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Sacks 'n' Stuff

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Everything posted by Sacks 'n' Stuff

  1. The media outlets who deliver you the "news" the way you want it and their audience are the ones who engage in no critical thinking.
  2. Just PMed you this website I know about. It's not wrestling but it should pretty well quench your thirst for this unique brand of homoerotic sadochism that you so badly desire.
  3. Sadly, not until you pointed it out. I must be off my game today.
  4. Would you agree that our government is stable enough that there is no chance that the citizens will need to go to war against it though?
  5. Never cared for Nunes ever since she crippled Hillary Swank with that stool.
  6. CNN: Tearful Democrats make emotional plea for gun control after Dallas WP: Why President Obama went right to gun control after five police officers were killed in Dallas Clinton Calls for Criminal Justice Overhaul and Gun Control After Dallas Shooting Lynch Pushes Gun Control In Aftermath Of Dallas Shooting, Praises BLM Black lawmakers connect Dallas shooting to congressional inaction on gun control Seems you got your brainless, intellectually lazy criticisms crossed up. You were supposed to be slamming Obama for politicizing the tragedy. edit: See, here you go. Just pull the old 180, jump on board with these guys, and we'll pretend those two other posts never even happened. Republicans accuse Obama of pushing gun control agenda after Dallas shootings
  7. Just gotta make sure to drink plenty of fluids
  8. Since I moved to TX two weeks ago, I've had a few epiphanic moments of clarity. Let me instruct the masses regarding two of the great truths that I have attained through my red state of enlightenment. 1. The U S of A is the greatest country in the history of the world. I am sitting here right now on my lawn chair in my sleeveless bald eagle shirt, drinking a Budweiser in the patriotic can, and an American flag bandana tied to the end of my AR. I am a super patriot and will fight anyone who says anything bad about my country. 2. This evil mother****ing country would come and kill us all tomorrow if they had the chance which is why I must have the ability to buy every death machine under the sun at a moments notice with no wait.
  9. That was only the 2nd time one of Lesnar's fights went past the 2nd round.
  10. The intention of the 2nd amendment is no longer a rational concern.
  11. Yes. I would allow them to live. Not breed though. As soon as they started violating the constitutional eugenics amendment (which I would usher in), it's bomb carrying robot time.
  12. I don't know think you could find enough people who are crazy enough to actually walk the walk that you could call it a war. Most of those gun nuts talk big in their make believe game but very few are going to go get themselves killed. The ones that are... I'd just let them hole up somewhere with their guns and live in blissful ignorance. I suspect there would be very little violence.
  13. I didn't hear whether he did or not. I just went to Google Shopping and typed in body armor and got a bunch of results though. Bad feelings lead to bad things man.
  14. Shanahan never won anything without Jordan.
  15. Starting to experience a little 2013-2014 vibe in here. Getting the feeling that this whole Dwayne Wade ordeal is somehow Mike Shanahan's fault.
  16. I hear you. All you guys need to say is that you like Dwayne Wade a lot.
  17. Professional sports teams aren't in the habit of making poor business decisions because of loyalty. I guess the Lakers did. Probably not a lot of teams lining up to follow suit with the way that turned out.
  18. Cool. He's a grown man who made that conscious decision in order to improve his chances of winning. He maybe figured that having more money than his grandchildren's grandchildren will ever need was probably enough.
  19. He's got a bunch of rings and his net worth is $160 million.
  20. How I wish that Jerry Jones would have pulled the trigger on this guy.
  21. So what's going here? Matt Hardy thinks he is Idi Amin?
  22. This has to be bad for the league. I see no point in watching the regular season or the first three rounds of the playoffs. edit: Unless you're a Cleveland or Golden State fan. double edit: Which a large percentage of the population seems to be all of a sudden.
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