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Everything posted by Barry.Randolphe

  1. I could see Putin pulling an Erdogan and staging a 'coup attempt' that quickly gets shot down to show the population that wants to rise up what will happen to them. I don't think the Russian population really cares enough though. The younger generation that knows how to use VPNs know what is happening, but the older generations seem like our older generation that eat up the FoxNews-like propaganda like borscht.
  2. As someone who has been all over Europe this year, I haven't seen masks in use since March. It doesn't even register on the radar in Europe anymore. Tests are still freely available, and if you test positive, you let whomever know and then you quarantine like any other cold.
  3. That's a developer flaw....can't fix something hard coded 🙃
  4. I'm expecting within the next 5 years that these MAGA morons bring about an era like the Troubles in Ireland The only thing that gives me pause though is that they're ****ing stupid as hell and like to run their mouths
  5. What about when he claimed Google was creating a COVID testing website early in the pandemic, and Google was like wtf bro
  6. he was having a press conference on the raid of that COVID whistleblower from the Florida health department, Rebekah Jones
  7. Maybe he'll come back in 2 years if we get a new owner with big pockets and these young guys look promising? 🥺
  8. Maybe the new owners will entice Trea and Soto to come back when they hit FA?
  9. I have a lot of travel coming up so I went and got a 2nd booster anyways. It worked since 4 people I was with came down COVID and I avoided it
  10. Audi Field is such a great place to watch games...the Defenders game was alright even though I hardly knew any of the players. I found it interesting enough to tune into games
  11. Mitchell + Beal + Porzingis would be a good threesome. If they could somehow hold onto Kuzma in the trade, this would be an interesting starting 5 full of size, athleticism, and shooting Mitchell Beal Kuzma Porzingis Gafford
  12. No wonder GS is shopping Wiggins in KD rumors
  13. He is so rehearsed, you can tell in his delivery....dude practiced that speech over and over again and didn't deviate to answer the actual question. He's like a ****ing nerd robot.
  14. Who on here was planning a trip to Brussels this summer? I just got back last week and can share some tips
  15. People say the French are pretentious about food....don't get me started with Italians. I'll put pineapple on my pizza and eat it right in front of them just to piss them off
  16. honestly though, his posting style changed within the last 6 or so months and it is a bit concerning. Hopefully he's alright mentally
  17. I really just want them to be competitive against the division. No more blowouts. They're going to struggle once again on defense since all the 5 star LBs ditched out after a year. Hopefully the offense is a well oiled machine and can make up for that. Last year, they got themselves into way too many holes since the defense couldn't get off the field on 3rd down
  18. I used to think the UK was in worse shape than us since Brexit is permanent and Trump's actions could be rolled back in time....now, I don't know. They're pretty much the same **** stains on the world.
  19. Sounds like it was just the two officers shot...and they've been treated and released already https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/police-respond-to-reports-of-officers-shot-near-parkway-concert/3290066/
  20. Durant for Porz/Rui/Deni + 1sts works in the trade machine....the salaries are almost equal. Works out for Brooklyn since they get a scorer in Porz with 2 less years on his contract than Durant + two young guys....and it works for the Wiz since it clears up the playing time issue Let's go Tommy. Make it happen.
  21. Kyrie on the Lakers is an another wonderful Lebron the GM train-wreck move. Gotta love it
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