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Everything posted by goskins10

  1. Sorry to lose Alex Trebek. He was the ultimate of game show host providing a release from the daily grind, but in a way that is not a complete dumbing of the mind. RIP! You will be missed.
  2. Of all the weak arguments for keeping the EC this is the weakest. It takes more than CA and NY to win the popular vote. And BTW - both of those also have very conservative areas where their votes do not count at all. Those would now actually count. So the simple answer is that if the majority of the people live in NY and CA then yes! However, they do not. We have people all over the country. So that argument is nothing but fear mongering rhetoric.
  3. No. This guy does this in London I believe. He has a bunch of these videos. They are pretty cool.
  4. Hope this is not pushing the bounds of the thread - but I found this very entertaining and uplifting in so many levels: I can delete and replace with something else if it's out of place here.
  5. @GibbsGreen11 I call your Dynamics and Raise you a Post Modern Jukebox with Haley Reinhart (both are excellent)
  6. While we are doing Heart - A little Zeppelin Cover - Not Stairway - Saw them do this in concert about 6 yrs ago. It was amazing. Ann, 60+ at thhe time still had crazy pipes!
  7. This is a pretty good video. It's every play from Chase Young. It's long - about an hour. But really shows his talent. It also showed some other guys doing well - Tim Settle in particular. I swear that guy starts on any other team. He highlighted the play I liked most - when he saw a swing pass pass developing and got off Peters and chased the play down from behind. Crazy awareness. As Rico calls it - it's a very high IQ play.
  8. This is a perfect demonstration of the stupid in this country. It also provides proof that while you may not be born stupid, you can be taught to be stupid. There is what looks to be a 5 to 7 y/o child who tells us that the flu is more deadly than corona. He did not read that in the WSJ. Some idiot adult - likely a parent - has told him that and he has no way of knowing just how dumb the statement is. They should have their child taken away due to child abuse. Just becasue you can procreate does not mean you should be a parent.
  9. Fair enough. But the portrayal is that it's the other way around - 10% peaceful and 90% violent. And we will never know how much of the violence was done by white supremacists and other 45 supporters inciting violence. That is no excuse for anyone committing violence. It is all wrong no matter who is doing it. But the police response is different to peaceful demonstrations (or at least should be) than when violence starts. Then, what would otherwise be peaceful protestors defend themselves and it all spirals out of control.
  10. Looks like the changes in formatting to the site has messed up my signature. Thanks for letting me know. I will fix it.
  11. More smoke and mirrors. First, providing relief for SS and Medicare taxes will not help those out of work at all. What it will do is one of two things - 1. If he wins in Nov, he lobbies congress with a new mandate from the people ( real or not) on Payroll Tax forgiveness which would put an heavier strain on SS to meets it's requirements and will likely require a complete overhaul of SS at best if not getting rid of it - which is what he really wants to do and is why he is doing this in the first place. he will sign EO after EO to keep those taxes from being collected until congress HAS to do something. He becomes a hero. This will likely bankrupt SS even sooner which is what the Rep have always wanted os they can either privatize it or just abolish it altogether. 2. If he loses ( and actually leaves which is very much up in the air right now) - the first thing that happens under a new Dem president is peoples payroll taxes get doubled - or at least significantly increased to pay back what was not collected. What a great way to start your administration. Some will get it but many will not. They will just see Trump = bigger check - Biden = smaller check. The very best outcome would be a pay back over time plan where it take say 12 months to pay back what was not collected.
  12. This has to get him removed. Too much garbage. Involved or not, he owns the team. He is either complicit or completely incompetent. Either way he should not be the owner.
  13. I have to believe when he approached the crowd with a loaded rifle he lost all ability to claim self defense. He initiated the contact. He went in after them then got scared when people ran toward him and eventually fell. If he stays home he never kills anyone.
  14. What is astounding to me is how trump and his supporters take no responsibility for any of this. Who cares who the cities are run by. He is the president. It's his job to help keep peace - and not by just sending federal troops in. Need to hear people, have some compassion, commit to at least looking into the issues to look for a better way for us all to coexist. I do not condone any violence. Having said that I can understand the frustration when even after someone gets murdered on video, there is no compassion from leadership. Bunker Boy appears to have no clue that it's his actions outside his mouth running that are keeping these protests and worse going. His insistence that all protestors are looters and violent and that no one has a point worth hearing is exactly why the protests continue. Now he is supporting by his further inaction white supremacists slaughtering of the protestors.
  15. I had hoped by now to provide details for a new stimulus package. But so far there is nothing. The presidents EOs have not been put in place and there is some argument about the ability to put them in place. I like how the House passes a bill in May and sent it to the Senate only to have them sit on it for 2 months then cry foul when they could not come to agreement. I believe Rep are wrong if they think they can pin the lack of stimulus on Dems outside their already ignorant base.
  16. First, let's stop with the trolling smiley emoji. They are not value added and only go to show you have no real point. I may be remembering incorrectly, but I believe there have been warnings about doing this. As for the rest, you keep banging this same drum every few weeks with no new data and nothing to support your position other than since some people are getting a little extra money they are just staying home to collect free money. You bring nothing new to this argument. You just resurrect it every few weeks with the same tired ****. You keep citing this idiot who owns a pizza shop who can't get people to deliver pizza to strange homes in the middle of a deadly pandemic!! Then you want to extrapolate that to all jobs and all people on UI. The rich part is the very large majority of people who deliver pizza for a living - or would - cannot collect UI. That is more about a living wage, but that's a different conversation. Yes, there are some people with the lack of integrity to stay home just because of the money (many who are staying home do it for safety and health), but most people want to work. Most people want to earn their own money. Most people have the integrity to go back to work. But they need jobs to go to that do not require risking their lives unnecessarily. And they deserve a safer environment to go back to work in. Until that happens I would stay home too if I could, but not just to get a few $100s extra. Done with this conversation - at least with you unless you can bring something new to the table. Repeating the same false narrative does not make it right unless it's trump saying it and it's one of his blind lapdog followers listening.
  17. Several problems with this article. Let's start with the people that typically have those jobs do not qualify for unemployment. So how is the $600.00 keeping them away? They are not getting $600.00 a month becasue they do not qualify for unemployment. So he is just promoting a false narrative becasue like you and many others, poor people getting a few extra $s while companies and rich people get $Ms seems to be a major problem. Heaven forbid we attempt to provide and serve those in need for once instead of trhe ****inbg already rich. And what about those that do qualify for UI. If I am furloughed or laid off from in IT job, am I supposed to run out and get a pizza job delivering pizza?? More importantly, and I asked you this before when you brought up this very bad and quite honestly ridiculous example - did you ever think that delivering pizza during a pandemic is seen by people as a dangerous job??? Do you really want to drive all over to a bunch of strangers houses, exponentially raising your chances of getting the disease and then spreading it to your family, which is a known killer, for a few $s an hour??? You keep holding onto one persons anecdotal account that clearly has an agenda and as far as I can see is full of ****. It's a flawed argument at best and an outright lie at worst. I just do not understand why this $600.00 is such a problem for some people - mostly republicans. People need help, especially when you have an idiot president who will not accept responsibility and do his job by leading.
  18. That is some twisted sick ****. It's a cult. Those people have lost their minds.
  19. Isn't this the wall that recently fell down that trump complained about? That it was put up cheaply to make him look bad?
  20. Not sure abotu that. They had an ugly break up. He was not the loyal subject and trump had some really ugly words about trump as bannon was sent packing. It will be interesting to see which way he goes. I guess he could say overall bannon is a nut but on this item he did a great job. That's how bunker boy thinks.
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