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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen

  1. Incidentally 1993 is when this franchise started falling apart...Gibbs knew he'd never be able to keep an o-line like the Hogs together with free agency arriving, and left Petitbon holding a flaming bag of dog poop.
  2. They were playing Ron's initial press conference from 2020 when he was hired, and it was funny to hear him say Snyder "had done some research" and "informed me" that the "coach-centric approach is what leads to success." WTF? What kind of 'research' would Snyder have done...five minutes of scrolling through the Wikipedia page on NFL coaches while sitting on the toilet and holding a glass of Crown Royal in his other hand? And it's highly debatable that a "coach-centric" approach is the only way NFL teams have succeeded...too many examples to list here, but it's pretty clear that having a good coach AND a good front office is what leads to consistent success...not the 'success' Snyder experienced with one-off late-season runs when the rest of the NFC East teams fell apart (see 2005, 2012, 2016, 2020).๐Ÿ™„ What bothered me the most was that Tugboat said Snyder "informed me". Would a coach like Rivera really need to be schooled on how the NFL works by a pipsqueak cheapskate bully who never had any success in the NFL in the first place?? ๐Ÿ˜ His response SHOULD have been "Thank you for the interview, Mr. Snyder. But I have other interviews coming up with the Browns, Cardinals, and Jaguars, who have longer track records of success than this team has had since you took over."
  3. If Hardpaw wins the NCAA championship, he would be a fool to come here. Better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven, eh?
  4. That's what's been so frustrating about this season. It was a top 10 defense last year and fell apart despite not suffering serious injuries that would explain it. I have a feeling a lot of players got sick of Dustup Del Rio s approach or he tried to change a schemes or isn't putting players in the right positions...which he seemed to be doing ok last year, so what happened? I have a feeling anonymous players will come out of the woodwork after Ron is fired to say the locker room had poor morale and bad teamwork for a variety of reasons, because the drop off certainly wasn't due to injuries.
  5. The darker burgundy and actual gold on the 2002 fake throwbacks would get my vote regardless of what identity (*cough*REDWOLVES*cough*) they adopt.
  6. That should be the name of the multi-volume history of this team under S N Y D E R: The Culture Was Damn Good: The Evil Depredations of Dan Snyder, Volumes I - XXVII
  7. Before lunch or after? Harris may be a nice enough guy to let them digest their food before handing them their walking papers. At least Harris isn't the kind of guy to not tell them they're fired, like what happened in Arizona years ago when the coach only found out he was gone when his badge didn't work the next morning.
  8. I'd love to see Tepper fire a coach after every single loss and go through 14 or so head coaches in one season. Why not? Dumber things have happened, and Tepper wants a 'winner' so bad that he's fired two coaches during their first year...why not just go all out and fire coaches with their first loss and keep doing it until he finds that 'winner' just like he did with business deals. I'd love to see that, while empathizing with Panthers fans too.
  9. Not surprising since the previous ownership refused to allow coaches to admit they were rebuilding...like Brucifer said this team was always "close." Ron's biggest sin was not fixing he QB situation while he was here...but since they were always "close" they figured they could get by by focusing on defense almost exclusively...until the defense fell apart. That was how teams operated in the 70s.
  10. No way. I remember when Dwayne Haskins was in his second year riding the bench in Pittsburgh. One day Haskins had a good practice, and word got out to the press that Tomlin "had his eye on Haskins." My response was to suggest good optometrists for Tomlin, since he clearly needed his eyes checked. Tomlin also seems incapable of selecting WR's who aren't massive divas who throw hissy-fits on the sideline or take plays off when they aren't thrown the ball 20 times per game.
  11. What you will get with Tomlin is the Anti-Jeff Fisher...instead of going 7-9 every year he will go 9-7 so everyone can crow about how he's never had a losing season. Never mind that Tomlin's record was better during his first 5 years in the NFL than it has been over the last 12...where's the ability to take it to the next level? He can't, because he has never hired a decent OC who can get the most out of the QB. There's no indication that Tomlin would even recognize what kind of talent that type of OC would have to hire him in the first place. Yes, 9-7 every year HERE would be an improvement...but I wouldn't trade for him. Gruden getting traded made sense since he took over a team that was already poised to win, but this team is not. As a Stillers fan, I used to be happy that we were contending every year...but now I think it would be better to have a couple of bad years and stock up on talent, because they haven't truly been a SB contender since 2016 or maybe even 2010.
  12. I think some other dumpster fire team looking for an experienced head coach will give Ron a job next year...Raiders, Cardinals, maybe a return to the Bears...or maybe Tepper hires him back for the Panthers, like a Gibbs 2.0. ๐Ÿ˜† I think Ron is too stubborn to retire.
  13. That may be best, but it's hard for these HC's to go back to being an OC or DC...just like Rivera. In Staley's case he should because he was clearly over his head as an HC. The main problem with the Chargers is indeed the roster.
  14. GM Tom Telesco and HC Brandon Staley from the Chargers are available and looking for work... Let's hope Harris gives them a pass. They were unable to build a team around Justin Herbert, but with their firing the Chargers job will be battling Harris to front office staff...at least the Chargers have a franchise QB.
  15. Problem is Tomlin is too loyal to his coaches, just like Rivera. He's not enough of an innovative thinker either...evidence is that he's considering promoting the interim OC already because he hired him and they knew each other before that ...after 2 weeks of putrid offense worse than Matt Canada. Rumor is that owner Rooney might have to intervene to prevent that...that's not the kind of mindset a team needs from a coach. In a lot of ways, Tomlin plays checkers while all the new offensive-minded whiz kids are playing 3-D chess.
  16. Aaaaaand right on schedule...Big Ben also thinks coaching is a problem in Pitt: https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/ben-roethlisberger-cites-steelers-bad-coaching-as-problem-in-loss-to-patriots โ€œAt the end of that game, if we had one more timeout, we have another chance,โ€ Roethlisberger said, via the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. โ€œWhen you lose timeouts because of silly penalties โ€” too many men on the field, not enough men on the field โ€” you canโ€™t afford in the second half of games, to burn silly timeouts and not have them late in the game. To me, that is . . . thatโ€™s bad. Itโ€™s bad coaching.โ€ โ€œMaybe the tradition of the Pittsburgh Steelers is done. This isnโ€™t what has been handed down from those teams of the โ€˜70s. The Steel Curtain, the four Super Bowls, the Nolls, the Bradshaws, the Blounts. All those people, itโ€™s unbelievable,โ€ Roethlisberger said.
  17. I would agree, since I believe Tomlin has already hit his ceiling of accomplishments in his coaching career. It's not going to get better: Tomlin's years: 2007-2010 - 3 division titles, 2 Superb Owls, 1 Superb Owl win 2011-2013 - 2 .500 years, 1 wild card playoff appearance (lost to Tim Tebow. TIM EFFIN' TEBOW!) 2014-2017 - 3 division titles, 1 wild card, 1 AFCCG (lost, outcoached by Belichick again) 2018-2022 - average, won 1 division title but lost at home AGAIN...missed playoffs 3 times 2023 - likely another year at home for the holidays This isn't the guy you need to be trading draft capital for.
  18. I don't have the stats at my fingertips at the moment, but it was the same thing with Chuck Noll. After two rocky years for Bradshaw, he developed into a franchise QB from 1972-82, before injuring his elbow before the '83 season. How did Noll do after Bradshaw retired at the end of '83? To quote Steve Spurrier "not too good." Hard to win when your QBs have names like Mark Malone, Todd Blackledge, Cliff Stoudt, David Woodley, Bubby Brister, Scott Campbell, and Neil O'Donnell. ๐Ÿคฎ
  19. As a Stillers fan, I will say Tomlin will never get anywhere near 320 wins. He would have to average 10 wins per season for another 16 years, which is doubtful since he lost to two 10-loss teams in consecutive weeks at home. The problem is in Pitt is that Tomlin isn't bad enough to fire, while in the meantime a good season to him means 9 wins. He's 9-7 every year, like an inverted Jeff Fisher. And he gets out coached by a half senile Bill Belichick and made Zappe look like Tom Brady II.
  20. One has to wonder how the current 'whiny' roster would handle it if Schottenheimer were still around and was the coach. I don't buy that all the players are snowflakes by any means...I'm sure there may be some who are but I think they tune out EB not because of the yelling but because they just don't respect him.
  21. Yup... Norv Turner - offensive guru (at least when he was a 'hot OC') Terry Robinskie - interim (interim is a type of coach, yes?) Marty Schottenheimer - defensive-minded old school good ol' boy Steve Spurrier - college offensive guru (at least when he was at Florida) Joe Gibbs - franchise legend (although 2.0 wasn't as good as 1.0...) Jim Zorn - under-qualified last-minute replacement coach when fanbase rebelled against hiring Jim Fassel Mike Shanahan - Superb Owl-winning offensive guru (at least when he was HC in Denver) Jay Gruden - offensive guru/'hot OC' (at least when he was OC in Cincy) ANOTHER INTERIM COACH WHO'S NAME ELUDES ME Ron Rivera - defensive-minded old school good ol' boy (Schottenheimer 2.0?) Yes, all types of coaches have failed here. The common thread is they were all successful before coming here...
  22. It's beginning to look a lot like...EB was only successful when paired with Andy "Walrus" Reid. On his own? Not so much... Kind of like a decent guitarist leaving a rock supergroup to strike out on his own...then finds out no one likes his music on his own, so he returns to the band with his tail between his legs. Lyndsey Buckingham from Fleetwood Mac, I'm looking at you. And I agree that players will tune him out if he's yelling at them all the time but doesn't have his own sh!t together as far as calling a game. No one respects a hypocritical leader.
  23. I'd like to give a full endorsement to Jerruh Jones for a new head coach named Jim Zorn.
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