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Why am I Mr. Pink?

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Everything posted by Why am I Mr. Pink?

  1. Aside from the five days in November, Trump stayed at Mar-a-lago 16 days in December. He has returned for two weekends so far in February. The sheriff's presidential detail is covered by overtime and doesn't compromise law enforcement for the rest of the county. Donald Trump's visits to his South Florida estate since he was elected president have cost the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Department $1.5 million in overtime costs. Sheriff Ric Bradshaw is confident the money his department has spent while assisting the Secret Service will be reimbursed by the federal government. http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/President-Trumps-Mar-a-Lago-Visits-Cost-15-Million-in-Overtime-Pay-Sheriff-413706753.html
  2. They "resign" before they are officially fired so they can just go and apply fora diff police dept. I assume that move also perserves their pension, back pay etc. I have a strong hunch he had to "resign" from the Balt City PD before he went to Burlington. This loophole has to be closed. If I was a LEO, i just go apply for the Mar-a Largo sheriff or PD and get all that glorious OT pay for Trumps next 4 years. I imagine everyone in those depts will make over 200k. Some even as high as 500k ... and Im not joking.
  3. Cowan looked refreshed. If he can build off that and give Turg confidence to let him run the offense, that is this team's best look by far. Huerter handling the ball was awesome. He was a PG before he hit a growth spurt. He sees the floor so well. When he got trapped for that half court violation, I put it on Brantley for passing him into a trap and then sprinting up court giving Huerter no outlet. Bender - he is playing well. before I thought he tried to make too cute inside passes when guys werent expecting it or just into too much traffic. Now he is not forcing things. Jackson - dude ... idk what to say at this point. He just cant finish around the rim. For his height, length and build he should be an above the rim player. I have full confidence he will grow and develop into an NBA player but he is more raw than it first seemed. Dodd - senior paying like he knows his career is winding down. I expect him to play hard the rest of the way ... but stop moving on screens, especially when they are so high and really inconsequential.
  4. STANDINGS CONF. PCT. PF PA OVERALL PCT. PF PA HOME AWAY NEUTRAL LAST 10 STREAK Purdue 12-4 .750 77.7 69.5 23-6 .793 80.7 66.7 14-2 5-4 4-0 8-2 L1 Wisconsin 11-5 .688 69.2 64.4 22-7 .759 73.1 62.1 14-1 5-5 3-1 6-4 L2 Maryland 10-6 .625 73.5 70.7 22-7 .759 74.7 68.2 12-5 7-2 3-0 5-5 L3 Minnesota 10-6 .625 75.3 72.4 22-7 .759 76.1 68.9 16-3 5-4 1-0 7-3 W7 Michigan State 10-6 .625 72.3 69.7 18-11 .621 72.4 69.2 14-2 2-5 2-4 6-4 W2 Northwestern 9-7 .563 67.7 65.7 20-9 .690 71.8 64.7 13-3 5-5 2-1 5-5 L2 Michigan 9-7 .563 74.1 70.1 19-10 .655 74.3 65.9 15-3 2-7 2-0 7-3 W2 Minny has Nebraska and @ Wisky MSU has @ Illini and @ MD Terps have @ Rutgers tonight and MSU on Sat. Im going to assume that NW and UM dont come into play for the double bye in the BTT. Dodd said teams are playing zone D and the terps arent hitting shots and they expect teams to continue playing zone until MD makes the outside shots. It looked like our plan to attack zone is to feed it to Jackson at the free throw line/elbow and then let Jackson distribute or drive. It just didnt work the last few games. I dont think Jackson has been in that critical decision making role. Hopefully we are practicing more and this is good experience and learning for next season. Im ready, lets roll. Lets refocus. Lets get Melo going, lets get Jackson back to being a factor, lets let Huerter handle the ball more. Lets win the next 2 and see what we do in the BTT.
  5. Yup, much like those commercials for free back braces and wheel chairs and walkers etc .... they will handle all the paper work for you.
  6. A doctor in Md was sued a few years ago for implanting anyone and everyone with a stent. He might of even faced criminal charges. Dr. Mark Midei from 2007 to 2009. During that time, he allegedly placed more than five hundred stents in patients who did not need them
  7. Terps - 11 of 24 on 3s (32.4%) Hawks - 16/26 on 3s (61.4%) ---------------------------------- Terps 7-27 on 3s (25.9%) Minny 8-22 (36.4%) If this team doesnt hit the 3s, it doesnt seem like we have an option B. No inside game. Jackson just cant finish a drive at this point, has he dunked this year? Im starting to question whether Jackson has any hops. Its like if we dont have Trimble or Cowan drive, our only other offensive look is passing it around the perimeter and throwing up a 3. Is Turg afraid to run press or traps bc he is afraid everyone has tired dead legs? Last time against Iowa I thought Cowan and Trimble did a great job of blowing by Bohannon and make smart decisions in the lane, im guessing Fran has schemed to cover that weaknesses. Bohannon, wow he was feeling it. I know we had recuits come to the Wisky game, hope we didnt have any come on Saturday .... This team just looks tired to me.
  8. Bang, I think the number of flags being waved/held were less than 15 and they were promptly collected.
  9. It appears the Russian flags were handed out by leftist activist Ryan Clayton. I apologize for the large photos ... but this Ryan Clayton guy is interesting.
  10. I listened to some of Trumps CPAC speech. Halfway through he said something to the effect of "Im going to leave you with this thought .." then seemd to talk for 10-20 more minutes. WMAL was cutting it into sections with annoying childish Chris Plante interjecting with lame Dem jokes in between so it was a little hard to tell the continuity of it. Trump said he is going to build the military up like youve never seen. Peace through power. No one will question us again. Blamed military down sizing bc of sequester on speeding (that R forced). Lots of federal spending coming for weapons makers and wall builders. I wish I owned a mexican concrete company bc that is going make a ton of money supplying the concrete and textile etc.
  11. I was literally about to say the exact same thing, I even had "dude" as the first word of my post but then just decided to delete and not post ....
  12. Dragging the kid by his collar across a lawn for a few mins was unnecessary and escalating. It appears that the kid wasnt on his lawn during this confrontation. If a kid crosses my lawn, can i leave my property and follow him and put my hands on him? I dont think so. School kids cross the corner of my lawn and I say hi and they pet my dog. Its school kids crossing his lawn... at no point should adults be putting hands on kids. The off duty cop unnecessarily escalated the situation imo. Call me old fashioned but I dont put my hands on kids or women. This off duty cop's attitude and decision making is part of the police image problem.
  13. "Reptile" approach to persuading a group of people. Very very effective. It basically started with Karl Rove theory and strategy in re to tort reform -- about 10 to 15 years ago you may remember hearing a whole lot of hub bub about how doctors cant afford malpractice insurance anymore bc costs are skyrocketing and how doctor's offices have to close down and how towns now dont have doctors and sick dying children have to drive 700 miles to the nearest doctor etc .... It was a way to subconsciously effect potential jurors into thinking that if they award big verdicts, they are hurting their own community and perhaps themselves if they ever need medical help but no doctors would be there. Reptile strategy has taken the plaintiffs' bar by storm. The Reptile theory asserts that you can prevail at trial by speaking to, and scaring, the primitive part of jurors' brains, the part of the brain they share with reptiles. The Reptile strategy purports to provide a blueprint to succeeding at trial by applying advanced neuroscientific techniques to pretrial discovery and trial. The fundamental concept is that the reptile brain is conditioned to favor safety and survival. Therefore, if plaintiff's' counsel can reach the reptilian portion of the jurors' brains, they can influence their decisions; the jurors will instinctively choose to protect their families and community from danger through their verdict. Thus, the focus of the plaintiff’s case is on the conduct of the defendant, not the injuries of the plaintiff. The jurors are not interested in plaintiff’s injury, even when severe, according to the theory. Rather, the only truly effective way to engage jurors is to demonstrate how the defendant's conduct endangers the jurors and their families. ^^ very basic overview.
  14. Off duty cops takes "get off my lawn" seriously. Video is about 8 mins long, covers pretty much the entire event. http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-lapd-anaheim-20170221-story.html I lived in So Cal and if you live near a school, kids are going to walk across your lawn. If you live in Balt City, kids will sit on your stoop. There kids. Walking to school. When I was in school, we'd climb your fence and smoke cigarettes on your nice patio furniture so school security couldnt see us.
  15. I was hoping maybe we could get back to the sweet 16 and there is still a chance. But if this team has an off night like last night, they could lose to anyone. Ugly box score last night for the terps sans Bender. We just missed too many 3 pts last night (26% from 3). Id like to see Huerter and Jackson getting spot up 3 attempts. Huerter is taking 3s off the dribble. Cowan's shot is just to slow and deliberate for a maybe 6' guy and he continues to drive and leave his feet without knowing exactly where he wants to go w the ball. Morsell coming in next year will give us a ball handler with length at 6'4". We had some good movement last night, great looks inside just couldnt make a jump shot. Akem Springs is automatic. At 6'4", he might be a late 2nd round pick, if he can play D. -------------------------------------------------------------- Morsell said that he knows Cowan from the Washington AAU circuit and connected with another player who recently committed to the Terps, Bruno Fernando, a 6-10, 225-pound forward from Angola currently playing at the IMG Academy in Bradenton, Fla. Morsell is also close to Mount Saint Joseph teammate Jalen Smith, a five-star forward and a top-25 player in the Class of 2018 who plans on playing at Maryland. Though Smith, a junior, has yet to commit, he said Wednesday that nothing has changed. Asked if he is going to start to help recruit Smith, Morsell said with a smile, “Sticks [Smith's nickname] already knows. He’s next.” http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/terps/tracking-the-terps/bal-mount-saint-joseph-guard-darryl-morsell-commits-to-maryland-20161102-story.html Future looks bright. That 2018 class could be top 5 or 10.
  16. Follow the ball my friend. Spicer said the WH would not be rescinding the orig Exec Order. Did you read the WSJ article Visionary posted that I was referring to before commenting?
  17. Wont that create a potential problem once the new Exec Order is issued and challenged in Court? Hypothetically, that could lead to 2 different judicial decisions contradicting themselves. I imagine the Courts would have to merge them and that sounds like a pain in the butt. I also imagine a stay of the new Exec Order would be bolstered by arguing that not staying the new Exec Order would lead to confusion and uncertainty given that the same general controversy is still pending final resolution in another case. From the outside looking in, I dont see how this will help Trump but im sure he has a bunch of very smart attorneys advising.
  18. I said he was top 15 right now and will be top 10 when he hangs it up. You and Long think he is around the 40th best, at best. That was my understanding of the parameters of the discussion. Your position is not that Melo is not among the top 10 but that he is a stretch to be top 40. You and Long provided your list. Like I said, if you think Gist or stooglin or any of those other guys are better, I dont think we can even agree to basic parameters necessary to even beginning having a valid and worthwhile discussion. If you are walking back from your "stretch to be in top 40" position, great. But lets not pretend like that was your original position. I personally walked back from saying he was top 5 to saying he is top 15 right now. I went back, looked at some prior team rosters and changed my opinion. Flexibility, its not just a good trait for your lady to have. ----------- Im worried about tonight. Minny is rolling and plays tough. Top 20 defense. Will the team respond to Turg's message after the Wisky game? Also, I havent heard the crowd do the sing along to biz markie's "just a friend" song. Normally they play it during a TV timeout and play the music right up to live action so the crowd still loudly sings along after the music stopped and live play is going on. I think its the best fan theatric we do. Im just waiting for one of those cheerleaders to tumble down the steep stairs when the unfurl the flag. It is bound to happen, and it will not be pretty. Biz lives in Bowie or somewhere. Surprised the Terps dont have him come out for a cameo. I know he needs money and does any small even he can. Imagine Biz coming out during a TV timeout to do the firends song.
  19. Tip at 8:30 tonight. Going to be tough, Minny has won 5 straight since losing to us. Murphy seems to be playing real well, avg something like 18 and 16 the past few games. Turg admitted that he sat Melo and Huerter for the final 4 against Wisky bc of lack of rebounding. Im interested to see how the young terps respond, if Dodd can play more than 14 mins and if Melo comes out fresh or tired. Mel and Huerter have played a ton of mins this year. I dont normally predict scores but really feeling the line of 73-68 maryland.
  20. http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/21/europe/sweden-stockholm-riots/index.html On the flip side, I do think parts of Sweden have become ... uninviting.
  21. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2017/02/21/bodies-74-migrants-heading-to-europe-wash-up-in-libya.html 74+ dead bodies of African migrants are currently washing up on the shores of Libya after trying to cross the Mediterranian. Below are the first 5 comments on Fox news. During Obama's presidency they had to disable all comments to any article bc it was just a racist comment after racist comment, no matter what the article talked about. Now Fox news selects what articles they will allow comments on. Im guessing these comments will be deleted and comments disabled for this article very soon. Cant have clear proof that internet conservative types are racist, hate filled people can we? -------------------------------------------------------------- hillbilly442615 minutes ago Sad....I was really looking forward to having to pay for them as well! sashalepup17 minutes ago Sorry Hillary, There are 74 less democrat voters. Better luck next time..................................But, it is a good start. steven052325 minutes ago When the MSM calms these people are "migrants" do they refer to migrant labor that came from Mexico to pick cherries or beans at harvest time? I have the impression that a millennium of corrupt, socialist Islamic tyrannical leaders have made their continent inhabitable so the only course of action is to enter a civilized country to steal. Problem for them is that much of Europe has had to deal with gypsies so they are getting better at turning these "migrants" away. dusty91128 minutes ago Welcome home! Eetmee33 minutes ago Floating African turds. What wonderful news!
  22. I feel real bad for Ceko, never really got into rhythm bc of injuries then fouls. I thought he would take over and be the starter by this time of the season. Dodd has played 12-14 mins the past few games bc he picks up 4 fouls so quick. I guess we hope Dodd doesnt get into foul trouble then it becomes the Bender show. We went small one game this year when Dodd and Ceko were out and played really well (was it the first minny game?) but I dont think that is the long term answer. LG Gill will get some more minutes now, he doesnt pound the glass but hopefully he can help spread the floor. 6'10" Bruno Fernando is coming in next year so it will be Ceko (sr), Fernando then Bender (jr). 6'9" Justin Tomaic and 6'7" Micah Thomas are both red shirting but ppl who watch practices are excited. I dont think we have any open scholarships left to add a 5th year transfer unless Melo moves on but adding another big would be very nice.
  23. edit - this happened in 2010 and 2016 but I find this real life story to be something of a movie script. This hot james bond looking female villian, spy swap where the US swaps 10 russian spies for CIA and M16 spies held by russian occurred in 2010 .... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3678573/Mystery-claims-double-agent-exposed-glamour-spy-Anna-Chapman-died-US.html while certain people are living these incredible, high adrenaline lives .... we sit in traffic on 495 congratulating ourselves for not eating a bagel for breakfast bc it has too many carbs ....
  24. Geez .. all of our double agents are showing up dead since Trump/Bannon took over and started getting intel reports. I imagine this will have a serious chilling effect on us being able to recruit new double agents.
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