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Everything posted by FootballZombie

  1. They all have warts that would keep me up at night, but like you said there is no perfect prospect and draft history tells us pulling star players at any position is hard. These guys have performed at the highest levels and compared to the QB groups that usually come along this one seems to be pretty good. Can't ask for much more than that.
  2. Quick, somebody show me the poll that says RFK Jr has the sway to pull any kind of votes!
  3. Hey, if people are going to make it easy for me to poke fun at them, I'm taking the oppo. Speaking of which, b4 anybody gets any bright ideas...
  4. She's a drag on the party. Bribing her to go away was kinda prudent. Talk about a backfire tho. Also, nobody in the republican part should trust anyone else in the republican party.
  5. I don't think it happens, but this might be my fav possible scenario since I like all 3 QBs. I still get a guy I like, plus a whole bunch of premo draft assets for virtually no cost. Highway robbery.
  6. We absolutely need to replace his skill set but it looks like the draft is filled to the brim at WR so I don't feel the need to pay anybody to get it. C. Sam is a FA.
  7. True, but your missing the point of my post. I didn't say Daniels run style was significantly better, just better than Joe's total lack of protective ability. I pushed back at the idea that a guy who regularly gets lobotomized in college and the NFL is any sort of goal to strive for. JD's team better be doing everything in their power to ensure he is significantly better at protecting himself than Joe has been, otherwise he will always be hurt regardless of his size.
  8. Severely disagree. Burrow's run style is atrocious. Joe Burrow has been a human crash test dummy. Near zero in the protective instinct stat. He is absurdly bad at it and gets absolutely throttled as a result. He is like the inverse of a safety taking a bad angle to a play, he simply shows no ability to triangulate vectors in real time when on the move. I don't think I have ever seen a QB with a more devastating highlight tape of horrific hits than Joe Burrow. Some guys get in car crashes. That dude gets hit by trains. Its no wonder he has such an extensive injury history. I don't care how big/small you are, you can't do what he does. Like Burrow has, you'll end up in a body bag on the field. You can find a bazillion of these on Joe. Wherever JD ends up going, they better pray his run style is light years better than Burrow, and even tho he gets blasted a ton in college, I'd say it already is above Joe's imaginary protective instinct.
  9. I'm extra skittish about height after seeing teams this year directly tell us after a game that their goal on D was to clog the middle to prevent the 6'1 guy from seeing the field. Even worse when the strategy actually works. Life is just easier for the tall guy. That does not mean the 6'1 guy can't make the throw, but there will be times when they simply have to work harder to do it. ... Speaking of which whatever happened to Giganto from training camp? Dude could just drop balls from space if I remember correctly.
  10. That vid had Jayden at 6'4 I had been seeing 6'3 in a lot of places. Can't wait for reliable combine measurables so I can freak out about hand sizes and wingspan.
  11. Not crazy at all. I'd love to bring JB back if he is not trying to find his own starting job somewhere else. We have had multiple QBs crediting him with being a big help in their personal journeys. Even if those paths didn't end in desirable territory, that kind of relationship is invaluable. A JB that is cool w/ being a backup is like 100% the ideal backup QB to any young signal caller, ignoring the complication of whether he can effectively operate the scheme being implemented.
  12. lol 2 seconds after he records his 40 at the combine. The Anthony Richardson special. Anyways, I'm stoked whether we go in a bunch of diff directions. I still like all of the big 3.
  13. 6 straight championships. So the key to success is to just have a patrick mahomie. Understood
  14. Its nice every once in a while, but high lvl ball is so much better when not nearly unplayable due to temp or weather.
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