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Everything posted by profusion

  1. Mobility is important for a QB these days. They don't get all day in the pocket, and having the ability to roll out on designed plays and make some yards on broken plays is huge. I don't know that actual designed running plays for QBs are, though, other than the occasional trick play. Too risky for your expensive QB's health.
  2. Might as well just fold the the Wizards. What's the point? I'm eligible for early retirement now, and I was about 12 years old the last the time the Bullets/Wizards mattered in the NBA.
  3. Is it wrong that I'm still just a little worried about the league vote? Otherwise, this is a day that I never thought I'd live to see.
  4. The NFL seems highly concerned about over-leveraging. Probably for good reason. The valuations are going so high, though, that they need to rethink their business model away from "rich man's hobby business."
  5. Just like with houses, you'd better have access to a lot of liquidity if you're buying a fixer-upper of a team. Stuff's going to come up that you don't expect. Having a lot of sources of cash is a good thing. The potential downside I see is that these investors dumping in more cash may expect a more aggressive short-term return, not just the long-term potential of an appreciating asset. That's where the fans get soaked.
  6. Having all these guys sign on to the ownership group is a good thing, not a sign of trouble. It means that savvy business people like what they see and want to be part of it. I also think this is the future of the NFL, unless they let corporations start buying teams. The days of the absolute majority shareholder may be coming to an end, unless you get a Bezos type involved. The teams are worth too much now to have a big enough pool of majority buyers to draw from.
  7. I want the Eagles to be good. Good enough so that when the Commanders are better and beat them out of a playoff spot or in the playoffs, it crushes their obnoxious fans' hearts. I want it to hurt. No fun beating up on a palooka, after all.
  8. They filled a position of need. That's all I know, and I'm good with that.
  9. A hedge fund is about the least problematic organization I can think of that would have $7B in cash laying around and be willing to dump it onto a frontman for an NFL purchase. This is more what comes to mind for me:
  10. Harris undoubtedly has a contacts list packed with talented sports executives on the business side. I expect that to go in place quickly. The football side may be difficult unless Harris already has a shadow management team ready. No way you could effectively replace the coaching staff for '23 at this point.
  11. I don't think we have to guess that much about Harris. He's got a track record as a sports owner. He hires proven people to run his teams, espouses analytics, and is willing to make bold moves and stick with them in furtherance of a long-term plan. I'm excited at the possibility and am willing to live with a transition period.
  12. Snyder will manage to throw away the money he has after the loans and judgments are paid off. Bank on it. I've enjoyed laughing at his horribleness, but I am ready to turn the page and start dealing with this as an actual football team again. For those here who are too young to have been able to do that, it's awesome.
  13. I understand the sentiment, but I think this is really it. I'm about the same age as Dan, and I never thought I'd live to see this day. Still processing it.
  14. Dan seems emotionally driven for someone so rich, and he's given concrete signs of having checked out months ago. I think he'll move on quickly. This was all his pathetic attempt to drive up the price. For any normal billionaire not connected to the sports business, I'm guessing the need to be heavily involved just to bring the franchise back to life was as much a barrier as the asking price. Not even close to a turnkey operation. A lot of pain before you get to any glory. Josh Harris is in the business of fixing up broken franchises, and they don't come more broken than this. He probably sees this as an opportunity, not a burden.
  15. Leave it to Dan to let a prospective buyer have all the time-based leverage. Usually, that's the seller's domain. Also, every minute that Dan delays the sale is another day that he doesn't have the sales proceeds and the ability to start using/investing them. He's costing himself money. Classic Dan! It's obvious everyone who's going to bid has bid. Might as well get on with it.
  16. I work in Crystal City, and you'd have to tear down the entire neighborhood to fit a football stadium there. Even then, I'm not sure there's enough space. Plus, Amazon doesn't own the entire thing. It's next to Potomac Yards, where JKC tried and failed to build a stadium. The local opposition would be just as fierce as it would be for the RFK site.
  17. To me, the head of business operations for an NFL team should be mostly invisible to the public. Take care of ticket sales, facilities, financials, marketing/branding, that kind of stuff. If he's doing his job right, all that stuff should be able to be taken for granted by the fans--they shouldn't have to notice it. Because Dan is so toxic, Wright has become way more the face of the organization than he should be. I don't think he's done a great job, but he's also hamstrung by a meddlesome owner who also happens to be a cheapskate (and maybe worse when it comes to the money). He might do better with a better owner, but I suspect we'll never find out. Any of the prospective buyers will want someone they trust in a position like that, and a holdover isn't likely to be trusted very far.
  18. Mike Bloomberg is 85 years old and still very much wrapped up in his own business. His moves always tie in to his company's core business, including his acquisitions and development of news outlets over the years. I've never heard of him being a big sports fan. Buying the Post would be a good move for him in terms of beefing up his company's political coverage. I don't see him buying a football team. The Junkies have always been more in the "guy talk" niche of talk radio than in the realm of sports radio. They were on WJFK *before* it switched over from talk to sports. I'd never listen to them if I wanted informed sports reporting or analysis.
  19. The new owner needs to hire professional marketing/branding people to do professional-level work on the franchise's name, logo and unis. Not what we got over the last couple years. I suspect that if the new owner can make a business case to the league for another name change, the other owners will go along. Branding and merch are very important parts of the NFL business.
  20. "Calibrate the strategic vision". This guy dials up the empty corporate jargon all the way to 10. Wow.
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