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Everything posted by wit33

  1. MLB at times is like the RB position, where rookies can make an impact early. We’ll see.
  2. Will lose my mind if Mason is out in space consistently next season. I believe he possesses value situationally, but it must be limited. Knew the odds were slim, but off the wall excited about the prospects of Reuben and Zach flying around in the middle next season.
  3. What about Collins, appears to be a genuine dude from this press conference. Going to be a fun journey with and Bama guys hopefully.
  4. For a second I thought you were attempting to bash Alex, then I remembered your logic guarantees us 10 wins and a playoff birth. You are alright in my book. Look at you being all positive and stuff.
  5. Ouch... “I did” lol I respect your fervor in all things Alex related. Seriously. Will be fun to see it all unfold. Also, I’ve been there in totally botching stats, especially when seeing what we want to see. To your point though, Alex will not become some stat monster. Wonder what Djax’s contract has left and Richardson’s long term health. In past years I’d be okay with doing whatever, but now don’t want to risk carry over money to resign guys next year. Especially because Scherff is going to require Skins overpaying for what a guard is worth, but he’s a must resign either way.
  6. So difficult to get a feel on where Doctsons career is headed. Made some nice catches on the skinny posts— made it look effortless. Then on the deep shot, he got himself in amazing position that not many WRs can get to, but didn’t come down with it. His ball skills and way he positions himself for jump balls reminds me so much of Randy Moss. I like that Alex gave him a few shots, maybe a sign of things to come.
  7. Would love to somehow get Paul Richardson in the slot more often and relegate Crowder to more of a situational role. How this can happen with current WR depth does not seem likely. Need speed on the field more consistently.
  8. Galdi has talent, but is too creative for his own good and jumps around too many topics for my liking. Can’t find a groove with his rhythm. Admittedly being a podcast listener and Skins fan only it’s annoying. Will Miss the days when I’d get 40 minutes plus of straight Skins talk from Cooley and Sheehan. Also liked they would extend segments when appearing to feel the audience was into it. Id imagine the Cooley breakdowns will find a landing spot somewhere.
  9. I see a nice 2-3 year window with the players on offense as is. Any chance both Garcon and Jackson are resigned? My thinking: Doctson, Crowder, Scherff and Jones will all be on rookie deals next 2 years (cheap). Would be amazing to slowly bring along Doctson and maybe another drafted WR (Grant doesnt seem to be a guy who will take over on the outside). Why not give 3 year deals (with ability to get out after 2) to both guys and squeeze out the remaining years of their primes and continue the great production of the offense. A 2-3 year championship window may be happening next year. Thoughts??
  10. It's amazing how great talents are really unique and how few there truly are. During the game, I was talking with my brother about how special London Fletcher really was sideline to sideline and overall playmaking, and how the Skins are missing a stud at the position. I have zero game tape watching to support this claim, but feel the lack of physical ability at MLB is killing the defense. Not a declaration, as I understand most get that Compton and Foster aren't supreme talents. Point for me is the Dline gets a lot of criticism for run game issues, but it seems these guys are just as, if not more responsible.
  11. It's remarkable how rare a team playing consistent sound football is at the professional level. I'm ready to start seeing this with the Skins, especially the offense.
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