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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen

  1. "After I rip my d**k off I'm going to shove this hot poker up my a$$." Wait, no, that was on some George Carlin special.
  2. Broncos just dropped their new uniforms today, and the Texans are slated for tomorrow. What's the holdup, Jason Wright?? 😤 Any news on the rebrand? Maybe after the draft is done it'll pick up steam again.
  3. https://www.kent.ac.uk/news/society/32137/conspiracy-generator-demonstrates-how-easily-conspiracy-theories-originate Conspiracy generator demonstrates how easily conspiracy theories originate
  4. It's sad that there are idiots in our county who elect even bigger idiots to high office. Luna is one of those MAGA nuts who has their own "alternative facts."
  5. Wonder if his son is going to continue looking for the real killers.
  6. Well, the election is still 7 months away and he needs to keep his cult "entertained" until then. Many times I feel a lot of his supporters just like him because he's entertaining and provides drama, which he knows and that's why he gets away with so much.
  7. If his heart doesn't pound, you must put him in the ground.
  8. I'm just waiting for Trump to get so frustrated that he actually comes out and says he wants someone to kill the judge or prosecutor. Maybe 20% of his fanbase will desert him then, at least...but probably not more.
  9. Drudge's headline: "Cancer Murders OJ"😀
  10. Fred Goldman gets his justy-deserved revenge. They should bury OJ in the white Ford Bronco and just roll him off a pier into the Pacific.
  11. Yep, if it was Biden supporters who stormed the Capitol on January 6th the MAGA crowd would be claiming INSURRECTION. But since it was their own folks, they were just EXPRESSING THEIR 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHTS.
  12. The problem is that about 8% if Trump's followers will even read that post, and fewer still who would agree with it. 😐
  13. What disappoints me the most is the GOP's slide towards enabling an authoritarian, misogynistic, Constitution-hating, narcissistic d-bag who shares few of the values of conservatives. If you don't like the direction the country is going, then you need to do the work and win elections, NOT try to overthrow your own government based on a LIE that has never been proved and never will be. It's galling that many of the people who were rightfully horrified by Trump's actions on January 6th now support him and believe all those idiots are "hostages" and not prisoners who were rightfully convicted by our criminal justice system. If they weren't guilty, why did 90% of them plead guilty? Conservatives can't see that an innocent man would want his trial to start as soon as possible to get it over with and prove his innocence...NOT delay the trial for the 10th time like Trump tried just yesterday. They can't see they're being used by a con-man who cares nothing about others...look at all his former supporters who are in jail, bankrupt, or both. Conservatives believe the lie that the federal government is a "deep state" and is against the American people, and the same with the media. While the media leans 95% to the left (look at the criticisms made by an NPR editor just yesterday) that isn't proof of a vast conspiracy against our own country. Trumps' enabling of sick dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Il will eventually bring war to this country, not avoid it. If Putin is not stopped in Ukraine he will continue in eastern Europe...and any GOPer should understand this. Reagan would be spinning in his grave. Any Republican voter who thinks if Trump wins and they will wake up on January 21st 2025 and millions of illegals will have been deported (or put in camps), that religion will be brought back into schools, Christianity will be incorporated into the Constitution, foreigners denied jobs, and abortion completely illegal everywhere is delusional. And they don't get that Trump will easily abandon them if it suits his purposes...which is to stay out of jail. What a great example of leadership! I'm not sure if the GOP can ever recover. Maybe there will come a day when people hide their MAGA hats and deny every being a Trump supporter in the first place, but I fear a lot of violence is going to happen in this country before then. I tend to lean conservative at least on many economic and most foreign policy issues, but I'm libertarian when it comes to social issues...and despite voting for the GOP 75% of the time I will no longer do so as long as MAGA is running (ruining) the party.
  14. It baffles me why the GOP would want to revert military bases to the names of racist, slave-owning generals who rose up against their own country...and their own party. Oh wait...it's because that's what the Southerners in those states want, and the GOP wants votes. 🙄 It's sad that the notion of the "Lost Cause" of Southern culture continues to endure 150+ years after it should have been snuffed out.
  15. Flynn is not only full on Q, he is promoting Christian Nationalism, meaning the USA is supposed to only have Christian citizens. Dude is completely nuts...and if he wasn't guilty of anything he wouldn't have pleaded the 5th over 100 times during his depositions. I'm hoping Rudy sees the light one day and realizes he lost everything because of Trump, who is an expert at getting others to take the fall for him. I often wonder why so few of these people ever wake up?
  16. Trump continually referring to the January 6th rioters as "hostages" will be the fuel for the upcoming riots. I just hope we don't get another Timothy McVeigh.
  17. Sometimes I wonder...but I fear that if somebody were to whack Trump it would cause hundreds of riots. The only thing that will stop Trump is Trump himself. Like President Stilson in "The Dead Zone" who finally lost all support when he held up a baby to keep from being whacked by a sniper...we can hope that Trump will eventually do something so odious that his believers abandon him: To be honest, I don't think half of his supporters would abandon him even if Trump were to pull a Stilson.
  18. In a dark Truth Social post over the weekend, Trump wondered how many “corrupt” judges he’d have to “endure before somebody steps in?” And in a fundraising email, the ex-president slammed his “sham trial” and warned “all hell will break loose” unless he got a new injection of financial support. I truly hope I'm wrong, but it's only a matter of time before some MAGA wacko takes Trump up on this. I'm imagining that "somebody" would be a guy in a MAGA hat and a mullet, driving a pickup truck with a Confederate flag in the back window with the shotgun rack. (And no, I'm not denigrating the other 95% of those folks who meet that criteria but are NOT wackos.)
  19. Problem is behind closed doors she's an enabler...just like most of the horrible men in the history of the world (Hitler's Eva Braun, Harvey Weinstein's Georgina Chapman, Dan Snyder's Tanya), there always seems to be an enabler at home.
  20. It continues to baffle me why people choose to believe Trump's election fraud lies, when he's offered no evidence whatsoever and (I believe) there were 11 investigations led by Republicans which found no fraud either. No one seems to have the guts to keep asking Trump for his "proof." Even worse is that there are now more R's who side with the January 6th rioters than two years ago. Trump refers to them as "hostages" despite the fact that most of them have plead guilty. Seeing a Confederate flag inside the Capitol should be too much for rational people, but I guess my standards are too high. The support for the rioters goes hand-in-hand with Trump's stolen election lies. His supporters think it's OK to subvert the constitutional process based on a lie and support using violence to take power...no different than Trump's buddy in Moscow. Now he's suing the prosecutor, which will lead to more delays. I hate to say it but it seems that Trump will run out the clock and possibly be elected, and then be able to pardon himself and everyone who ever went to jail for him. We are f**ked...but I hope I'm wrong.
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