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Everything posted by TheGreatBuzz

  1. I know I'm considered always the hopeful optimist here but I think it's going to be a blue blowout. People are starting to show they've had enough MAGA dysfunction.
  2. I haven't been to the national zoo in probably 20 years so I have no clue. Baltimore definitely has the best aquarium though.
  3. Buzzette likes it. Also, spring training has started. Start a new thread or just continue this one? What say the crowd?
  4. There's a zoo in Baltimore? And you left the national zoo to go to it? Don't blame me for your poor choices.
  5. I don't get all the hate for Baltimore. I live in a very gentrified area. But whatever, I don't want you ****es here anyways.
  6. For the "don't move to the city, you'll never be able to park" crowd
  7. This **** hurts my bones and I'm ****ing tired of it! *unless there is enough good snow to go play in, consequences be damned.
  8. If we hit a without rule of law situation, I'm definitely shooting Aaron in the face.
  9. Told the lady that owns the bar across the street I want to start moving forward in the next 30 days or I'm moving on. Hopefully that'll work.
  10. I do think it's funny how things have turned since I retired. Orioles used to be the back burner sport because they sucked. Capitals were the focus. Now the Caps suck and the Os are trending up.
  11. Well football is done and baseball hasn't started yet. I got time for some hockey.
  12. I think this conversation has gotten specific enough to move to the Israel Gaza thread.
  13. I like Christians calling out hypocrisy amongst themselves. Similar to my attitude towards Christianity in general, you can like their message without supporting those who initiate it.
  14. I voted for Biden because he wasn't trump. That was literally my only expectation. But he's blown expectations out of the water. I see no reason to make the mistake of doubting him again.
  15. Hopefully he does this one better than Afghanistan.
  16. There seems to be a conversation taking place that would be better held outside of public view. Just my 2 cents.
  17. It's pretty much impossible to know who is a good candidate based on only foresight. But is very easy to tell with hindsight. Just look at the result.
  18. Hillary being better than Trump does NOT mean that she was a great candidate. *and my comment isn't meant to imply she was or wasn't. Just saying your question sucks.
  19. I'm going with the dark horse. They say pretty much what you said but then add on that they are the body to make that determination. They didn't bother asking about insurrection because they already have that answer. Then they disqualify Trump nationally. A guy can dream.
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