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El Mexican

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Everything posted by El Mexican

  1. Nice. I've done the same. Maybe some other will join us.
  2. Stop buying crap from this organization.
  3. With Shanny it was the exact opposite. After he was fired he even co-wrote a book with one the journalists he fed inside info! So no, it's not uncommon for the coach/GM to show his frustration vs. the owner by leaking damaging stories. RR has lost the team. This will only get worse, as we've already seen in years past. Time to cut our loses. Fan of 35 years talking. This debacle is beyond patience. The HC has lost the team.
  4. Since we can't fire the owner, the only logical solution to even start to attone for the total dismantelling of the WTF by Dallas is to fire these guys. Complete and utter failure at the personell, preparadness and strategic level. Zorn, Shanny and Fat Gruden all had games like this and were inmediately shown the door. It's either that or leave the infection to swell and start reading about "unnamed sources" in WaPo and ESPN hit pieces. A new low in the Synder era and that's really saying something.
  5. It's very possible TH had already started feeling pre-Covid symptoms when we played Dallas. I'd cut him some slack this time.
  6. Yep, I noticed the same thing. His anger was completely justified. The guys are aware that TH is doing everything he possibly can to win games. That's contagious.
  7. TH has proven he can rally the team around him. This is incredibly rare in today's NFL. Even in a loss (TB playoff game) he showed that he can carry the team on his back. This season has solidified that idea, even with its ups and downs. With RR's leadership and TH's scrappyness I'd wager, maybe, some elite guys around the NFL will start coming here next year. The toxicity is starting to evaporate. As I said last December: cutting Haskins' was the single most important decision of the last decade for this organization. RR sent a message to the entire organization and now we are seeing a solid foundation.
  8. That's the best locker-room camaraderie I've seen here since Gibbs 2.0. Lots of sincerity in the group. It certainly shows on the field.
  9. I swear this team leads the league in causing cardiac arrest.
  10. The "bad luck" or O has struggled with is no match for the terrible situation we've had in the kicking game. That's a whole lotta points being left on the table or, even worse, blocked and returned for points AGAINST us. A good kicker should average about 100 points a season, counting FGs and EXP, right? We are FAR from that goal and that's costing us bigtime.
  11. That's what I mean, yes. I find TH to have that special "touch" when delivering the ball instead of the cannon arm some guys around here want our QB to have. Putting the ball where it needs to be worked for Montana and Young, both of which would never be classified as having great arms. They also knew how to run and slide. One can dream, ight?
  12. Nothing really stands out to me. What pattern are you looking for? QB is just one important variable of a playoff-caliber team. Are you implying the level of play most of these current of just retired QBs are what's needed to compete in today's NFL?
  13. Is it really? Come cold weather, year after year, I see the same pattern almost always succeding in the playoffs: Above average defensive play Control the clock offensive strategy Competent QB
  14. You guys are funny. I'm sticking with Bill Walsh on this one. When asked about his QB success he said something like "All I'm looking for is a guy who can throw a catchable ball." TH fits this description perfectly.
  15. Save for last year's playoff game, this is the most important game for the franchise in a long time. It will define if we're going forward or remain stagnant for years to come, given that primetime has been brutal for us during the last decade. No hyperbole. EVERYONE will be watching the game. Stakes are incredibly high for Rivera and Co.
  16. Quite a yes, but not many of those have been around here the last 20+ years. Great point. TH has been more even than Herbert, though. He needs to file those sharp points before the League starts taking him seriously.
  17. He's been above-average. 91.4 rating 2390 yards 66% completion rate and 7.3 yds/att 15 TD/9 INT 276 rushing yards And of course the intangibles we've all seen.That's a huge asset. Plus, bone-headed plays are starting to be less frequent.
  18. He's the undisputed starter. Today's game cemented that idea. Made every throw and had very few mistakes (rating above 140). A rookie should be drafted, but not as a substitute. The organization MUST groom him and let TH play some ball.
  19. Well, since this is the WTF I expect a huge win by Carolina negating last week's superb outing againts TB. Or maybe a huge blowout in our favor. Frankly, this team's performance is impossible to predict. Maybe a tie? WTF: 19 Large felines of genus panthera: 19
  20. So this is our "Steelers game" of 2021. Huge upset that changes the season around in our favor. The additional game at the end of the year changes things considerably. There's more room for mistakes, something we watched during the first part of the season. Having said that, TH had a huge game at 9.8 yards per completion. This forces me to reconsider my mid season slump around him: he's good and the team would an absolute clown show without his level of play.
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