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Sacks 'n' Stuff

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Everything posted by Sacks 'n' Stuff

  1. ^ Plus the entire league would be a bunch of Manziels if that was any excuse.
  2. Nope. Nope. The people have spoken. Their answer? A resounding "Yes!" to the violence and "Yes!" to the blood. The massacres will go on uniterrupted. Deal with it.
  3. If this latest rumor I'm hearing about Disney cutting a scene is true, I'm going to be ever so pissed. I won't go into detail about what supposedly happens in case it stays in the movie but I'll give you one clue... Interracial.
  4. Orton is worthless. There is absolutely nothing special about him except that they decided to make him a star. One of the worst talkers there is.
  5. Taking advice from a homeless man over the consultation of his coaches and scouts seemed like a good idea at the time.
  6. Just another example of talent taking someone to a place that their character couldn't sustain. Scary thing is how much talent he must have to make it as far as he did.
  7. I definitely remember his parents getting all pissy when he got in trouble in college for something where he was clearly in the wrong. I can't remember the specific incident.
  8. They don't have to split the brands. Just schedule everybody to work either Raw or Smackdown but not both in the same week. Mix up who is where each week. The other thing they need to do is have a base of operations and state of the art facility. Everybody lives in that same town, they work and train (and get treatment) in that facility, and then travel together just like a professional sports team.
  9. Watching that has got me so pumped for Durant to get here next year.
  10. Yeah, that might be true. He at least try to have a personality. Maybe eventually he would've found a good one. Look at Big E. He tried three or four different personalities and gave it his all on them before he found one that wasn't stupid. Edit: oh, and today at my school when I was teaching I said, "Aaaaaaaah second-gradeā€¦ Don't you dare be sour." One of the kids goes "feel the power!!!"
  11. Yeah, that is stupid. Hey, I've got an idea... Why don't we throw away all of the stupid from BOTH sides and come up with some common sense gun control laws?
  12. They gave Sandow a chance after he did all that goofy **** for a few months. It was painful to watch. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QKcB6pCOxpI So the next week he was back to doing goofy **** where he would pretend to be macho man and Axel was Hulk Hogan. They could've maybe squeezed another couple weeks of jobbing with that gimmick but the real hulk hogan decided to say the N word a bunch of times after railing out Mrs Love Sponge and they just scrapped it.
  13. I wonder what they popped them for. Pretty clearly not steroids.
  14. So Festus and some other guy attacked the Usos on Raw. Michael Cole: Why? JBL: Because they can. This is pretty standard writing for their feuds these days. So lazy and uncreative.
  15. They serve the purpose of sucking harder than anything has ever sucked before or since.
  16. Looked it up. The movie opened in theaters in June 1987 and came out on VHS in February 1988. I guess 8 months seemed like forever when I was 7.
  17. How about we give the guy a manager? Someone to do the talking for him if you're going to insist on continuing with the 15 minute segments every week.
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