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Everything posted by BatteredFanSyndrome

  1. We’ve tried Jackson in both man and zone, the only thing he’s consistent at is getting burnt, looking confused, and celebrating QB overthrows.
  2. I watched some clips of a recent interview Sean Payton did with Graham Bensinger and there is a particularly interesting section that covers what he was thinking when he first visited with Mickey Loomis and toured the facility. He was talking about how it simply wasn’t a place he could imagine himself, didn’t want the job, was checked out the whole time, thinking “I love Mickey, but good luck with this…”. It wasn’t until the Packers notified him they were going with McCarthy over him that he even remotely considered it. Basically, it took a valued personal relationship and no other alternatives to even get him to embrace the thought of coaching in New Orleans. He had a hard time even putting together his staff because nobody wanted to go there. I thought it was a nice glimpse into what the situation is like here, which at this point, is clearly worse than NO was- all things considered. It also adds a layer to the Dallas scenario, where if they let McCarthy go for Payton, it’s like his ultimate payback.
  3. So I still see you giving Dan way more credit than he’s ever deserved. I don’t think for a moment that Dan wants anything to do with the Shanahan tree or can even understand why it’s breeding success. Dan is not capable of playing chess or even checkers. Not a chance in the world he’s been giving thought to who’s next or where it should come from or how it should be setup. To suggest otherwise is merely another dream.
  4. I’d venture a guess, that you thought the same thing when Jay was fired and Ron took his place. Or when Shanny was fired and Jay took his place, and the list goes on. It always ‘feels’ like new should be better but it never really is, and even if it flirts with better, it always gets worse. It’s the Snyder cycle.
  5. He’s using the phrase differently than I’ve ever known it, which is why I think they asked for clarification. Glad he cleared that up.
  6. No, but I think the whole band Ron put together leaves with Ron. Unless Mayhew has money left on his deal, in which it would be a really awkward situation where he stays, which would be another mark on Dan Snyder’s how to run a billion dollar franchise into the ground bingo card.
  7. I would think he means keep the same level of energy but in that outcome it will be in a positive way and not negative. The phrase is simply another way of saying don’t jump on the bandwagon when we’re good. It’s a bad look for Jon to say that, primarily because it’s not the first time he’s said it, nor is he the first on this team to say it. Dating back to the end of Jay’s days here til now, I’ve heard some version of this multiple times. I get it, he knows nothing but empty stadiums, stadiums filled with opposing fans, and fans generally trolling the organization. I’m sure it gets incredibly frustrating and when he signed that extension here, he really thought in his heart of hearts, things will get turned around.
  8. Ron hired Mayhew, it would be slimy for him to stick around post-Ron. I could see Dan wanting to go that route, but don’t see Mayhew doing it. I’m convinced our next coach centric head coach is Dan Quinn if he’s not a head coach prior to Ron being fired.
  9. I think you are confusing business prowess and the ability to be a petty, vindictive, spiteful POS. Two things we know for absolute certain about Dan. He’s completely inept when it comes to business management and he’s incredibly spiteful and petty, and it would seem all the money he saves on dry cleaning and field turf, he’s willing to spend on litigation.
  10. I think we all want the things that you want. Up and coming GM, with some clout, from an organization with recent success. Full autonomy to hire his head coach with a shared vision. But this is Dan Snyder’s DC team with the crappy headquarters and facilities in Ashburn, VA, that plays in a crappy stadium in MD.
  11. Titans 23 Ders 16 BatteredFanSyndrome 88 (Estimated to what I will shoot while I’m playing golf and not watching this tripe)
  12. It’s not. I ran this back at home right after it happened because I saw it in real time and thought “Did I really just see that?”, and replay confirmed I did. That said, it wasn’t as bad as it looks but still really bad.
  13. Oh, the guy with a very well documented alcohol problem, that derailed his career? That Bruce and Dan thought was a good idea to bring into their personal frat house in Ashburn? I’m shocked that didn’t work out.
  14. His wife also apparently has a “background in the fashion industry”. 😭 Beyond the dumbass wearing Dallas colors, he always looks disheveled. In every photo opp, his clothes have more wrinkles than he has wins in 23 years.
  15. When I typed my post up, I was thinking “did I really just spend my time citing Heineke’s stats? Shame on me” and here you come taking the next step with a record of who was missing each game. 😂 That was pretty much the Hive’s rally cry most of the season. I get the impression you all will get your chance soon enough to see Heineke under center with a full deck. So yay, we all have that to look forward to. 😒
  16. Joe Judge was god awful. I didn’t see any tears shed by his team when he got canned. I find it odd you bring him up, because he’s one dude I think of who found ways to lose press conferences. Perhaps I just have so little juice for this team, I can’t possibly get as upset as you clearly are.
  17. I’m not impressed with what Ron has put together and hold him accountable for where the team is. But some of you guys get really carried away with coach speak. I get it, when the team is losing the way a guy breathes is nauseating to some people. 😂 But for me, I just don’t put much stock into what a coach says to the press. We’ve seen it all, the tough talker, the “gotta see the tape”, the everything is great you just can’t see it, the list goes on and really none of it amounts to a hill of beans. I just don’t think there is anything he can say to you at 1-3 that you will like.
  18. They are the lome example I can think of. Had the coach not been Kingsbury and the player avail not been Murray, that probably doesn’t happen either. The stars aligned for that one and to their credit they pulled the trigger. In our scenario, had the Bengals went Chase - perhaps we go Burrow. The concern with Tua was real, so even in hindsight I can give them a pass on that.
  19. We never want Snyder pushing anything on the head coach, even if it’s getting rid of a coordinator we don’t like. Nothing good ever comes from what Snyder wants. I also don’t see him urging Ron to fire a coach with money left on his deal.
  20. It’s asking a lot for anyone to give up on a first round QB after less than one full season under center.
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