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Everything posted by CTskin

  1. WAY ok with that eagles pick. The cowboys broke my heart with the Micah pick last year, so relieved we avoided deja vu
  2. Abandoning quality for quantity is the reason we are the team we are. We had blue chips in our lap, now we won’t. This trade was bad… bad for both teams… trading up for olave is the dumbest.
  3. Thank god we didn’t make that mistake. I’m not looking for a #2 wr at the 11 pick.
  4. I think we just moved out of blue chip territory… I don’t trust this FO to get this right
  5. Please not olave at 11. Please don’t trade back more than a few picks. We need a stud… I don’t trust the FO to find a diamond in the rough outside of the top 15.
  6. We are giving Terry a qb, which I think is an important factor in keeping him. As others have said, he deserves better than this. Let’s be honest here, he was drafted by a qb-less, toxic franchise and has since proven to be a true #1 wr in this league. Any agent worth his money, which none are, would force Terry to test the market unless we offer him a massive contract. By the way Terry Carrie’s himself, I believe he’s in the minority and cares more about winning… but even he has his price. We clearly haven’t proven to be a winner, but by giving him an actual qb certainly helps the equation. He’s no Brady, but he’s a vast improvement. to take it way off course, my real concern is turner. Vanilla, milking the clock offense simply isn’t the recipe.
  7. So relieved we’re ridding ourselves of scherff. Did the numbers come out on his contract? I could have sworn that when I looked at our cap after trading for wentz that we had something like $5m remaining. Cutting Landon helps, but I imagine we’re working with maybe $15m give or take. Not much. give me one stud, either ILB or FS. Quality over quantity. I hate that the cowboys signed Gallup to such a good deal.
  8. if it were me making the decisions, I’d do it. I’d pay A LOT. I’d explain it in more detail, but the words can be taken the wrong way. Simply put, this team is trying to stay in the best light they possibly can. A Watson acquisition would not jive.
  9. The only real problem with wentz is the injury proneness. I know carr was a darling of many on this board, but when comparing numbers, it’s honestly hard to argue for carr. Especially for his asking price. Trubisky and Winston are hot trash. The rookie qb class is the worst in a long time. Aside from a winger on a trade for Huntley, I don’t see how we could have improved our qb situation better than we did. I won’t repeat all of the reasons why we never had a shot with russ, Rodgers, and Watson.
  10. Best realistic option out there… sad, but true. Injury prone and average is about as good as we could have hoped for. as I’ve said, Rodgers and russ wanted nothing to do with dc, and Watson simply can’t be here because of the allegations (coupled with our ongoing investigation). the rookie qb class is junk. And gtfo to anyone who wanted trubisky or Winston. They are so bad.
  11. “We’ve been fully cooperative… unfortunately, it just so happens that the 109k requested documents all fall into that privileged category.” my worry has always been that the NFL is well aware of how bad those documents look for them and probably quite a few other franchises, which is why they aren’t pushing the issue. I have this bad feeling that all we’re going to get is a shouting match and then it’ll be back to business as usual.
  12. I want your optimism. if you look at terrys situation, him getting drafted by this team when he was is about as ugly as it gets… and it really hasn’t improved much in the 3 years since. No fans at the games, tarnished name, POS owner, poor facilities; there’s not much to fall in love with and keep him here. You add on that he is personally underachieving because of consistent poor qb play and a **** OC and any agent worth his weight should be in Terrys ear telling him to run. Apologies, that may have turned into more a vent sesh because of how awful everything about this “reveal” was…
  13. Oh everyone recognizes that he’s very good, no disputing that. My point is just that he’s not in the top 10 / elite category. after @Vanguard made a comment along the same lines, I had to google. In my 2 mins of checking, I only found 3 rankings (that weren’t based on fantasy points) and he was between 15-20. really good, better than most, but not where an elite player would ever be ranked.
  14. I’ve never heard it. there may be one or two outliers but it definitely isn’t the consensus. my opinion is that he has top 10 talent, he just hasn’t had the opportunity.
  15. If it’s possible, we need to pair this name change/new look with a new face of the franchise. Not to bring the qb thread in here, but Russ would be the ideal poster boy. New name, jersey, and a stud qb would genuinely feel like a positive change and the beginning to a new era. This is just really poorly timed as there’s zero hype for this team, and deservedly so. If we did this on 2-2-21, when it felt like we were on the ups, I think there’d be a few more who would care/embrace this change.
  16. I’m sick of stop gap QBs and those who keep us around .500. Mediocrity will get us nowhere. jimmy g, Carr, jameis will not elevate this team to anything special. Maybe we’ll end up barely on the plus side of .500, but that’s not making it move for me. Either shoot for the stars or shoot for the floor. would love Watson, but that can’t happen. Would love Wilson, but we feel like a longshot in that sweepstakes. I’ve done a complete 180 and am all about Mitch. I believe there’s a minimal chance that his reclamation project works- awesome if it does, great if it doesn’t because then we should have a high pick in a better qb class.
  17. My fear is that Terry wants to go somewhere relevant… and I don’t blame him. He doesn’t strike me as a guy who’s all about the money, there may not be a price that would keep him here. We all think highly of Terry because we know what his potential is with a good qb in a good scheme, but as of now he’s not sniffing top 10 rankings with anyone outside of this fanbase.
  18. You’re missing my point, or maybe I just did a poor job of saying… we could have had a qb at #2 (which absolutely could have been Herbert, regardless of analyst rankings) but my point is we were completely out of the qb game because we had Haskins going into his 2nd year.
  19. I mean we could have had Herbert. I’ve said it a few times, Haskins is the gift that just keeps on giving. He was on the roster going into his second year, we weren’t going QB. Hindsight, chase isn’t feeling like the correct pick, but it wasn’t disputed by many here or by the “professional” analysts at the time.6$
  20. Much appreciated. it also helps that from weeks 13-19 they only played one legit qb, Tom Brady. everything else was Pats 2x, Jets 2x, panthers, and falcons. not to argue dispute something that’s beside the point that we agree on, but the stat disparity would likely be greater if the schedule wasn’t that soft.
  21. I mean I agree… but I’m not following the tweet, tredavious white is a CB.
  22. I’m close to the edge here with the decision makers. If they even hint at a trubisky trade I’m jumping. He’s barely on par with what we currently have. that said, I find it very unlikely that we go into next season with a better qb situation than this season. Watson can’t come here because of PR, Wilson won’t come here because he doesn’t want to; the stud vets aren’t happening. The draft, who knows, I’m no guru, but it seems safe to say that this is one of poorest QB classes we’ve seen in a long time…
  23. If one more person sends me the “how stacked was the 2013 redskins coaching staff” meme…
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