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Everything posted by wit33

  1. A couple special pass rushers and an elite pass rush overall can come close to same value as an elite QB.
  2. I’m with you 100% This is such an underrated trait for a coach and Rivera seems to be wired in this way. The caveat being his level of power and leverage with an organization has never been this large. I lean towards him managing it well through delegating and letting assistants thrive and being okay with not having his fingerprints on everything. I just don’t want to see a ground and pound approach with Haskins. I think running the as a primary focus of an offense has a great ceiling with the gifted athletic QBs and the top tier elite QBs (Ex. Brees and Brady— ability to command the game and make timely audibles to create run advantages), but is “ho hum” for all others and limits the potential of the team. —This thinking is also me wanting Haskins to become a “poor mans Mahomes”, be elite, threaten teams consistently in games down the field, and be a game changing QB (be the reason why Skins win games consistently). If Ron comes in with an edict that the team will be about running the football, then I’ll be worried about the ceiling of the team. Not that this style wouldn’t have success, just a limited ceiling. For example, this style and approach would be great for an Alex Smith type, but I hope for more out of Haskins. Don’t want the philosophy of the coach to limit the ceiling of the QB. All conjecture on my part and I lean towards Rivera delegating a great deal on offense, but worry when friction in a season takes place and “comfort zones” become the ruler in moments of chaos.
  3. Thought he got a million dollar signing bonus? It’s not like he’s bounced around his whole career, he was on a playoff teams roster for 3 years. He has value. Buuut... I’ll admit to calling him a lock is extremely presumptuous. I just like his skill set paired with the cannon and willingness of Haskins to push the ball down the field as it should provide the jitterbug that Mckissic is great opportunities to be a pain underneath. Not a lot of guys who make people miss on the roster and I value that a great deal.
  4. They gave him a million guaranteed though. I think JD has a unique skill set that makes him a lock.
  5. Fascinated to see what the offense becomes under Rivera. Rivera has a history of ground and pound and by chance he ended up with Newton a dual threat QB and at the forefront of this type of offense that contributed greatly to a Super Bowl run. The offense was innovative, but it was a form of ground and pound meshing well with Rivera’s philosophy. My hope is Rivera cultivates an offensive environment filled with ingenuity and innovation during his tenure. This is a unique type of power he has, so we’ll see. I lean towards the positive and feel him being an older coach with great experience should help tremendously. Less ego driven at this juncture of his life.
  6. Is this an across the board for all positions for you? Guard has a great deal of value placed on strength and technique, two attributes that age very well. The big guys have a longer peak, especially the gifted ones at their positions. Im one who can careless about injuries, so I lack any perspective, due to thinking all players are high risk of injury. Scherff is about as athletic as it gets at the guard position I thought. Admittedly, I don’t have a spectrum of knowledge to compare, but putting stock into him being drafted as a T and being a top 10 pick. How would you know if he’s improved or not? What metrics are you using? I imagine Scherff would say he's improved dramatically from his rookie season to now. Not being condescending, just curious. For example, I rely a lot on PFF ranking for the Oline, accolades, and the little I watch of them in game. He’s a pro bowl guy that will garner All Pro attention if the team were to contend for a few years. I value that. I’m not up for being cheap on guys who are right up at the top at their position. I get the other side of not wanting to pay a guard though. A weaker point, but worth mentioning is that Haskins appears to do very well with edge pressure and struggle more witht pressure up the middle so being stout up the middle may have more value for a guy like him. If the team isn’t ready to compete after this season most fans will be disappointed. He fits right in with the window of the core young guys. The idea is to win with many of these guys on their rookie deals.
  7. When do you feel a guard is outside of his prime? I say 33 or 34 for most and Scherff is supremely athletic for the position, so may have even longer.
  8. Madden rating today are just below PFF ranking that are revered here (by me as well if it supports my opinion ). In all seriousness, the Madden ratings are muuuuch better than they were 5-10 years ago.
  9. Also the idea of iron sharpens iron, in regards to top recruits going to elite programs. The idea that an elite talent going up against other freaks for 3 years in practice has great value and being a part of that type community. We’re talking small percentages of compound interest, but it all adds up in the grand scheme of player development. The player is exposed to greater risk when in an environment that could breed complacency and boredom. The mentality Young appears to have is earned through consistent skillful daily repetition fostered in an elite football community. Less risk when a player goes to a major program. Mitigating risk is all it comes down to.
  10. The Skins don’t seem like the fit for AB at this stage, though, the locker room/Zoom room appears to be getting stronger. The Skins aren’t far from these type of risky guys not being risky due to to the Zoom culture. Teams will await word on ABs suspension.
  11. Only sub 4.4 speed allowed or twitch guys allowed to replace Harmon. Make it happen FO. Make the game easier on Haskins with dudes who can get to 15-25 yards of depth in a blink, stretching out coverages vertically and horizontally, opening the quick passing game and dump offs. Maximize this cannon of an arm during his rookie deal.
  12. Totally based off highlight clips, but it seems he has some above average short area quickness that will hopefully aid him in being a legitimate threat on slants, complimenting other areas of his game. If he can consistently win on a slant route (use his size and hands), then it can enhance other areas in the route tree, especially with his below average top end speed.
  13. I hear ya. Full disclosure, I’m just saying 20-35 plays over a 700 snap season. He’s not your typical DE that struggles in space, he actually flourishes in this area. It’d be a disservice not to sprinkle in him being in space from time to time strategically. Like a 3rd and 4 or 5 type situation that a team has shown a tendency to throw a quick slant or swing pass thus negating the effectiveness of a pass rush.
  14. How about 3rd and 4? 3rd and long... yes, Young should never drop into coverage.
  15. Preston Smith and Ryan Kerrigan were not misused and dropped into coverage remotely as much as many here like to report. All OLB in every 3-4 scheme on every team are asked to drop into coverage at times. Yes, Manusky appeared to be a below average DC, but this wasn’t the reason. It’s become an easy target for the base as to why Manusky was terrible or horrible. It’s a false narrative. I look forward to learning much more about the 4-3 scheme Ron and Jack plan to run. I will not be upset if Young is asked to drop into coverage strategically in a game. Then I’d want to break down and isolate those plays and see what the results were over a given season to see if the strategy worked out. Not a team converting a 3rd down in game 2 when Young was in coverage then representing how I feel about Young in coverage for the rest of the season.
  16. Del Rio will have him bouncing around a bit of looking at history with Von Miller.
  17. Any draft guys short area quickness? From highlights it seems like he has great feet with some potential to be an effective route runner. Obviously, his hands and ball skills appear elite. Without looking, I’d be shocked if he wasn’t a great high school basketball player.
  18. Speeeeed. Finally, a coaching staff that values....... Speeeeeeed. Not that all guys must be freaks, but they sure are welcome and should be on both sides of the ball.
  19. Love jumping on this point when made, his strip sack ability seems to be legit. It doesn’t get mentioned at all when listening to guys on the radio or other mediums, maybe some deem it to be a frivolous or luck type stat, but there seems to be a huge skill component to it. The strip sack and recovery is when the pass rusher comes damn close to impacting a game like an elite QB.
  20. Or how one can come to the conclusion the Niners not winning the SB last year diminishes the value of a pass rush. If you’re a contender and in the mix at the end of a season, then the formula worked.
  21. Sorry if already done, but what would be your Simmons and Young comps and your thoughts on how those comps compare to one another?
  22. I’m most intrigued by Haskins’ ceiling— His top 5 type arm and early signs of great feel in the pocket/extending plays gives him a shot to be as good as any. Is it likely he becomes a top 5 QB? No, but the tools exist. Im a strong pass on Tua because of Haskins ceiling potential. If it was Daniel Jones, I’d feel different
  23. Play him on both sides of the ball. Max out the value. First ever DE/TE starter. Join the likes of Deion and Brian Jordan. I’m feeling a red zone package in his future
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