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Sacks 'n' Stuff

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Everything posted by Sacks 'n' Stuff

  1. You want proof supporting my statement that "it's a definite possibility that there is more evidence than has been produced."? Try this link. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/possibility
  2. Again, this is not at all what he said. Not even close. But yeah, you see people who they think might have committed a crime investigated, even if they don't have the proof. That's what's called a suspect.
  3. It wasn't me that said it, and no you didn't. It wasn't at all what he wrote.
  4. Jesus Christ! Are you guys incapable of responding to what the person said without making up some **** that they didn't say?
  5. This conversation is quite pointless. None of us know what all of the facts are. If you can't agree that the investigation needs to play out then you're just a brainwashed sycophant who doesn't give a **** about the United States of America. Add, if you're a hardcore GOPer, please don't talk about facts like those are something you care about or believe in.
  6. I'm saying it's a definite possibility that there is more evidence than has been produced. In fact, it's a 100% certainty that the FBI knows things about this that we do not. 100%. To point 2: I don't like political parties in general but there is a wide margin between the bull**** coming from the left vs the right. It's not even close.
  7. Dude, how many people in Trump campaign have been caught lying about Russia? Trump lies his ass off about EVERYTHING including Russia. There is as much breaking the law here already as there ever was in Benghazi. Bottom line though... a hostile foreign government attacked out country with the goal of helping a certain candidate win and that candidate's, who is now the President, only response is to deny it and verbally fellate the president of said country while also surrounding himself with numerous Russophiles and pushing pro-Russian policy that benefits us in no way whatsoever while at the same time ****ting on every other country that we have historically allied ourselves with and demonstrating a long history of self-serving behavior. We need to be investigating everything that occurred during the election and the Russian attacks on our democracy and I really don't give a **** about the GOP's warped ideology taking precedent over the good of our nation.
  8. As long as the FBI feels the need to continue their work. They also don't need to share all of their findings with us. And by the way, I would say the GOP to Democrat ratio of using the word "collusion" is about 1000 : 1.
  9. Yup... the good old days. Need to go back to that type of entertainment. The current brand sucks ass. I'm going to post some more cocaine abetted promos now.
  10. I have quite the opposite reaction watching wrestling nowadays. The lack of steroids and cocaine has really hurt the product.
  11. He also conveniently forgot to mention that comparing somebody who has an existing medical condition with somebody who crashes their car is stupid.
  12. Why is that? Follow-up question, why would that be funny unless you care more about ideology than people?
  13. I'm glad to see that some people have the good sense not to Jim through a healthcare bill before it's ready simply for political purposes. I'm sure the Democrats will spend many more millions of dollars on attack ads now on Rendon for killining it... (hint: no they won't).
  14. Ahead in what? Followers? There are no shortage of ****heads with massive followings throughout history. Doesn't make them any less of a ****head.
  15. I see two very different parties. One of them has issues. The other is absolutely stupid.
  16. If the GOP is so good and the democrats are so bad, why does the GOP feel the need to take quotes out of context or just blatantly make **** up out of the blue about their opponents instead of being able to provide me with real reasons why I should vote Republican? And why do they have to spend so much time pretending that their president didn't mean what he said or that it's somehow ok for him to do it because he's the president?
  17. Hate-filled propaganda targeted at a mindless base combined with utter shamelessness is a recipe for win sauce.
  18. Yellowstone is about to blow. Time is relative but in the grand scheme of things, we're right in the window. of course that window is like 10,000 years or something so...
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