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Sacks 'n' Stuff

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Everything posted by Sacks 'n' Stuff

  1. Really? Are you sure you did it right? You have to lean over at just the right angle. Changes depending on how big you are. 37 degrees is a good starting point then adjust as needed.
  2. So nobody has ever seen a horse masturbate besides me? See, what they do is bounce up and down, slapping their junk against their belly until... well, you know. Changed my life I swear. You'll never go back to the old way once you've tried it horsey style.
  3. Crystal meth is way better for you than Taco Bell.
  4. Taco Bell is way worse for you than weed. It's also rank.
  5. Oh man, that was hot. My man was going to town and then it was all like, "hey, you're a swell girl. Here's some cab fare." next question... Who here has ever seen a horse masturbate? ???
  6. 1) This is a real dick move if true. 2) If I wanted to learn how not to be accused of sexual assault, Bill Cosby is the last person I'm asking... "Dan Snyder teaches you how to win Super Bowls!!"
  7. If proof comes out that Trump sold out the United States over a pee tape, how much do you think his approval rating drops? Half a point? A whole point?!?!?
  8. Everybody here smokes weed all the time an you all know it. Next poll. Have you ever been to a bullfight on acid? YES NO
  9. Ooooooooooh... that's what he meant all along. Not the thing that he actually meant and that we all know he actually meant. He's the king of this maneuver... only because his subjects allow him to be though.
  10. I envision a different scenario. Bear in mind, this is not a prediction or even speculation... I'm not saying this is true but the way I've imagined it could have played out was that Trump really had no idea that all of these people had ties to Russia when he chose them but that somebody in his inner circle with Russian connections was advising him. So, Putin and Russian higher-ups are telling intermediaries and the intermediaries are talking Person X (let's call him Kared Jushner) and Kared Jushner is telling Trump that these would be actual good choices without Donnie ever knowing about their ties to Russia.
  11. You know he stares in the mirror, fiddling with his jacket and saying "Hello, Mr. President" over and over again to himself with different inflections... "HEY-lo Mr. President." "Hello Misterrrrrrr President." "Hellooooooooo Mr. President."
  12. This is a no brainer (or should be at least). You dispose of nuclear waste the same way you dispose of hypodermic needles. Discard it at the local beach. Alternatively, you can leave it under the handle of a gas pump but that's a little bit more work.
  13. Kinda, yeah. The answer to why the GOP denies climate change is the same answer to a lot of the whys when you look at the screwed up aspects of our society & government... Lobbies.
  14. You've got it backwards. They’re NOT sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They're rapists.
  15. Wasn't that just a BS talking point? Like, it's true that 50,000 Canadians traveled to the US for medical care but they ignored the 750,000 Americans who leave the country each year for the same reason. Something along those lines. Likewise, more doctors immigrate to Canada than emigrate from it.
  16. Ah yes... I've found the mathematics that allow this equation to work. = + x 86,000,000
  17. According to my initial calculations, that would be correct. I better check my math though. Seems ****ing impossible.
  18. Most recent Gallup poll showed him at 37% approval rating overall. Among Republicans, it was 83% approval.
  19. I think it's that he was murdered by Kevin Sullivan.
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