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Everything posted by goskins10

  1. This says all anyone needs to know --> WH ADVISOR: “I don’t understand..”
  2. goskins10


    Yea, that's about as high as they get. I had a similar situation in Charleston. We also played the course at Kiawah. They are really nice but very expensive. We paly so much wqhen we go (typically at least 36 holes a day up to 54), that $200/rd is pretty steep. So we tend to play the city courses. And honestly they are just fine. One of our favorites is just south of Tampa called Bloomingdale. It's in Valrico. Great course for less than $50. #9 (the signature hole) requires some thought as you have a narrow fairway off the tee and the green has about 130 yrds of water in front of it. I have been on in 2 several times but the water has gotten a few balls also.. 🙂 really fun course and the people are super nice. We have played there so much over the last 8 yrs some of them think we live there. LOL I live in Atl and my buddy lives in Johnson City TN.
  3. goskins10


    I go with a buddy to Tampa every year to play golf - hence the picture above. But i am not going this year. He is still going but I am not traveling anywhere until this Covid thing gets better taken care of. I took this picture at Rogers Park Golf course just outside Tampa. That's about as close as I want to get. Look at the clearance under that gator as it makes it's way across. Yikes!! 🙂 We do not get down to Naples. Just stay in the Tampa area. But if we do, I will let you know.
  4. goskins10


    Paige is actually a very good golfer, despite like Anna Kournikova being known mostly for her appearance. You should watch Golfholics. They have some great matches between both men and women but in a more relaxed atmosphere. Of course the ladies are not hard to look at. Paige got her social media golf start with them several years ago before going out on her own. She even has some good instructional videos. Here is one of the Golfholics videos, The Shee sisters vs the Taonak sisters. DOn;'t be thrown by the first hole - which is very rough. They play to about even after that really bad first hole. Several of them are legitimate scratch golfers. : Yea, not fond of their politics and understand they are horses asses to those who work there. But it is an amazing coure and tournament. And in fairness they pay their own way, not taking any city or state tax breaks. But they are the epitome of old white racist privilege.
  5. goskins10


    I am surprised they did not ship in the flowers like they do in APril. Maybe they felt without patrons on sight it was not worth it. But most of those flowers you see in April are planted about 3 weeks before the Masters. I went in 2009 and it's an amazing golf course.
  6. She is my new favorite super hero! She is crazy smart, has a great ability to communicate effectively (not all really smart people can), and she comes incredibly prepared. It will be a blood bath LOL.
  7. If missing your child's graduation makes you feel oppressed and you feel like you are in a "lock-down", then you have lived quite a privileged life. Seriously some people have no sense of reality. They live in their own little world of privilege and think everyone lives that way. As far as weddings - postpone them!!! It's not that hard! I had two good friends do exactly that and it's their first marriage even though they are in their 50s! I had typed more, but I have grown to understand it's like talking to wall. Although in fairness to the wall, it listens quietly and doesn't make tone deaf responses.
  8. Even if true - and it does sound like a McConnell tone deaf move - it proves that he cares more about being in power than helping the American people. Hoping this run-off turns into a landslide for DEms. Not likely but hopeful.
  9. Not going insane. Just finding your way like the rest of us.
  10. Removed - Seems my sarcasm meter was not working. Sorry Alvin!
  11. You are missing Ryan Kerrigan. He is great at identifying screens. He has at 3 int I can remember and many broken up screens. But other than that you are right.
  12. Sorry not buying that at all. Mnuchin is another POS just like bunker boy. He can cloak his moves in whatever redirectional bull**** he wants to but the intent is clear to me - it's the republicans first move from spend crazy becasue we are in office to suddenly being cost conscious when dems get in place. ANd it reeks of the petty type of **** you moves from bunker boy. Here is from the article you posted: "But Democrats blasted it as a move to handicap the incoming Biden administration, since it could prevent another treasury secretary from restarting the emergency lending programs early next year. "This is economic sabotage," Sen. Ron Wyden, ranking Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee said in a statement. "Secretary Mnuchin is salting the earth in an attempt to inflict political pain on President-elect Biden." Experts say not extending the Fed programs may heighten the perils facing the US economy as it grapples with another surge in virus cases. Many states are moving ahead with new restrictions and business closures. "This winter is going to be an extremely tough gauntlet of risks for the US," Ernie Tedeschi, policy economist at Evercore ISI, said on Twitter. "The 13(3) facilities didn't see large take-up in the past, & they might not be used much more in 2021, but getting rid of them now is adding on even more risk."
  13. Maybe a little. But I would think 10,000s of people contracting the disease and 1,000 dying daily would be enough. But we see that has done nothing to get them to do their job. Just not sure this is the proverbial straw that moves congress anywhere to a new package before Jan 21. Then I expect the Senate - unless awe can win these two seats here is GA, to just not agree to anything and blame it on the Dems. "Look they are in charge and all they want to do is immediately waste your money! Spending fools!" Now all of a sudden the Debt and Deficit will be in the news every day - just like it should have been during the trump 4 yrs.
  14. So the Trump administration on it's way out is trying to mess things up as bad as they can - Steve Mnuchin has told the Fed they need to return the unused portion of the CARES Act funding for small business loans to the Treasury as it is, in their words - no longer needed. This amounts to just under $2B based on the article and would have to be returned by Dec 31st. The good news is, President Biden can reinstate the funding but not until late Jan. Does that make much difference in the long run? Maybe, maybe not. But it seems petty. WHy not leave the money in place. It's been one of the more successful parts of the CARES from most accounts and more importantly goes against the Fed's desire to keep the program going. . And I thought the Democrats were the ones who cancelled Christmas!! Here is one of many articles that confirm: https://www.yahoo.com/news/mnuchin-cut-off-emergency-economic-230353993.html "Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Thursday asked the Federal Reserve to return all unused coronavirus relief funds set aside for its emergency lending programs by the end of the year, taking away a lifeline even as a resurgence in Covid cases threatens to upend the budding economic recovery. Mnuchin said the programs are no longer needed, but the move goes against the Fed’s desire to keep them going, according to a statement from the central bank, in a rare show of public disagreement between the two government agencies. “The Federal Reserve would prefer that the full suite of emergency facilities established during the coronavirus pandemic continue to serve their important role as a backstop for our still-strained and vulnerable economy,” the Fed said."
  15. Ding ding ding!! We have a winner! Irrational response to a rookie mistake that he has already owned. Not to mention the Lions moved 34 yds on 3 plays - yes one of them was the penalty. But had they not let a wide open 10 yd pass be completed on the first play or a 9 yd play AFTER the penalty, then it would not matter. It's not like it was a 34 yd penalty and that was the only play. He is literally the only player on the D that other teams have to game plan around and he makes a rookie mistake and all of a sudden - he is not living up to expectations. How about we get a secondary that can cover someone for more than 2 steps and see how much havoc the guy raises. The guy has come to work every day and had an impact on every game. Is he doubled every single play? No. They do go the other way a lot. But i have yet to see a straight up pass play that he is not doubled or at least chipped and sometimes chipped more than once. There are plenty of issues with this team. It's a bad football team. But we all knew that. Chase Young is NOT one of those problems.
  16. Have you not learned by now that there is no such thing as a "casual" question in here, especially when it comes to QBs? It's called extreme skins for a reason. No room for "casual" questions or answers in here! Either bring the pain or stay home!
  17. I think much of that interview and some of her other comments were taken out of context. People believe all she thinks is pushing the progressive agenda. That's not entirely true. Her comments about some of the other campaigns was that they instantly blamed her and other progressives for losses when in fact they had not used social media and done other things to reach out to people and get them to vote. She offered her help, not in making their message but how to get it out. Those who refused lost. Those who took it mostly won (I think one of like 5 lost). And maybe her help made no difference and those races all go that way anyway but seems a bit too much coincidence for me. As for her "complaining" about the cabinet, all I saw was her ask on twitter who peoples dream cabinet would be. in fairness maybe I missed something. But if not, I see nothing wrong with that at all.
  18. Here are some interesting tidbits that may have gone under the radar - Beau still speaking truth.
  19. I see people worrying about confirmation. First, I think there will be at least a few republican senators that cross over to give Biden a cabinet. They may not do anything else and may hate the nominee but they will give Biden the cabinet he wants for the most part. Probably pick one to run through a heavy ringer and ultimately reject but let the rest through. But if they really do try to block him from any cabinet then I say trump gave us the blueprint to ignore congress. Give them a chance to confirm. If not make the ones you want interim and never replace them. That's what trump did. Pete to UN is perfect. If not him maybe Stacy Abrams? Bernie for Labor - they will probably be glad to get him out of the Senate. Warren for DOJ - Unless the 2 GA seats go blue or it looks like there is a real chance to get the Senate in 2022. Then she needs to be Senate Majority leader. Is there a leadership role for Katie Porter or is she best in the House for right now? HUD maybe? A role in Labor to support Bernie? That's all I have for now. WIll have others later. SOS is key. Drawing a blank right now. Stay away from Yates, Rice, etc. Have to. Time to move on to others that have no burned history. I hate to say that because they are good people. But putting them in the administration will be giving the GOP too much to run on the next election cycle. Let them create new conspiracies. Don't give them old ones that already worked.
  20. I hear what you are saying but the last time our government was solvent was just before Reagans tax cuts. At that time the top tax bracket was 70%. He added almost $3T to the debt by lowering taxes and then increasing defense spending to crazily and we have never looked back. Fun fact - every Republicans president in the last 50 yrs has left office with significantly higher deficit spending than when they came in and every Dem president has significantly lower deficit spending while in office outside Carter who was basically flat - about $10M to $10M. I am Ok with somewhere in between. I also want corporations to pay a fair tax. WHen they passed the tax cuts they were supposed to remove the loop holes so companies like GE can't pay 0 income taxes. 37% is way too high if they actually paid that. Make it 20% but remove the loop holes so 20% is the effective tax rate. Honestly at that point you could probably lower it to 15 to 18% and still increase revenues to pay for health care, infrastructure, and climate control. Get us out of the regime change wars - where possible - not in favor of a cut and run - and you can pay for pretty much anything you want without increasing the burden on middle America.
  21. That's not what she said, at least not that % for all their income. She specifically said progressive rates with the highest tax rate only applying to earnings over $10M. Up to that they pay the same rates as everyone else. Of course there needs to be more detail and planning. And the timing they suggest is very aggressive. So put it all on the table and create a plan and WORK to THAT PLAN!
  22. I read all of what was available of the interview and they of course took the more caustic excerpts and with them a bit out of context. And as usual she makes a lot of sense. She is highlighting the old standard of the democratic party that does not seem to want to grow or improve any way. Her primary point wasn't even as much about the party moving left. It was more about how they run campaigns an then what the party does when they win or how they responded to loses. The party leadership is placing losses on the progressives saying they are alienating voters when she has proof it's not progressive ideas it's the type of campaigns those dems are running. And she is being a team player! She offered every campaign to help them, work with them, providing whatever help they need. All that accepted her help won their reelection. All but one who turned her down lost. And as soon as they lost the democrat leadership started blaming progressives. So if you want to blame timing blame dem leadership. And if read the entire interview, left or right is not even the primary focus of her point. It's reaching people and getting them to feel part of the process - that you are listening to them. Yet leadership instantly blame progressives for the losses. As for health care - most countries have some type of private insurance. But for example in Costa Rico, you get government sponsored health care basically free. But you can elect to pay for what amounts to luxury health care when you get sick to get seen earlier, have been accommodations and other things. But the actual health care is still government driven. I used the health care in Italy. I was seen reasonably quickly. I paid no copay, no deductible nothing. All I paid for was outpatient medicine. It was the equivalent of $26. Despite over 50 trips to Asia I never had to use their health care but my understanding from expats living there and locals whom I am very good friends, it's the same in most countries. I spent most of my time in China, Thailand, India, Korea and Taiwan. So I can see a place where expansion of Medicare/Medicaid is the immediate answer and long term you still have a private insurance option. It's role will be and should be greatly reduced. We waste way too much money on Insurance premiums and for not much in return. But hey as long as the insurance execs are getting rich way make any changes at all. The Green New Deal was meant to be a shock to the system. A this is really where we should be headed. No one really expects it to happen over night and many things may not happen at all. But it's meant to get people understanding this is real and something needs to done. Again, I favored Warrens proposal to tie Infrastructure to drive climate change practices with infrastructure. It doesn't get us all the way there but it's huge start and infrastructure is at a critical point in this country. More so than i think people realize. Not sure the dems are capable of getting out of their own way. Need to focus on a few things and get them right. They want to be everything to everyone. That's the only real complaint I have about AOC - she wants to fight every cause. But at least she has passion and vision. But the entire party seems that way sometimes. We need new blood. We need people looking forward, way forward not just barely in front of them.
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