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Everything posted by TheGreatBuzz

  1. Those two look like the poster of a horror movie there.
  2. That was shorter than I expected. I know, that's what she said.
  3. I struggle with it too a lot. Sometimes you just have to keep hitting backspace like 50 times. Sometimes you just can't do it. Annoys me. Didn't mean to take a shot at you. I'm all wound up waiting for trump to announce he is ending the world because he made a dumb promise.
  4. .......quote walls of tweets just for a couple line reply? (Sorry but it is another pet peeve of mine. Hoping the mods change the rules to address that)
  5. It pains me to say this but I don't believe our trend will continue.
  6. out of curiosity, where do you think the money will get taken from first? Things that supply or compensate the low level people doing the actual work or the fat cats with huge government contracts. Shrinking DoD budget is probably necessary but you need to consider how it would be implemented. And that isn't specific to what party is in charge. DoD and it's contracts are a sacred cow. The only thing hurt by cuts is the grass that cow walks on.
  7. The office of the president needs to be shown certain respects even if the person holding the office doesn't show those respects. Air it. Point out all the dumb/false/racist/whatever stuff he says. But air it.
  8. You should make this the focus of your campaign when you run from POTUS. Probably get my vote.
  9. I said recently that there should be a law that if a new budget can't be agreed on, the most recent budget should automatically be extended for a year. I'd also like that Congress/POTUS don't get paid and aren't allowed to go more than 50 miles from DC until they do a new budget. That may be more unrealistic though.
  10. I've smoked since about 14. My resolution this year is to quit once the wife is gone in a few days. We'll see how it goes.
  11. How are teams pursuing coaches that are already head coaches (John Harbaugh)? Like are they trying to trade for him?
  12. I agree with this. Taking your lumps is part of the conversation. He refuses to do that. I've said for a while now he should be banned. He is a troll.
  13. I agree. And I really don't like the shooting at the tires. If I were king, I'd charge them with wreck less discharge or something. Not a crazy penalty but enough to send a message. $1000 fine or something. All that said, I am fine with a few guys calling the police and surrounding the guy until police get there. Now if the thief endangers their lives attempting to flee, then game on. But aim for center mass. And a gun should never be pulled until you have already decided deadly force is needed. Pulling a gun as a threat or warning is not right.
  14. My understanding is that while that is what a filibuster technically is, no one does that anymore. One just says they will do it and that is accepted as actually doing it. I think it because they are too lazy to actually stand on the floor and ramble forever.
  15. I put the majority of the blame on Trump. But I also put a good bit of blame on Congress in general. They could easily come to a veto-proof agreement. Honestly they should be doing that with a lot of issues. Work together to pass veto-proof legislation and minimize Trumps power as much as possible. But the GOP is spineless and the Dems suck at controlling their message and getting it out to put enough pressure on the GOP.
  16. Anyone able to recommend an unbiased, hour long-ish, video explaining Brexit from cradle to grave that us yanks could understand? Trying to find something to share with wife.
  17. I guess I could have worded it better. They wont notice a change in their finances until January 11th. As in if everything was normal, they would not receive their check before 2359 on January 10th. With the shutdown, they still won't receive their check before then but that is normal. The change wouldn't actually be noticed 0001 on January 11th. So while they are "working for free", they shouldn't notice it until the morning of the 11th. Does that make more sense?
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