluster-f of what-the-heck-are-you-even-doing. Forbes was the only draft pick that came out of this draft who was put in a defined position to contribute at the start of the year.
  14. I think Dallas is the only one to worry about. They may have nothing to play for unless they can close on Philly
  15. They actually sent JB out at QB. No reason to subject Howell to more today.
  16. We scored 19 vs NY 10 vs Dal and 15 so far vs Mia. We have pick 6's in each game. Our O's net scoring in the last 3 games is SINGLE DIGITS EB can kick rocks.
  17. I don't think we are gonna lure any coaches off of Mia's staff after this game. They gonna avoid this situation like the plague.
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