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Sacks 'n' Stuff

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Everything posted by Sacks 'n' Stuff

  1. You're actually going to engage him regarding that claim? I'm sitting at McDonald's working on my computer right now. I might go argue with the soda machine about rating the Hollywood superhunks... equally valuable use of time.
  2. Seriously dawg? A hostile foreign government illegally attacks our country, gains information through that attack, uses it to aid a political figure and then that political figure, once in power, promotes policies that favor the hostile foreign government and go against the best interest of our nation. Is this not what we've been talking about for the last however many months and the reason that there is an FBI investigation? Are you going to make me look up the specific statutes and laws that are being violated here? How many of them?
  3. Agree that they are both dirty. One of them technically isn't criminal. The other absolutely is.
  4. The part about advancing pro-Russia policy to the detriment of the United States is also a factor.
  5. I also can't stand the millions and millions of people who look at that tweet and think, "damn straight!!"
  6. Did Hannity ask him why his story changed so many times or did they scrap that one in dress rehearsal? Also, Jr has a lawyer right? Is this the worst lawyer in history or does he just not listen to him? I'm no law expert but from my observations, most council would tell their client, you are not going to go on ****ing Hannity and talk about this tonight. Right?
  7. It didn't turn on Trump. The article says Junior is an idiot who was easily tricked with the end result being a bad look that hampers Trump's ability to do work while liberals froth at the mouth with talk of treason.
  8. Of course he knew about it. This whole thing is so transparent (on account of them being morons mostly). You've got a stupid base and shameless politicians / right wing propagandists masquerading as "news" networks trying their best to muddy the waters but any unbiased individual with half a brain would be able to see pretty clearly what has been going on this whole time.
  9. I promise you that the strategy of Trump and goo will be to try to divide the country thereby damaging the United States as much as possible on their way out.
  10. Anyone else feel like this is all a dem conspiracy to distract us from that sick burn that the God Emperor put on bloody facelift reporter chick.
  11. This is like wondering if dogs say "moo". The answer is apparent and it's "no".
  12. This has been clear for a long, long time. Just as clear as Trump being compromised by Russia has been all along. Those folks are going to react to this exactly as you would expect them to. Every time one of the mindless Trump bots on here said something along the lines of, "show me some proof.", if anybody read that as anything other than, "I'm going to continue to shill no matter what.", well then that's on you.
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