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Everything posted by Alexa

  1. where is the 20 million dollar man Allen? crickets.
  2. this defense is so effing overrated. you give up a 3rd and 16 at a crucial part of the game? you are not good. sorry.
  3. that is terrible news.. 😞
  4. taylor has a weak arm if you are comparing it to most of the guys in the NFL. but so what? joe montana kinda had a less than strong arm. guess who has a really strong arm? haskins. taylor is better than haskins hands down. there are plenty of strong armed guys that never made it cause they weren't good enough. meanwhile chase daniel is still cashing an NFL paycheck. i put arm talent down the list when it comes to whether you can be an effective NFL QB.
  5. idk but we don't have to keep giving up draft picks to get one. draft and develop. not every starting QB is a top 5 pick last time I checked. we should always be drafting Qb's. Draft one every year like we use to.
  6. glad we didn't get Stafford. draft a qb and let him compete. and no more swing and miss RG3 trades on draft day.
  7. Collins sucks. He isn't even good in the box anymore. Misses tackles and can't cover. He flat out got abused on Jones' long run. He is terrible, bench his ass.
  8. Calling Lawrence a generational player is just off. Way off. Watch the national championship game last year. He looked like Mitch Tribisky.
  9. hated the signing at the time and hate it even more now. collins stinks. i really can't think of anything he does well. what's worse is giving him a ton of money. what did they actually see in him on film that says he was worth the money they gave him.
  10. 1993.... Ritchie, Al Noga, Tim MaGee, Rich Gannon, Reggie Brooks and washed up Carl Banks.. The team got old and Gibbs knew it. His timing to leave was perfect, especially after swinging and missing badly on Howard. Best coaching job was 1992 by Joe and Ritchie. To almost get that rag tag team to the NFC title game was almost a miracle. Could have very easily beat the 49ers in that mudfest at SF. At least there was one good night in 93, the opener against Dallas. After that, all downhill. I was at the last game of the season against the Vikings. i remember feeling that the run was over and there was a house cleaning coming. Dowhower and all his 3 yard passes to aging wr's - all year long. Just a poorly designed offense. We have had many years to get it right and just can't- for numerous reasons. Casserly was no good after winning the SB.
  11. You know, I'm already tired of Del Rio. Brantley is high risk, meaning he could potentially DIE. Does he understand that?? Del Rio has already ran his mouth on Twitter. Just shut the hell up and run the defense. You coach in a different era now where players are smarter about their health and their futures. Does he realize that these guys have lives to live AFTER football??? IDK, after all that we have been through with coaches and their drama, we got this new guy who is already saying sheet on Twitter and now this, where he basically has called out guys who opt out. How about you just say, "for the guys that opt out I respect their decisions because they have to do what's best for them and their families/loved ones." His quote, at least to me is very insensitive.
  12. We have two guys that if healthy, should get the ball. Guice and Love. Period. AP is just too slow and is basically 2 to3 yards and that's it. I don't want him. McKissic and Barber are JAGS. Gibson is not a pure RB so not even sure why or if he even gets a shot there. Guice and Love are home run hitting type of backs. In this day and age this is what we need, not a RB that is about to get social security. Turner should come up with some formations where Guice and Love are on the field together.
  13. Really the only thing that is keeping me attached to this team is the past. If I were in my 20's I would have jumped ship most likely. And the thing is we have some really nice young pieces. But my disdain for Dan Snyder ( and the upcoming name change) has made me just not care anymore. All this loser does is put out statements. Why? Why is he such a effing coward where he can't do a press conference and look people in the eye and be genuine. Instead he puts out a 2nd statement and has his wife in it. Why? She isn't even part of this mess. I swear I just can not stand this man. If I saw him on the street I would call him a coward right to his face. Sell the team and just go away. Now he has his new coach who IMO has been put in a very bad situation. He should just be coaching the team, dealing with that. Now you've put the name change on him as well as all of this new mess. He is in a no win situation. Ron R has to be having 2nd thoughts.
  14. All wr's have a You Tube tape. Robert Davis had a sick one.. lol
  15. Yawn.. just another Cam Sims, just another Robert Davis. Why not go for a TE?
  16. Screw Snyder. I will never trust that man. He has no one to blame but himself. He is the number one reason the stadium is empty. I give it a year before he starts undermining someone. I'm sure he and Scott Turner won't be best buds.
  17. Sweat did nothing. He and Kerrigan were ghost.
  18. Whenever I see Ed Hochuli doing one of our games then I know it's going to be a real long day.
  19. I just want to draft 4 to 5 players that are on the field and contributing 2015. I don't want to see any more Long or Moses type of players that can't get on the field.
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