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Everything posted by TheGreatBuzz

  1. Uh oh. Can't wait to see the opinions on this one. Good guys with guns? Rambo wannabe cowboys? Somewhere in the middle? Hahaha.
  2. I keep seeing Coast Guard is now working for free because they fall under DHS. My understanding is that DHS employees will get paid until January 11th. Is there a Coast Guard exception? Or is this news more of the same misrepresentation? Or am I just totally wrong? Just trying to make sure I have my facts straight.
  3. Both sides come together to pass a veto-proof, bipartisan, reasonable budget that is good for everyone. Hahahahaha.......that was a good one.
  4. We visit it now. And we talk about how dumb this whole thing is now. And we talk about the uncertainty of ability to pay bills after the 11th by those paycheck to pay check people now. We do mostly what is being done now. What we DON'T do is use a sob story about people working for free on Christmas because that is mostly not true. It gives credence to accusations of fake news. And it is using wrong "facts" to push a false sob story.
  5. I tried making this point. No one cared. Facts only matter when it doesn't affect your sob story.
  6. I heard on the radio yesterday Ravens have said Harbaugh will be back next year.
  7. Sorry if it seems like it was directed at you. It wasn't. It was towards the talking heads and twitter warriors. I consider it more than a technicality. It is using a lie to tug at heart strings. I've said my bit though so I will get off my soapbox. People here are now aware of what the truth is. They can use that info as they see fit.
  8. Not saying there aren't any but contract workers usually are getting paid because contracts are negotiated and paid well in advance. I even remember one of the shutdowns a while ago, a contractor was getting paid so they had to show up and stay in the parking lot because their building wasn't open. But they weren't allowed to stay home because the contract required them to be there. Then talk about how bad the unknown is. And how they may be hesitant to spend money now because they dont know if they will get paid after mid January. You know, stuff that is actually true. Using this whole "they are working for free on Christmas" is nothing but a lie.
  9. I'm getting really tired of everyone talking about how these poor people won't get a paycheck for Christmas. That is simply NOT TRUE! There are plenty of reasons this shutdown is dumb. Try using some true reasons.
  10. Yup. Now we are homeless. I keep an eye on what Dems are doing. I will be very disappointed if even one of them votes for 1 penny towards the wall.
  11. First missed check should be January 11th if I understand it correctly.
  12. Is that wall picture to scale? That would make it 50' high at least. Break a tie I would imagine. So I'm thinking there is a deal in place.
  13. Unfortunately the Dems troll game is depressingly weak.
  14. I thought ignorance did not equal innocence. If that is not the case then I have missed a few speed limit signs that I need to go readdress the tickets I received.
  15. Government can't build something out of a material they can't find.
  16. So you're going to base this all on the location of a comma? Who do you think you are, the NRA?
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