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Everything posted by goskins10

  1. Just responding to the last part - here I 100% agree. Love the Alex story. Glad he was able to return and take a team to the POs. But it's time he move into coaching - and that's where he needs to be. Not sure how far he can go in coaching, but QBs coach at least. And from there you never know. He certainly inspires players to be great. They just want to play for him. That is a huge part of being a HC. Not saying he can be a HC, jsut saying he has at least some of the intangibles. Man was it rough watching him hobble around against Carolina. I felt for him. I hope he just says enough is enough, let me move to the sidelines.
  2. What makes you think he is a cultural fit? Honest question. I believe he is not since I was in N Car just about the entire time he was there and there was always some kind of childishness he was getting into. Nothing illegal jsut stupid things he said and did that make you scratch your head. I never saw teammates stand up that much for him - and in fairness they didn't complain about him either. I just have seen nothing to suggest he would be that great a cultural fit. And no, sorry he is not "elite" runner. He is still a decent runner, maybe even really good for a QB. But elite? C'mon there is nothing to support that? But even if he is, if that's the best attribute for your QB? We need a QB not a runner unless you plan to put him at RB? Is he signed up for that? He could be a decent 4th down back but we have that and he would be way more expensive. I would feel differently if at one point in his career he had been a really good throwing QB - even if it jsut complimented his running. But without his wheels he is barely average. And with those skills diminishing - and they will go even faster the older he gets - he is just not who we need here. Not going on after this. I get it some people are OK with it and that's fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I am not interested in him at all. Neither position is changing and we have no real say anyway. So will not derial anymore than I have already on one guy - who honestly it's very unlikely he ends up here. Like I said, Ron had his shot and turned it down. In fairness, I m not interested in any other veteran unless it's purely as a backup except Deshaun Watson. He is the prime of his career and is playing at a very high level.
  3. This is not personal (felt compelled to add this as many seem a bit on edge and are taking things more personal than normal - if not great) but I could not disagree more with pretty much everything in your post. He would NOT provide any stability at QB. He is just this side of useless as a QB. Did you watch any of NEs games? Or the end of his time in Car? Yea, he started off nice with NE for a few games. But once people figured him out they shut him down and he turned into a TO machine. I would hope no one would hold up how he did against the Jets. We can get that from a rookie who at least has a chance of developing. He can't throw and he is slowing down as a runner significantly. And every QB coming in here would feel like they were looking over their shoulder. He is not at all familiar with the offence. He may know some parts of it but this is Scott's offence not his dads. Not sure ther is anything that suggests he could produce in this offence, especially with limited tools - ie he can't throw accurately and feet are slowing down. Most importantly he takes up a roster spot from someone who at least has the potential of being developed. And no, I do not believe Ron R trusts Cam at QB He had a chance to bring him in last year for cheap knowing we needed a QB. Ok, you could maybe argue he was looking for a starting role, something Ron could not promise him. But from what I read he was not interested at all, for any price. I lived in NC and i can tell you Ron and Cam butted heads a lot, not jsut when he was younger but later too. And not just normal back and forth. Ron got plenty pissed at his childish antics (not sure he likes him but I do not know either personally so in fairness I would not know for sure either way). I do NOT see Cam fitting into or helping this culture. To me he would be a significant step backwards and I would be very disappointed in Ron if he brought Cam in. Honestly I would roll with the 3 we have (assuming Alex is gone - 4 if he stays) or replace S Montez) while still looking for a franchise QB. I do not think our long term solution is on the team but we have enough to continue growing while we look. Brining in Cam would feel like a desperation move when it's not needed.
  4. I cannot believe that anyone would want Cam Newton here! Ron has already rejected him! The guy played like complete **** at NE with BB who can gets all he can out of people. Why in the world would you want a highly flawed, on the other side of his career QB that could not keep his starting job last year on a team with really no other option?? ANd he was never a good passer to begin with and that's what we need. Mobility is a plus but you have to be able to make throws, something Cam has never been great at. I have not looked after this year - but something like a 62% completion rate lifetime? C'mon people, you will never get the Cam of 6 yrs ago. He is done, finished! Washed up and should not be brought in here even for a look unless it's to get water for people. And no he is NOT better than anything we have already. Not at this point in his career. Not saying we have the answer in house - I do not think we do. But he is not getting any closer. Everyone, all together now:
  5. I agree. The only thing has taylor earned was a shot to make the team next year. That's a big deal. And he played great. Cannot take that away. But it was one game. He has several years before to make that impact and he did not. He can compete. And if in the end, after they explore all reasonable options he is the last guy standing, then start him. Anything else is not smart. I agree it gives us some flexibility. But I disagree a little bit about resources. If there is a guy available - for trade or Veteran, the team believes he is the guy, you do what you have to. We are the poster child for how much difference a quality QB makes (I know we are also the poster child for poor QB decisions.. 🙂 . But if you see a guy who is YOUR guy, the player that you see as a long term franchise QB, you have to go get them. Where I think you were more talking to is and where I agree, we do not have to get a QB just to get a QB because we have no answer. We don't have to settle for someone that checks some boxes but is not quite what the team is looking for out of desperation. Without his performance, you have to think that could happen.
  6. The short answer is yes. But let me add some context. Let me start with asking a few questions - Why do I have to reach them? They see no responsibility to reach me other than to tell me I am traitor and I hate America if I dare suggest there might be a middle ground. They tell me if I support dems I should go kill myself. Not exaggerating. And why should i reach out to them when their entire agenda is driven by hate and ignorance. They are mad because they want to live in BFE KY or GA or Ala and have great jobs even if it makes no business sense to be there. If the jobs move they want someone to make sure they still have jobs. Well sorry to tell you but you have to move where the jobs are. It's not my responsibility to make sure you have a job if you will not move or change careers to meet today's market. Not ot mention the so called Red states already consume way more government resources than blue states. I am a horrible person becasue gasp I think everyone should have access to affordable health care. And before you say it - =they do not want that. They want to make they have health care. **** everyone else. In the end I can live with all of the above honestly. What i can't abide by is supporting trump. He is foul mouthed hateful racist misogynist bottom dweller who cares about only himself, to the point he will stir a bunch of people up to try and destroy hundreds of years of democracy for his own gains. The GOP has lost sight of the real world and allowed this smaller band of radical right wing **** knots to drive them. They need to wake up and clean house. That's on them not me. It's their turn to come to me. If they don't then that's on them. I am not pandering to a bunch of low information ignorant hate filling idiots. Let them cry. I have tried too long and hard only to get a foot in the face. So **** them! Ok rant over.
  7. There is a good note - Ossoff was declared the winner. Up by more than 40,000 vates which is 0.8% so no mandatory recount.
  8. I don't think ha can. It seems only the President or the SoS with the approval the state governor. So not sure how he can say that - unless he was conveying the presidents instructions? Title 32 Full-Time National Guard Duty. (Federally funded, but command and control remains with the State Governor through his Adjutant General.) Title 32 activation can only be done by the President or SECDEF with the approval and consent of the state Governor.
  9. Neither. Just a lit of what everyone sees as important for whatever reason. Some are mine some are others. I did leave the big three off - gun control, abortion and immigration but fair enough to be complete they should be on the list. I will add it.
  10. What I had in mind for this thread is a kind of catch-all for general discussions about legislation/policy for the Biden/Harris administration. There could then be individual threads for major legislation/policy with more intricate detail. For example EPA/Climate Control for which I think there may already be a thread. Below is the list of legislative/policy issues that come to mind - in no particular order. There are many, many more. Feel free to add them in the comments and I will add them to the OP. I will not list the goals or objectives just a short description of the item. Will leave the opinions in the comments - well for the most part. My thread so I get to add some opinion in the beginning if I want to 🙂 Last but not least, as the administration addresses the issues - assuming they do, I will post status updates on the proposals here where I can find them. I may ask for help with from some of you with some pet items that are not maybe as mainstream. If nothing else it might be good to look back in four years and see what they addressed from our list. I may even create a poll once we get what we think is a fairly complete list. But not right away. Health Care Reform - We clearly need to health care reform to provide affordable healthcare to everyone that needs it. Is that rebuild the ACA? Go back to the previous system? Go for a full single payer system? Voter Rights/Gerrymandering - We need to implement voters laws that encourage people to exercise their right to vote and to make sure each vote counts. Campaign Finance - There is too much money in politics. How do we remove the overwhelming influence companies/industries/individuals get to have on our politics though buying it. Tax Reform - Republicans again lowered taxes to the point it increased pre-covid deficit spending above $1T/yr after Obama got it as low as $450B. Deficit spending needs to be reduced but it can't all be through spending cuts. Some type of tax reform is needed. Infrastructure - This country is in desperate need of a massive infrastructure bill. Each administration - both dems and reps have talked the talk but no one has yet to walk the walk in a meaningful manner. Note - this could be done with Climate Change in mind and take care of two objectives. EPA /Climate Change - Although and argument could be made these are to separate issues, to me this is the EPA's primary role so I have combined them. Clearly we have a climate change issue. Sorry for anyone that still thinks it's not true but sadly you are incorrect. The question is how serious is it and what do we do about it. The EPA has been ravaged by the previous administration. How to rebuild the EPA and give them the tools to help combat Climate Change? I could see a whole separate thread for this one (and I think there is one) but will list it here. Living Wage - Wages continue to remain stagnant in the US. While working as a cashier at McDonald's maybe should be looked at as a life career - it would pay enough to cover the basic necessities if you work a 40 hr week. Some adjustments have to be made. College Tuition - Many students are caught by high tuition costs, during school, after or both. Is 100% free tuition right? What about existing loans? Do those get forgiven? Whatever it is, the current system does not work for anyone. Legalized Marijuana - It's legal is many states already. It needs to be legal on the federal level. How is this not done already? Needs to be made legal at the very least for medicinal purposes. My dad would not be able to hardly walk without it. He is 81. Gun Control - This take on many different shapes and forms. Removal of guns? More laws? Fewer laws? But with all the violence we have seen in this country that can be traced back to guns one way or the other, this is certainly a hot topic. Dreamers - They have been brought here without a choice. They know no other life. Should there be a citizenship path or sent back? I left this off as it looks like the SCOTUS has said the current program is not changing. But with the new makeup they will likely try again. Abortion - With the new court this will definitely come up again. Not sure what the administration can do about it other than support the current law. But I certainly expect it to become a major issue. DC Statehood - This has been a long time discussion. On one hand people need representation. However, DC does not have the ability to be self sustaining since the federal government owns most property. This what I have to start. Let me know some other topics. It would be helpful to provide some short detail. I can copy paste mostly that way.
  11. Thanks for posting this. It made me look and I better understand my bill now. Kind of embarrassing I didn't before. Turns out I don't use nearly what you do. Tops was 500 GB. I am on the limited like you - the exact number is 1229GB. And it looks like they give you one free month to go over - or at least that's what they show for me. I am using my Roku a bit more for things like Netflix, Pluto TV, and Amazon, but it's still not going to be above 600 to 700GBs. My bigger cost is speed. I have 200 Mbps (well their "as fast as" which means sometimes but not always lol)". And I get a $10 discount for autopay. That's an easy $120/yr off the bill. Anyway, thanks again for posting. Was very helpful.
  12. Spot on here. We can still win even if the running game struggles. But if it's going well, no way Philly wins. Fletcher will not be playing and that helps a lot. He has been a 1 man WFT wrecking ball - at least it seems that way. It will be a tough game for sure but one we can win.
  13. Has anyone else tried Pluto TV? It's free. It has ads but so what. There is both regular programming and on demand. There are news stations but not network. You can always use an antenna for the network stations. I just got so tired of paying for TV and Internet. I do have Netflix but it's the only thing i pay for and it's a whole $13.95/mo.
  14. I have been watching all the games on 6stream. If you have a good ad blocker it will be seamless. But even if you don't, just keep going back to the main page and it will work. Just requires a few extra clicks. Honestly, I am sure that's how they get paid so I have no problem letting the ads pop up. And now I connect the computer to the TV and use it as a monitor (TV is difficult to navigate the internet with). HDMI and we are good to go!
  15. I agree Cobra Kai is great. Would recommend that easily. Much better than I thought it would be when I heard about it. There are some older shows that if people haven't watched that are worth checking out: Comedy - Becker. I am rewatching right now on Pluto TV (free TV with ads). It is hilarious and definitely holds up. Crime Drama - Flashpoint - Kind of like SWAT in Canada but with a focus on getting people out alive not busting up the place. Pluto TV. Crime Dramedy - Leverage - A team of criminals who pull a Robin Hood, stealing from the rich to give to the poor and righting wrongs. Excellent show. Amazon with ads.
  16. Of course he only sees it from one side. While yes he will be able to sue them for anything he doesn't like, the end result will be those sites will censor things to the point where there will not be anything controversial including all the crap he wants to post! LOL
  17. I updated the OP but here is the best summary I could find - https://appropriations.house.gov/sites/democrats.appropriations.house.gov/files/Summary of H.R. 133 Coronavirus Relief Provisions.pdf It's a summary of HR 133, the House bill.
  18. Hmm. Took this long? Well at least you got there 🙂 Just messing with you. Guy is bat **** crazy. Totally disagree. He doesn't care about anything but himself and revenge. He is doing this to get back at republicans who he thinks did not support him enough. It's jsut that simple. He is more than happy to burn the entire thing down since he lost. He does not care. It's not even on his mind. Refer to the last point. Not thinking about it. Doesn't care. He is hell bent on revenge. Will worry about it later if at all. Likely to act like nothing happened. Again, he only cares about getting revenge on those he believes has wronged him. Personally at this point i find it both terrifying and hilarious. Terrifying for the innocent people he is harming. But hilarious for the Mitch Ms and others in the Rep party he is ****ing with. Dude is one sick ****.
  19. Thanks. I agree to a certain extent. I think the really good bakers are artists too. But for me it's a bit of drudgery lol. I love to cook. I actually went to culinary school and was in the restaurant business in a different life. But never got into baking. Still not my favorite but this was kind of for mom. Will tell her tomorrow I made it when I call her. She will be happy that I have that memory. Your dish looked great too. I will try it sometime. I never turn down bacon. I maintain it should be a food group on it's own.
  20. Tried some baking today - I cook a lot but not much baking so this is a little new. It's Swedish Limpa Rye bread. My mom used to make it during the holiday season. Here is the recipe link I used - same as moms - I checked 🙂 : https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/257661/swedish-limpa-rye-bread/ Here are some notes after making it: Ingredients: I had to substitute Whole Wheat flour for Rye Flour. I decided too late and could not find any rye. Next time will order it. So mine is lighter than if I used Rye flour. If you can't find anise seeds, use more fennel and caraway. I am not sure there is a lot of difference. But I used Anise. For the orange zest I used the cheese grater. Worked well. Baking including Prep: --> Instruction do not say when to add the spices from step 1 in. I guess it's implied but I would prefer they be accurate. I didn't notice until the milk was cooling so I added then. Next time I will add while the milk is heating and butter melting. --> When they say a large saucepan, they mean it. You will do the first mixing for flour in that pan. Need room to knead with your hands at the end. --> I would add 15 minutes to each rise time. It will make it a little more fluffy. Final product: I made a double batch and made round bread - kind of like the old days 🙂 However, this bread does not rise much. So it you want like sandwich slices or for toast I recommend using baking pans. Below is how it turned out (I got so excited to eat it I cut a few slices before taking the picture). Hope you enjoy it.
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