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Darrell Green Fan

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Everything posted by Darrell Green Fan

  1. No he said he got that feedback when talking with the teams. Would you mind addressing my points about Hamilton could in fact help the offense in the post you quoted but omitted that part
  2. I rarely do for the reasons I just stated. If he really likes TH a lot then why did he spend the previous two off seasons trying like crazy to replace him? I believe actions and not coach speak reveals the true feelings
  3. You really believe a coach when he says that? When have you ever heard a coach dog any player? His comments were coach speak, they mean nothing.
  4. The player and his agent said they were expecting the pick to be a round or 2 later. So there's that. What you are failing to consider is how this defense hindered their offense. Allowing teams to constantly convert 3rd downs not only gives the opponent more opportunities to score it keeps the Washington offense on the bench. Even if the team didn't score they were able to flip the field and Washington was constantly starting with bad field position. This defense also rarely created short fields for the offense with turnovers. If you are going to argue that Hamilton does not possess the ability (potentially) to change this, and in the process HELP the offense, well I'll just respectfully disagree.
  5. Of course they need Hamilton. Perhaps the biggest issue with this team, outside of the QB, was the inability to get off the field on 3rd and 7. It's a huge problem that has been going on for a few seasons now. So they passed on a player who has the real potential to be an impact player, reached 1-2 rounds to fill a need they created for themselves at DT when that was a position of strength, and drafted for the quick fix by filling immediate needs instead of taking the best player as the successful teams do for the most part. The only pick that appeared to be for the future was the QB. They needed a developmental QB for sure but the question has to be asked: How many 5th round QBs ever turn into the real answer at QB? The best they can hope for realistically is they drafted another Nate Sudfeld.
  6. Well if DeCosta is unproven then what is RR and his group? The best players on this team are still players that were here when he arrived. We'll see in a few years which team has the better roster, I like my chances.
  7. I don't want to come off as too negative. I don't want to curb the enthusiasm of those who are optimistic and I fully understand all of this is guesswork and we won't know for several years how this draft will turn out. But I see a team whose entire offseason reeks of desperation, starting with the Wentz trade and continuing through the draft.. The first pick should have been Hamilton IMO, instead they had a lot of reaches on upper classmen who they think will come in and contribute right away instead of taking the best players regardless of position and age. They do not appear interested in developing talent, Ron hears the clock ticking and is looking for quick fixes instead of building the roster for the long term. Hamilton has a chance to be a star and I don't see that with any of the Commanders' picks. I also trust the Ravens front office over Washington. They didn't draft for need, they were set at safety, but throughout the draft they took far better players by going BPA in most people's opinion than Washington did.
  8. That was one of the weirdest things I've seen in a while. He was acting as if this was his Hall of Fame induction speech. What a complete clown. From the Wentz trade through the draft the offseason just smells of RR's desperation to win a few more games in 2022 as opposed to any long term thinking.
  9. I don't know how you can defend what they are doing at DT. They went for this being a real strength to having to reach 2 rounds (by the player's own admission) to try to fill a void they created for themselves instead of drafting other positions of need or, here's a wild thought, just taking the best player available like the good teams do.
  10. So to be clear the posts we have all seen from you, which came across as defending this man, was based on your own personal experience with him where he was nice to you? Surely you can see why you are getting so much push back, being nice to an employee's son does not mean you are not still a terrible human being.
  11. I heard the Sheehan podcast with Neil. Just as I had suspected it is hard to believe that Friedman had access to such information. So I'm back to believing this will never happen and will always wonder why a league would keep a member who is so bad for their image.
  12. I don't find all of this exhausting at all, I find it exhilarating. I mean for the first time in a generation we have hope. The involvement of Congress changed everything, without them this story had already been dealt with and dismissed by the league. Even if they don't do anything else, such as subpoena the key players, what they have revealed in their investigation is pretty damning
  13. Oh I could never do that, it would be like announcing that I am now a fan of Alabama Football and the LA Dodgers. The Ravens have the Maryland state flag at midfield, they are on TV every Sunday. It won't be too hard for me to swing that way. But the passion I once felt? That's probably gone forever unless Snyder is removed. If I am being honest I actually believe there is a good chance. There was discussion of owners turning on this little prick months ago, and that was before this new charge (again with receipts) of stealing from the other owners. I believe this changes things dramatically, but like everyone else I've been reluctant to post this as I can't afford to get my hopes up.
  14. I've been a Red Sox fan longer than I was a Redskins fan. So I must correct you. The Sox were never losers for decades. They were good but choked in the end of the year or in the playoffs. But you can't choke if you weren't in the position to go from good to out. And for the vast majority of my life they had good records, they were never the Browns or the Orioles now.
  15. A ploy by whom? The witness came with receipts, I do believe it is the job of Congress to get to the bottom of all of this. I pray Dan Snyder is called to testify. Knowing how bad he is at public speaking this will be OJ Bronco level of interest for me.
  16. Remember that report during the Super Bowl where it was said that for the first time there is active discussion among the owners on what to do with Snyder? Well that was then, I have to think with all this other news since that time the conversation got more interesting.
  17. I don't think it's a stretch to assume that literally any new owner will be an improvement. We have many years of data to support the theory that the team will never win with Dan Snyder. We aren't looking for a quick fix, fans are in it for the long haul. And there is no doubt long term it would be best for the team's future that a new owner is in place. Not sure if this is a shot at me or not but I won't apologize for being OFF this team as long as these creatures own it.
  18. Well I'm in a strange place. I had committed to switching to the Ravens, I'm following their draft reports and getting familiar with their roster. I have purposely avoided any Washington draft talk. Now with this latest revelation I have no idea which team's draft to follow. Is it possible that they kick out Dan before the draft? No that's not possible. But I feel more positive with each day which seems to bring yet another report, all bad for Little Danny.
  19. You don't get the difference between walking or riding down a road and trying to cross multiple lanes of 60 MPH highway traffic? Really? I certainly hope the story that he ran out of gas is true, that would make it easier to understand. I did this once, the way to my school was quickest if I crossed 270. I could not believe how fast the cars came upon me, didn't try that again.
  20. Has any more information come out as to why he was on that highway? You were right to call me out from making those comments on the day he died. That was wrong of me and I apologized. However it doesn't change the accuracy of what I said, he has a well documented history of making bad decisions and this appears to be another one.. So we're back to the timing which was clearly wrong on my part.
  21. Absolutely but it's insensitive to point that out on the day we learned of this tragedy. And of course what Gil Brandt did went beyond insensitive. I'm just confused on what the timeline is where we can say this without sounding insensitive, pretty sure the same day is too soon as I have learned.
  22. I wasn't Gil Brandt but you do have a point. I guess I'm just confused on what timeline would be appropriate to point out that crossing a highway, or in this case multiple highways, was a dumb decision. I guess I should have given it a day or so, my apologies.
  23. This is crazy. I only hope we learn that there was an explanation, like his car broke down or whatever instead of learning that he died by making yet another stupid decision.
  24. So apparently he died crossing this highway, which is a crazy thing to even understand. Who in their right mind would try to cross this highway?
  25. I am always stunned when I hear news like this, just heard about this. What a horrible thing to happen to a 24 year old. This has ruined my Saturday.
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