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Everything posted by profusion

  1. Wow, Don Geronimo. There's a name I haven't heard in a while. Always the shock jock, I guess.
  2. Haven't been there, but I get around the Rt. 28 area a bit. That looks like a pretty long walk, especially on a hot day like tomorrow will be.
  3. I considered going over there today, but my schedule wouldn't permit it. It's awesome to see the enthusiasm. I predict FedEx Field will be a friendlier scene for the home team this season.
  4. Same here. I bit on all of them up through Shanahan's hiring. I began to get off the bus when a clearly washed up McNabb was brought in at QB. That's when it became clear to me that Dan was never going to grow up and become a good owner. From then on, it was just hoping that something good might happen in spite of him--which almost occurred in 2012.
  5. Shanahan/Allen was a combination that might have worked if Bruce had stayed in his lane, Mike had been better at picking players, and Dan had stayed on his yacht. Shanahan was another of those splashy hirings that Dan loved. He was always chasing the guy who'd been a big deal five years earlier rather than the one who'd be the next big deal. That's a marketing-first mindset at work.
  6. The club level has always been a problem--I say that having never sat there. On TV, it looks like this huge empty section right in the middle of the stadium. It wasn't one of JKC's better ideas. Maybe if fans start showing up in droves again in the currently smaller seating capacity, the club seats will sell better. It'll be interesting to see if the concept makes it over to the next stadium.
  7. Allen was a salary cap specialist, not a football guy. He had no business choosing players or putting together staffs or keeping the facilities running or, well, anything but managing the cap, really.
  8. I live near the proposed Loudoun site. My take is similar to yours. The Dulles site would be easier for Marylanders to access than FedEx Field is for Virginians. The main Dulles proposal already has a Metro stop right there, which just opened. It's at the intersection of two freeways that do not serve interstate travel. There are other ways to the place for those further afield besides having to slog around the Beltway. From a transportation perspective, it makes a lot of sense. I think the difficulty will come from local opposition (suburban and wealthy) and from designing proper ancillary revenue generators on the site that would fit the area. In reality, the team belongs at RFK, as ever.
  9. It certainly makes sense to get the Commanders merch out there in public to generate buzz. On the downside, "cheap" isn't really the message he wants to send.
  10. I agree. There've been a lot of people who drifted away, but I don't think the emotional connection ever really goes away. Winning is obviously the easiest way to get people back. Given the challenges this season, I think just making a lot of small-but-classy moves would help, too. This team desperately needs some good PR to be happening. Josh seems to be off to a good start.
  11. It's too late to change the team or even the stadium structurally in time for Week 1. However, Harris can do a ton of little things right away to make the fan experience better. It's those little things that will make the best first impression. I would hope that Josh's first move has been to find a chief advisor on the football side of things. Someone who can oversee a top-to-bottom evaluation of the team and staff within a fairly short period of time.
  12. Everything about this just seems like it's the way it is supposed to be. It's been so damn long since I felt excited about this team. What a change!
  13. The Monday Night Miracle. That's about all I got.
  14. I've got plenty of negative going on in my life right now (not getting into that), but dammit do I have a big smile on my face right now! I feel like I've got something back in my life that I value more than I thought I did.
  15. In other words, Wright has made exactly zero progress in getting the stadium deal done. I'd imagine that the Harris group has at least had some casual conversations with the relevant governmental types.
  16. One hero we shouldn't forget to mention: Jason Friedman. He came in with the information on the financial practices that clearly provided the slam-dunk on this whole thing, and had his reputation smeared by Snyder's minions for his trouble. MJW was able to corroborate basically everything he said. I know I said I wasn't going to post anymore on Snyder or the report in this thread, but I felt like Mr. Friedman needed to be mentioned. He's likely the reason we're able to celebrate today.
  17. Edit: I was ready to post more about the Snyder report. The heck with it. I'm ready to flush that bad stuff down the pot and move forward! Welcome Josh and friends!!
  18. Interesting line in the findings section of the report: They're essentially blaming the delaying of the release on Snyder, too. They couldn't really pin all of the financial stuff directly on Snyder, but they did say he was aware of at some efforts to minimize revenue sharing. They also couldn't tie him directly to the cheerleader video, but they concluded that he did, in fact, sexually harass (a polite word for it) Tiffani Johnston.
  19. I suspect the report will be released soon with very little new info beyond what's already out there. The NFL wants to put this behind them.
  20. Just a small correction. I believe the problem wasn't unpopularity, but that charging admission allowed other teams' FO personnel the ability to attend Redskins practices as long as they paid the admission fee. The Redskins couldn't kick them out or bar them like they normally would. A prime early example of Doofus Dan shooting himself in the foot...
  21. This sounds like it's the other way around. The leagues wants indemnification from Snyder over the Gruden stuff. He didn't sue Snyder, interestingly enough.
  22. Mobility is important for a QB these days. They don't get all day in the pocket, and having the ability to roll out on designed plays and make some yards on broken plays is huge. I don't know that actual designed running plays for QBs are, though, other than the occasional trick play. Too risky for your expensive QB's health.
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