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Sacks 'n' Stuff

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Everything posted by Sacks 'n' Stuff

  1. The gun control "debate"... another bit of stupidity. Let's take a look at the opposing viewpoints. Side A: We have a serious problem. Can we take a look at this please? Side B: Some people gave my political party a bunch of money to tell me no, we can't talk about it and I'm just gonna go along with that cause since I'm from Kentukeeeeeeeeeeee and I'm dum as ****.
  2. There's plenty more than mere allegations already. But I empathize. I know how you right wingers hate allegations with no substance behind them.
  3. I've got some really bad news for Trump supporters. Turns out that you're all stupid.
  4. I admire this about you twa, you love to challenge yourself. Not like those friggin' millennials. The more facts come out, the harder you have to work in your "comparison" to get to the pre-determined conclusion but you're not afraid to feel the strain a few extra mental contortions. Keep it up dawg.
  5. Unfortunately that's not exactly what stopped it last time.
  6. I would like the heads of everyone who got all pissy about the Flynn ouster now please.
  7. Found a couple ? Edit: That 2nd picture is one of my favs. Gotta take advantage of any opportunity to post it.
  8. It would if Russia had been blackmailing him with it and that was the reason he was so in love with them.
  9. Man, you guys have no idea how badly I hope that a tape surfaces of a Russian hooker peeing on that pasty white, fat, bloated old man. edit: This post has nothing to do with politics. It's just a thing for me.
  10. Sweetie? You don't know very much there, do you Sweet Sexy Ass Sugar Nipples?
  11. If you believe Presidents should be judged by their actions but at the same time you don't believe presidents actually do anything but at the same time you believe Obama is a buffoon for not doing anything could it be that you are just talking out of your ass? Yes.
  12. Well if you don't think the president does anything, why would one of them be a buffoon for not doing anything?
  13. Then why did you say Obama was a buffoon for "doing nothing"? You holding him to a different standard?
  14. Explain please. From initial descriptions, I'm wondering if I wouldn't be owed royalties. I invented something very similar around age 12. Put in a lot of hours over that summer between 7th & 8th grade.
  15. Yes it is. And I think the point was that Trump is a self-serving narcissist. A pretty important quality to avoid in your president. But hey... It's all the same, right? Nothing new. We shot our mouths off about how bad Obama was for 8 years and then flocked to the polls to vote for a guy who mocks disabled people. This is only like #583 of the things he did which should have been automatically disqualifying. So ****ing stupid.
  16. Turns out a lot of the higher ups at Fox News are slime balls. Earth shaterring.
  17. What do you mean, "it's all buffoonery"? You know how you said that zero rational people believe Trump. That's also the same number of rational people that excuse or rationalize this bull****. It is most certainly new and it is something to get all worked up over. It's a disgrace.
  18. Problem is that there are enough irrational people to make him president. That and that the entire GOP bends over and lends legitimacy (if you want to call it that) to his bull****. I'm not sure the Jackson comparison is apt for a number of reasons. Clinton not being able to keep it in his pants was a disgrace but not on the same level. Nixon and Bush are fair comparisons. Obama a buffoon? Come on man.
  19. No I'm not. The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA can not carelessly run around slandering people with false accusations, spreading bull**** conspiracy theories from tabloidal right wing idiot websites.... Certainly not when the person he is slandering is the former POTUS. You'll get no argument that there is no precedent for this level of buffoonery disgracing what used to be the most respected office in the world.
  20. Wanna bet which questions they are having a hard time with? Also, what the **** is wrong with Sessions. He's quickly climbing the ladder of Trump administration POS's.
  21. The GOP has it figured it out. You don't have to produce results or provide even minimal substance if your base is mindless. Trump should have been forced to resign after his made up accusations about Obama wiretapping him. Instead, that whole thing seems to have blown over. No consequences... no apology... no repercussions whatsoever. And in fact, he's still claiming it like it actually happened. That's not all on the right though. The left needs to stop being such *******. You can bet your ass that if the roles were reversed, this would be the scandal to end all scandals. Dems don't have the stomach for that sort of thing it seems, even when they don't have to make up phony scandals as their opposition is so inclined to do.
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