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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen

  1. Sometimes I think RR didn't exert more authority over JDR because he had been a former head coach too. And maybe he was worried that if the defense became too good then JDR would be a threat to replace him. You'd be amazed how many bosses unconsciously sabotage a subordinate who poses a threat to their job...without even being aware of what they're doing.
  2. Typical of the good ol boy network...people hire people they're familiar with, even if that familiarity only led to failure...Rivera is one of the worst practitioners of this principle.
  3. I'm still waiting for anonymous people in the building to start leaking negative stories about Del Taco. They disagreed about whether Star Dustups or Dustup of the Clones was the best scifi movie.
  4. If Tanya Snyder thought it was too expensive to install baby changing stations for the wives of the players, then there's no way those cheapskates would spring for a few bucks to install urinal dividers. She told wives of players they wouldn't install them because they were "getting a new stadium anyway." Let's not forget her hubby gave bags of apples to all the employees in lieu of an Xmas bonus.
  5. I've got some bad news...I spoke to all my stuffed Toucan friends and not a single one of them wants to coach here.
  6. About damn time. Tomlin has always been too stubborn to fire someone midseason, but when your RB is pointing out that the offense is too predictable then you have to do something. Tomlin is like Rivera in that he doesn't see predictability as an issue and just keeps saying "we just need to execute better." But with the talent level between NFL teams being so thin, anything you can do to gain an advantage helps. Maybe Tomlin was starting to realize if he didn't can Canada then it may cost him his job. Canada's first year as OC was Ben Roethlisbergers last year...and one of his worst. Pass plays take too long to develop...but why change your system when you just keep telling the world you have to execute better? But players can't execute better if they have no confidence in the system. Sounds like the defense under Dustup Del Rio.
  7. You know, I was kidding when I posted that above. I didn't think Rivera would actually take my suggestion to heart...
  8. They need to burn those unis. They're 1-4 in them anyway. Just remember: Tanya Snyder designed them.
  9. Bizarre that they used man coverage exclusively vs. the Bears and got torched...and then did the same thing yesterday against a guy who still lives with his parents and got torched.🤢
  10. I don't disagree, but as someone pointed out yesterday sometimes coming from a military mindset isn't always good...for example, Rivera showing loyalty to Dustup Del Rio over what's best for his players. Which he really seems to be doing. And it would explain why other coaches don't feel comfortable bringing things up with Rivera (which I can't prove, but I'm speculating since they keep repeating the same mistakes.) I'll never forget my unit's sergeant major chewing us out before a PT test saying that we wouldn't show any 'integrity' or 'grit' or 'spirit' if we failed the test...and then he went out and failed his PT test. 😆
  11. That depends...are we talking Gibbs 1.0 or Gibbs 2.0? Gibbs 1.0 would just say "QBs? We don't need no stinkin' QBs!" and then put Theismann, Williams, and Rypien in the lineup. Gibbs 2.0 would waste a timeout while pondering how to answer that question. And then get flagged on the next play for having 12 men on the field.
  12. That is becoming more apparent with every passing day. Without Brady, Belichick looks like he did with the Browns in the 90s. None of his former assistant coaches have ever turned their teams into anything decent either. Guess it helps when your HOF QB is willing to take less $$$ because his supermodel wife makes 4x as much as he did... Maybe that will be a new draft strategy: evaluating the hotness of a rookie QB's girlfriend/wife. I'm sure that will fit into some kind of algorithm when it comes time to negotiate a new contract...
  13. A bunch of 'yes-men'... RIVERA: Ok here's our game plan. We're gonna run the ball 25 times before halftime, and throw about 6 times, 4 times on 3rd down. The defense is gonna plug up the holes and stop the run. That's the way to win in this NFL. NEW ASSISTANT COACH: But what if the Chiefs hang 21 points on us in the 1Q? DEL RIO: Well they better not, or our defense is gonna be lookin' for jobs. Ha ha ha! Just kiddin.' RIVERA: We all know you have to run and stop the run to win in this league. With this strategy we should win the game 13-10. Any questions? OTHER COACHES: NO SIR!! NEW ASSISTANT COACH: What's for lunch?
  14. You nailed it. One has to wonder what kind of culture exists in the coaches' room, because it sounds like coaches either aren't empowered to speak up about what's not working...or they DO speak up and RR/JDR ignore them and do what they've been doing all this time anyway, which makes it less likely for coaches to bring up issues in the first place, so then it becomes a vicious cycle of failure building upon failure. It's like those tyrant CEOs who demand "don't bring me problems, bring me solutions." If people's solutions are ignored or if they don't honestly know what the solution is, do you think they'll bother bringing up any problems with the CEO any more? No, and then the CEO wonders why his company failed on his watch. RR/JDR would likely have been successful coaches with their approach...in the 1970s.
  15. You ain't kiddin.' Quality coaches gave this franchise a wide berth due to Snyder, so Dan could only get someone to accept the job if he threw in a free toaster with the job. Rivera's limitations as a GM have become more glaring every year, with the overemphasis on defense in the early rounds of the draft holding the offense back...at least until he got a good OC here, but now the vaunted defense is fading so it looks like another 7-8 win season. Saw that the Bills canned their OC...if only my Steelers would do the same with Matt Canada...and Rivera should do with Del Taco.
  16. I've seen a copy of Ron's gameplan for the next game...sadly, it resembles Ron Burgundy macing himself.
  17. Waiting for Jason Wright apology in 3...2...1... "I prematurely shut down the Extremeders board. That's on me. My bad. We can do better and we will. Next time I'll check to make sure there are any actual users on the board first, or so my lawyers tell me."
  18. Yes because they have competent people with a strategy, which we may finally have here. Rivera clearly didn't have any kind of strategy as indicated by the fact that Shen has to explain to him that it's better to have four 2's than two 1's.
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