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Sacks 'n' Stuff

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Everything posted by Sacks 'n' Stuff

  1. 7 seconds?!?!?! You climaxed to old, ugly ass Tammy Sytch in 7 seconds??? Come on man.
  2. Just looked it up. The name of the movie is 'Sunny Side Up: In Through The Backdoor' and from what I read, the title is not misleading.
  3. When was it made? If anytime in the last 15 years then I'm not interested. I've never recovered from accidentally seeing 5 seconds of the Chyna / X-pac porno. Without a doubt the smallest penis I've ever seen in a porn movie and I'm not talking about X-pac. All the steroids Chyna took caused an enlargement to her clitoris to the point where it actually looks like a small wiener. On a happier noteā€¦ I grew up in Dallas. First time I ever saw wrestling live I was probably 6 or 7. It was World Class Championship Wrestling and the main event was Bruiser Brody vs Abdullah the Butcher. Only thing I remember was that the match started with Abdullah leaning between the ropes and reaching to grab Brody when he was on his way down and before he ever got in the ring and Bruiser Brody picking up a big traffic barrel and hitting the Butcher over the head with it.
  4. Japan loved them some Stan Hansen. To the point where every big, white American use the "LARIATO!!!!!!" as their finishing move. Hogan would do a big boot and clothesline as his finisher in Japan.
  5. So what're we gonna do this offseason? Have we given up on Durant coming and/or putting us over the top?
  6. He'll never be better than the original. edit: Jesus! When I was a kid I thought that dude was ****ing retarded. He's better on the mic then 80% of today's roster. Againā€¦. cocaine. It's all about the cocaine.
  7. That would have been the biggest match in history man. Certainly better than the Hogan vs Sid with Papa Shango run in for no reason debacle that they put out there. They knew Hogan was going away... find a clever way to have Flair go over him but not cleanly. Flair carries the company for the next year beating oh... let's say Macho Man at Summer Slam. Plan for either Hogan to return for the rematch or Warrior to win the belt off of Flair at WrestleMania IX.
  8. You know, they probably should have had Hogan lose to Flair at Wrestlemania 8.
  9. Sheamus is definitely very Irish. He may be the most Irish person in the world. He was voted Most Irish in his senior class and his school was in ****ing Ireland.
  10. As far as aesthetics, it's hard to beat this. And this one isn't bad either. Speaking of the Koloffs, want to see the biggest pop in the history of wrestling? Skip to the end of this match.
  11. Several guys have used a punch as a finisher. What's up with Bray being relegated to the undercard and jobbed out? Am I imagining this or did this all kind of start when he left Raw to go be with his grandfather who they thought was going to die?
  12. You're so wrong about the Warrior gorilla press. He dropped dudes on their faces and it was awesome. I actually was just thinking a day or two ago that ESPN Sport Science should do an episode on why Hulk Hogan's leg drop was so much more devastating than anybody else's. Quick, see if you can answer these questions. 1. What move did Hulk Hogan use to defeat the Iron Sheik for the WWF title? 2. What move did the Iron Sheik use to defeat Bob Backlund for the WWF title? 3. What move did Bob Backlund use to defeat Superstar Billy Graham for the WWF title?
  13. AR 15 are a necessity when hunting today's "super" animals. The ELECTRIC eel or the FLYING squirrel for example.
  14. On another note, the Godfather is going into the Hall of Fame for some reason.
  15. im no expert but it sure seemed to me that mcgregor was the more skilled striker. He lit up Diaz's face for the first round and a half and took very little punishment in return. Certainly he has a better ground game but seems to me that Diaz won because he was tougher, kept coming despite getting his face turned into a pizza, finally landed one solid shot that rocked mcgregor and then finished him.
  16. Seems to me that this is a sport where if you don't find humility, humility will come and find you fairly quickly.
  17. You don't really think it's so simple as that.
  18. Or so that side says until they don't get their way. Then they legislate their asses off. Abortion for instance.
  19. True dat. People need their guns to be prepared for when the Kenyan, Muslim, terrorist tries to seize control of the country. The crowd with the level of dishonesty and stupidity to have spread and/or bought into such an idiotic notion are exactly the folk I want possessing copious amounts of firearms.
  20. I'd say the notoriety is gone. I could maybe name one of the last 30 mass shooters.
  21. This makes no sense. The Great Khali opened up a wrestling school.
  22. I'm sure there will be a lot of gun control questions at the next presidential debate.
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