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Everything posted by FootballZombie

  1. I didn't know it was a thing but one of Howell's best abilities is to somehow not look like flaming garbage when everything around him is flaming garbage. I don't know what to call that ability... but he has it. I had no interest in retaining any of the coaches next yr from this staff b4 this game, I am even less inclined to now. All new everything.
  2. Happy turkey day peeps. All I gotta do is sit around doing nothing until its time to eat. Maybe make a run for a forgotten item or 2.
  3. Some of us go back for 4ths. (Thank Jeebus for my high metabolism) I'm doomed.
  4. Agree. Don't want to judge a guy on his worst game. Leno has not been amazing, but he has been our 2nd best lineman behind Cosmi all year. Of course you wanna upgrade but I got 3 other holes on the oline dragging the team down more than him. Charles, Whyile and Gates have been aggregate dogwater. I don't think Larsen has played well either.
  5. I predict a loss and my resulting bad mood making me overly critical of my food.
  6. Chargers have several legitimate star pieces to build around, plus an unquestioned franchise QB. We have none of that. I'd be hard pressed to think our situation is more attractive than theirs for a HC. MAYBE you can make the argument for more attractive to a GM b/c you have a much easier opportunity to shape the roster here, but that is a bit of a stretch too. And since we have a new owner and are coming outta the situation we are currently in, you gotta account for the wildcard of massive organizational turnover, football side and beyond. This whole franchise from top to bottom is probably about to spin more than Sonic the Hedgehog, and that may require a little extra navigation. I still think this will be a desirable destination all things considered tho. Just not the most desirable. We got more in our favor than against. Its not like this is a terrible place to come in... outside of the stadium if you like warm showers.
  7. I did not notice it during the game, but somebody totally yeeted a beer can at Isiah Simmons on his pick-6. It had the distance but missed by two feet or so. We were a fan with a little bit more arm talent away from having something Fed-Ex related to talk about outside of cold showers.
  8. I think to be a successful OC in the NFL you have to be able to attack weaknesses. Yes, you can have your focus and your niche, but you also need some degree of flexibility. You have to be able to exploit a D that is bad against the run, or bad against the pass. You have to be able to pivot to react to injuries on both our side and theirs. You have to be able to adjust in real time if something is working extraordinarily well, or not at all. Not 8 weeks later. The best offenses certainly have an identity but they can also break away from it and hurt you in other ways or take advantage of openings in real time. We straight up could not do this last year, as the hide-the-QB O was the only feasible offense we could operate in and that does not leave much wiggle room for flexibility. Even when facing the best Run D in the NFL, all we could do was continue to try and run as much as possible. We pretty much choose to be ultra-rigid this year by offensive design. I don't believe either is very conductive to high level success.
  9. Mahomes aint a burner in any sense but some guys running style just look deceptively slow compared to what they are. Some guys are long striders, others are choppy and it all views differently. Jacoby Brisset had the exact same visual tick in preseason. He looks slow as molasses, but he was unusually effective at getting angles.
  10. I'm heavily slanted towards wanting an all new coaching staff. We don't really do anything particularly well, so there is not much that I desire to protect/keep when offered to opportunity to improve. All that is left is continuity for continuity's sake but when what you have is not good... whats the point of that. Even more-so if top brass thinks they have a good shot at luring in desirable talents via their behind the scenes feelers.
  11. I gotta admit to a little bit of sick satisfaction that nobody can blame all those fumbles on my boy Gibby. He had nothing to do with it for once.
  12. I'm like the target demographic for a black uni but those things are straight up atrocities. They are booty-cheeks, and the helmet is worse w/ that unbelievably stupid front W.
  13. Call me old fashioned and superstitious but I could never pick up a QB named Pickett or a K named Blewitt.
  14. Those cold showers are gonna take years to wash of reputation wise. That hurt my soul to hear. Bad enough we were bad, Now we are gonna be the new punchline to every joke for a while.
  15. You guys are really gassing Marvin Harrison JR up in in here. He may never have to stop for fuel again. What is he, Megatron 2.0 or something? At this point I'd be disappointment if he didn't have to duck coming outta the tunnel so he doesn't hit his head on the sky.
  16. They are going to have to pay people to go to the Miami game. Fan base gonna be on life support.
  17. Short week I'll eat crow on this one. I really did not believe we could lose this game. I don't like being that wrong. That was horrendous.
  18. Lookit a low risk trade for Isiah Simmons paying dividends. would be nice if we did that.
  19. Ball could not be in play there. But Howell was out there running for his life too.
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