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Everything posted by wit33

  1. Poor mans Kamara in the present day, we’ll see what the future holds. One can hope.
  2. Hope that Ryan Terain running style doesn’t hurt him in the future lol. He borders on level of RG3 in type of hits he takes. Exciting Young player. I imagine his receiving involvement will continue to grow. Love to see him on some option routes or slants.
  3. It’s a great comparison in how each move on the field. It’s like they glide, but they’re aren’t the most shifty or loose in the hips. Extremely efficient movement. Obviously, it’s because he’s done it a few times, but it’s those rare guys who catch it and as a fan you expect a big play or even a long TD when the ball is in his hands. Terry YAC Mcclaurin. No, okay, on to the next nickname.
  4. So discouraging and perplexing due to his pocket presence being encouraging last year. I’ve said it a few times now, but I speculate him losing weight and feeling a bit niftier with his legs may have messed with his mental approach to managing the pocket (other variables I’m sure exist). Count me as one who liked the extra weight and size in the pocket, especially since he’s a pocket QB. I really thought he a big and physical presence in the pocket last year that hasn’t been present enough this year. I felt he returned some to that last week and was one of the reasons I was one of the few encouraged by last weeks performance from a developmental standpoint. Can’t say enough how much I appreciate Turner doubling down on the idea of Haskins remaining aggressive and not worrying about throwing INTS. Provides me confidence the staff is focused on letting him fly or crash.
  5. I did not see the DL get overmatched in the least bit versus the Browns. I do not have the stats in front of me, but my guess is 40% of the rushing yards came in the 4th quarter. I thought the DL dominated the line of scrimmage for much of the 3 quarters, then wore down. If you want to downgrade for the 4th quarter, I can somewhat hear that. Disclaimer, this is all off recollection as I do not watch all 22 or rewatch games.
  6. Does this mean Christian is good at football and now is the future at LT? This should be a fun year week to week. With that said, let’s not be too good Christian, just good enough for a cheap deal that you out play the next 3 years.
  7. The sooner he gains the cache and becomes the leader of the defense the better. He’s wired differently, in a good way. The standard on that side of the ball should be high for years to come.
  8. Open to any and all options to improve the Oline. Thuney works. The team has money to throw and overpay even to fix the Oline next year if that’s the route they wanted to go. Not sure what percentage I’d put on players remaining healthy on being fortunate/lucky, but it’s over 50%. Absolutely nothing any player could have done to avoid the injury Scherff just got hit with, but I get it’s become consistent with him, so I wouldn’t pay him top 5 money due to his injury issues. Maybe another team will, who knows, but I still entertain keeping him around.
  9. Nah, I think you stay in the Scherff market, but I don’t think he’s resetting the market or anything, so his cost may come down. Being paid top 10 with some incentives to get closer to top 5 money or something. Keep the right side intact for next two years while rebuilding the left side, then begin developing replacements for Scherff and Moses. Any football player is getting injured on that play, it’s actually a testament to him that it wasn’t more serious.
  10. Have to imagine there’s so much more they can do with him in the pass game. Looks incredibly smooth catching the football (for his position). Love the swing pass options with him, leaving one guy for him to beat.
  11. My guess with the Eagles speed at Wr (more help over the top) coupled with elite talent at TE (Plays being schemed up for them) “grading well” was going to be a difficult task. In some cases it’s more about containment versus stopping them or grading well. One can argue Goedert wasn’t contained well, but solid adjustments were made to point those guys weren’t able to take over the game, same goes for receiving backs and receivers in the short and intermediate areas (where backers primarily operate).
  12. I know what you’re saying, but context is critical, as you know, Barber received many of those carries in short yardage and to close out the game. This will be his role and he does seem to be adept at getting the “tough” yards when needed. The game flow against the Eagles called for his role to the tune of 17 carries, don’t think that will be the norm, but not a bad thing as his carries per game I hypothesize will have a strong correlation in wins vs losses.
  13. Right. Most of the fan base was on the extreme and with dropping pass rushers in coverage, but it’s a great move with the right personnel, situation, and play call. I like the call because he occupied the RT while covering the RB and that was leveraged by the call with a blitz up the middle. Sprinkling it in is a great move. Sweat can as well. Sweat in the 3-4 and covering may help in the future when wanting to do some exotic stuff that’s asks him to be in coverage.
  14. Love the wrinkle of letting him get in the flat to cover a back, but making sure to come with a blitz up the middle to get the most out of a play when asking him not to pass rush. That’s a sweet blitz, what is the RT suppose to do and at times he may get doubled or chipped, occupying two people while able to contain the outlet pass to the back. Fun stuff.
  15. Do you know what the record is? Ya, nothing I expect this year, but it’s fun to speculate that he may make the strip sack a household stat for the common fan. For example, how many times has one been asked, how many strip sacks that pass rusher have last season or his career?
  16. Looking for Chase Young to break the season record for strip sacks/FF. This stat should rival interceptions and sacks in terms of fan and media value.
  17. I agree. Last season was the first one in a long time I had very limited hope, but this season provides realistic hope to compete in most games. Just having a staff with a clear philosophy and brand, and a healthy culture are significant to wins against teams 8-32 give or take. I’m confident Rivera and Turner will create an effective run game and if Haskins protects the ball, the team will be in most games. I’m okay with expecting the defense to be responsible for 4-5 wins, combine that with some luck in TO department, an effective/efficient run game, TM making plays when needed in the pass game, 12-14 opportunities will be there to win.
  18. Hopefully the new scheme gets away from the need for the RB to pass block often. Rather have those guys be an option more often than not and create mismatches with the quick passing game.
  19. Fear, I like it! Pederson is a arrogant enough to leave Chase singles up for a few plays, hopefully a sack fumble comes early Apke must have a good day of staying on top of Jackson and Reagor.
  20. What attribute(s) does the broad jump connect with on the football field? I understand it’s an explosive movement. When I watch him it seems he has a good burst (great for his size) and hoping the broad jump substantiates this thought, due to him testing well there. I think it’s critical for the big guys without top end speed to have “burst” to requiring the dbs to respect the slant at all times.
  21. Him always looking for the strip sack is special. It’s those special guys that can make the good play while looking to create the elite play simultaneously. The strip sack is the closest rival to an elite QB!!!!
  22. Im sure with some of the question marks coming about him the coaches are incredibly enthused with his maturity to remain engaged in Zoom meetings to level of understanding the playbook. For some guys this kind of stuff means to a team and us fans than others and this qualifies.
  23. At some point the value is right to draft a player even with question marks. The Skins decided the end of the second round was it for Guice. They were wrong. Keep it moving. I hope this doesn’t detour them too much with taking some risks in the future. No different than drafting a guy who come to find out doesn’t love the game and becomes a bust, IMO.
  24. Cooley not being a part of the team in any capacity is a bummer. The love for taking detailed notes and wealth of experience doing It throughout his life appeared to be an elite intangible. Will be hard for another individual to match that in terms of value to the fan.
  25. A couple special pass rushers and an elite pass rush overall can come close to same value as an elite QB.
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