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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen

  1. It baffles me why the GOP would want to revert military bases to the names of racist, slave-owning generals who rose up against their own country...and their own party. Oh wait...it's because that's what the Southerners in those states want, and the GOP wants votes. 🙄 It's sad that the notion of the "Lost Cause" of Southern culture continues to endure 150+ years after it should have been snuffed out.
  2. Flynn is not only full on Q, he is promoting Christian Nationalism, meaning the USA is supposed to only have Christian citizens. Dude is completely nuts...and if he wasn't guilty of anything he wouldn't have pleaded the 5th over 100 times during his depositions. I'm hoping Rudy sees the light one day and realizes he lost everything because of Trump, who is an expert at getting others to take the fall for him. I often wonder why so few of these people ever wake up?
  3. Trump continually referring to the January 6th rioters as "hostages" will be the fuel for the upcoming riots. I just hope we don't get another Timothy McVeigh.
  4. Sometimes I wonder...but I fear that if somebody were to whack Trump it would cause hundreds of riots. The only thing that will stop Trump is Trump himself. Like President Stilson in "The Dead Zone" who finally lost all support when he held up a baby to keep from being whacked by a sniper...we can hope that Trump will eventually do something so odious that his believers abandon him: To be honest, I don't think half of his supporters would abandon him even if Trump were to pull a Stilson.
  5. In a dark Truth Social post over the weekend, Trump wondered how many “corrupt” judges he’d have to “endure before somebody steps in?” And in a fundraising email, the ex-president slammed his “sham trial” and warned “all hell will break loose” unless he got a new injection of financial support. I truly hope I'm wrong, but it's only a matter of time before some MAGA wacko takes Trump up on this. I'm imagining that "somebody" would be a guy in a MAGA hat and a mullet, driving a pickup truck with a Confederate flag in the back window with the shotgun rack. (And no, I'm not denigrating the other 95% of those folks who meet that criteria but are NOT wackos.)
  6. Problem is behind closed doors she's an enabler...just like most of the horrible men in the history of the world (Hitler's Eva Braun, Harvey Weinstein's Georgina Chapman, Dan Snyder's Tanya), there always seems to be an enabler at home.
  7. It continues to baffle me why people choose to believe Trump's election fraud lies, when he's offered no evidence whatsoever and (I believe) there were 11 investigations led by Republicans which found no fraud either. No one seems to have the guts to keep asking Trump for his "proof." Even worse is that there are now more R's who side with the January 6th rioters than two years ago. Trump refers to them as "hostages" despite the fact that most of them have plead guilty. Seeing a Confederate flag inside the Capitol should be too much for rational people, but I guess my standards are too high. The support for the rioters goes hand-in-hand with Trump's stolen election lies. His supporters think it's OK to subvert the constitutional process based on a lie and support using violence to take power...no different than Trump's buddy in Moscow. Now he's suing the prosecutor, which will lead to more delays. I hate to say it but it seems that Trump will run out the clock and possibly be elected, and then be able to pardon himself and everyone who ever went to jail for him. We are f**ked...but I hope I'm wrong.
  8. I think there may have been some "#MeToo" fatigue involved, but let's not forget that it did ultimately goad the NFL into investigating Snyder. I had my doubts about the NFL's involvement and ultimately thought Snyder got off too lightly...he should have been tarred and feathered in public by the cheerleaders involved, IMO. But it did help the league get rid of this clown. It's sad, but a lot of the "they deserved it due to their lifestyle" criticism came from other women! You just gave me an idea for the name of my next fantasy football team...and even that name is better than Commanders!
  9. Yeah, the problem was he believed that donating to charities should make him above reproach and immune to criticism. John Feinstein has spoken a lot about that time Snyder cornered him to complain about what Feinstein was writing about him, saying that since he donates so much to charities he shouldn't be criticized at all. Feinstein basically told him the donations had nothing to do with his constant meddling in the team, which was what he had written about. Snyder also tried to imply that Feinstein shouldn't criticize him since they were both Jewish...and that didn't go over well with Feinstein either. Nobody wants to buy a house that reeks of the Stench of Snyder.
  10. From the WaPo...the good news is he's no longer living in it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2024/03/21/daniel-snyder-house/ Eight months after selling the Washington Commanders, Daniel Snyder donated his mansion overlooking the Potomac River in Maryland to the American Cancer Society, reaping what could be a significant tax deduction on a property that had been on the market for more than a year. Snyder purchased part of the property from the estate of King Hussein and Queen Noor of Jordan in 2001 for $8.64 million. He went on to acquire additional parcels, amassing 15 total acres, according to property records. The 30,000-square-foot estate, which he named River House, was completed in 2004. The home, which served as Snyder’s primary residence for close to two decades, went on the market in February 2023 with an asking price of $49 million. Snyder reduced the price to $34.9 million after it sat on the market for six months. The listing was removed on Monday, according to Zillow. Property records show that on March 7, ACS Development Company I Inc., which owns and operates real estate for the American Cancer Society, purchased the home for $0. A spokesperson for the American Cancer Society said the organization intends to sell the property and use the proceeds “to advance our mission of improving the lives of cancer patients and their families.” Snyder’s wife, Tanya Snyder, the former co-CEO of the Commanders, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008 and, after undergoing surgical treatment, was a noted advocate for cancer awareness. She helped launch the NFL’s “Think Pink” campaign, and ACS recognized her as its “Mother of the Year” in 2013. “We are incredibly grateful for the gift, and the generosity cannot be overstated,” Karen Knudsen, CEO of the American Cancer Society, wrote in a release by the organization.
  11. I have a feeling Eli didn't want to play for Schottenheimer, who was the Chargers' coach at that time. Can't prove it though...but when has that ever stopped anyone from making baseless claims?
  12. From PFT, another reason why the Cryboys will never win another Superb Owl, much less get to the NFCC Game. Can't wait for the unauthorized biography of Jerruh coming out soon, or the results of the paternity test he was ordered to take: Dalton Schultz: In Houston we’re focused on football, in Dallas it was a zoo Texans tight end Dalton Schultz just signed a new contract to remain in Houston, and he says he’s grateful to be where he is — which is in the same state but a different world than his previous NFL team. Schultz played five years in Dallas before signing a one-year contract with the Texans last year, and he said on the Pat McAfee Show that there’s an enormous contrast between the two teams because in Houston players can put their energy into playing football. “The focus is just football,” Schultz said of playing in Houston. “Going back and telling some people about being around the Cowboys’ practice facility and game day, describing some of the interactions and stuff that you see on a day-to-day basis, it surprises a lot of people. They’re like ‘Holy crap, that actually happens at a practice facility?’ You think it’s normal, and then you come to a place like this.” Schultz said that while the Texans get to do their work uninterrupted, the Cowboys give tours of their team facility while the players are trying to do their jobs. “There’s people literally going on tours while you’re lifting in the weight room. They’ve got a one-way mirror for people to look in. It’s literally a zoo,” Schultz said of Dallas. “There’s people tapping on the glass, trying to get people’s attention while they’re doing power cleans or whatever. It’s different. That’s the brand that they’ve built, that’s what Jerry Jones likes, that’s the way they run things, and there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just you don’t realize how many eyeballs and how much that can maybe distract from stuff in the locker room being in the facility, until you go somewhere else and you’re like, ‘Holy crap, there’s none of that.’” 😆
  13. Yes, and he was going to refer to himself as the "Commander in Chief." Seriously, you can't make this stuff up. In other news, the Junkies this morning were speculating as to whether the 'Ders should trade down in the draft and sign Justin Fields from the Bears. 😱
  14. Uhh, Snyder hired Tugboat Ron. Snyder also hired all the pre-Rivera buffoons too, such as Bruce Allen, Zorn, Gruden, Shanahan...plus he hired all the 'sex pest' front office staffers who were called out for their repugnant behaviors...and Jason Wright who has botched several celebratory events. Snyder also FAILED to hire a competent GM during 20+ years here. He also FIRED competent people (La Femina) who the league foisted upon him to help turn the team around. And since I'm using CAPS to add emphasis to my arguments, he also MARRIED Tanya Snyder which led to her designing the logo and uniforms.🤢 This organization was already subterranean when Tugboat Ron got here, it just went down a little deeper...from the Fourth Circle of Hell to the Fifth.
  15. Ron should pay back his salary from the 2023 season if that's true. I know that wasn't an official announcement, but what owner would allow that perception to even take hold, much less allow it to occur in the first place? And yes, EB would rank #33 if it was true...doesn't say much about him.
  16. Tugboat Ron ranked 31st out of 32 coaches...I feel it's going to start coming out that Ron mentally checked out a long time ago and didn't really do any coaching. Teams don't quit on coaches they like, and this team quit the last 8 games in 2023.
  17. Heck, maybe they'll even put in baby changing stations for the players' WAGs, something that Tanya Snyder refused to do, saying it was too expensive and "we're getting a new stadium anyway." This is the same woman who was sued for underpaying her nanny.
  18. Lots of athletes refer to themselves in the 3rd person, it seems. And Reid has a history of pulling the wool over the Skins/Manders' eyes (see McNabb, Donovan, and Smith, Alex).
  19. I think we've found a potential mascot...at least he's got that fighting spirit this team lacks: https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/21/politics/commander-biden-secret-service-bites-white-house/index.html Bidens’ dog, Commander, bit Secret Service personnel in at least 24 incidents, records show
  20. I've got a suggestion for a new mascot, if we're going to keep the 'Commanders' name, although it's possible there may be a lot of biting... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12586861/commander-biden-dog-biting-secret-service.html
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