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Everything posted by profusion

  1. That RTP call was atrocious. Surprised Mara would stand for that.
  2. Maybe if we had a better QB situation. As it is, you've got ownership questions, a HC seemingly pining for the days of Walter Payton, and a 5th rounder with one game under his belt as likely the best option on the roster. They can find somebody, but the top guys might give it a pass. How often has a new ownership group or GM kept select ACs while letting the HC go? Seems like they always clean house, since they come in with a coaching group in mind.
  3. Stop trying to make Jay Gruden happen. It's not going to happen.
  4. The ownership situation will complicate this. I expect Ron will find it difficult to recruit the top candidates, who will have options.
  5. In the modern NFL, you need a Christian McCaffrey-type back and a run-capable QB to be able to make that work. Howell might fit the latter, but trying to pound it out with Robinson isn't going to work. You need to be able to do that, but I don't think it can be the basis of your offense. The Titans only got away with it for a number of years because they've had one of the all-time great backs to work with. Given the way the team is currently built, Ron's approach is probably the only possible one. Which, of course, means a massive teardown job once the next HC comes in.
  6. I'm sure that would be the plan almost anywhere the stadium gets built. It's rare to just build an isolated concrete bowl anymore. The issue might be whether the RFK site is big enough to do all that *and* have a stadium. I don't know that the politics would be as big a problem if Bezos gets the team. He (and his money) could make it happen. The other potential owners might have more trouble. Of all the mooted sites other than RFK, the Dulles one makes the most sense from the modern stadium perspective. It's overall the wealthiest part of the DC area, growing quickly, and doesn't have any "destination" sites nearby. It also now has Metro access, along with freeway access that is *not* the perpetually gridlocked I-95.
  7. I can't overreact based on Sunday's game. Regardless, it's clear to me that Howell has earned a shot to compete for the 2023 starting job. I don't see that many good alternatives out there. Starting another lower-tier retread gets the team nowhere.
  8. Are you sure? The spelling and grammar are suspiciously good to be that crowd.
  9. This ain't the ACC, kid. These guys will take your head off.
  10. You just know what's going to happen. Howell's going to throw out a bunch of big numbers today because no one's got film on him. And the overreaction will commence...
  11. Nothing screams football dominance like a pig wearing what looks like a hardhat and sporting a generous spare tire. The empty seats behind Tuddy are Dan's true legacy.
  12. We need to think of a good way to warn the English about this.
  13. England might not be far enough away. I'd be more comfortable if he settled someplace like Uzbekistan.
  14. Great start to the Porky the Football Pig era.
  15. I don't normally get after the refs, but those last couple calls were atrocious.
  16. There's certainly a risk that he rides the ship all the way to the bottom rather than bailing out now. He seems dumb enough to do that. What seems true now, though, is that there *is* a bottom based on his finances, even if the league is willing to look the other way over his odious conduct.
  17. That's the thing. The league granted him the debt waiver, but who actually handed Dan $400 million? You wouldn't do that without some pretty significant collateral, I'd think. I'll readily admit that I don't know how finance at that level works. Certainly any loan agreement has provisions on default. I'd also expect there to be milestone provisions--meaning the lender isn't just going to wait until the due date to ask Dan "hey, are you ready to hand me a check tomorrow?". If he's making regular payments on a massive loan like this, it will eat into the team's operating capital for years to come--and there's no offsetting increase in revenue springing from the loan. There's zero ROI for the team on a loan like this. This is probably why the league insists on approving these things. They don't want a team dragged into a bankruptcy proceeding or being owned by a bank looking to get their money back by whatever means necessary.
  18. It sounds like Goodell is trying to work this out through back channels so there's no vote and no publicity. He may be wildly optimistic in thinking that Dan will make it that easy for him. I wonder if the big loan to Dan has any collateral and who holds the note.
  19. I'd guess the latter, since he's been attending games. Dan can try to play games with this, but that doesn't make his problems go away.
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