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Everything posted by TheGreatBuzz

  1. I was that disruptive kid in class. Fun fact; the highest grade I ever completed was 8th grade. I would have been much less disruptive though if they had just let me sleep.
  2. No. I will acknowledge I don't know who the **** that is and don't care to look it up. Also, I acknowledge that there have been plenty of people for whom the 14th has been applied that weren't charged, much less convicted. As for the rest of your post, I'll leave it to others to rebuff. I just wanted to point out the absurdly stupid.
  3. You know there is plenty of free porn out there, right?
  4. Well we went from "he should be convicted of insurrection first" to "ONE other person was charge with a mildy-at-best similar charge". But give it a minute. I'm sure they'll move again.
  5. So now they want people who APPEAR to be the opposite gender to go into the bathroom that doesn't correlate with how they look? That somehow makes people more comfortable?
  6. Can someone tag me where the tweet from the sports guy breaking down how much time Taylor has been on TV? Was that here I saw it?
  7. What's the timeliness on when he has to either pay her, put up bond for appeal, etc?
  8. Since China's economy has been mentioned.
  9. In a bar waiting on the Ravens game. Someone keeps playing the KC Chiefs song on the internet jukebox. So we had to come up with a Baltimore song. I said nothing more Baltimore than our national anthem. And they CAN'T turn off the anthem. Then my buddy had the added idea of doing it at the VFW in KC so they keep having to stand up. Paid extra for it to be the guaranteed next 20 songs. Enjoy.
  10. I read the title as there being a sex act so taboo that its banned in the teaching profession. I really wanted to learn more.
  11. Has anyone else noticed it says @Jumbo is typing for the last hour? This should be good!
  12. This assumes a level of perfection rarely achieved. I'm sure someone at some point probably didn't deserve it. Still the best run board anywhere.
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