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Everything posted by veteranskinsfan

  1. News reports from Philly were that he did not get along with teammates, that he was arrogant with coaches and would not accept criticism. Dallas and Philly fans are laughing hard right now. This was a panic move which should have been avoided. So disappointed now. At one point Doug Pederson and Carson would not speak to each other. Why do we always hire some other teams garbage? Years ago when we hired Norv Turner we got several ex-Cowboys who were over the hill and later we released all of them.
  2. The Eagles are laughing at us today and for the rest of next season. Hope we will be drafting a rookie quarterback. He failed with two different teams. This is why you cannot let a defensive minded Head Coach pick your quarterback. You need a General Manager who can spot talent.
  3. We have not had a decent talent evaluator since Bobby Beathard. Where is the next Bobby Beathard? We need to find the next Beathard and if he is on another team try to lure him to DC.
  4. Have to find a quarterback in this draft or next year's draft. Use our picks this year to improve other weaker positions on this team.
  5. Winning goes a long way in helping a fan base get excited about their football team. Losing is so destructive for the fan base.
  6. I really wonder if Mayhew knows what he is doing. I get that the teams reputation is not great. Will he ever make a trade this year?
  7. On the radio this morning they said Teddy will be the starting quarterback for the Broncos.
  8. Question if this year's draft is not supposed to have great college quarterbacks coming out then is it possible that the following year would have a better crop of NFL ready quarterbacks who might be worth waiting for instead if we could get some higher draft picks after this draft by trading some of our players for future picks? Some years the experts will say this is a draft of really good linemen for example. Other years you will hear that its a different position that is really exploding for teams to select.
  9. Another free agent quarterback is now off the available chart- radio report this morning that Teddy Bridgewater will be Broncos starting quarterback
  10. I would stay away from Jimmy G now that we know he is having shoulder surgery. It would be our luck that if we took him he would get hurt in the shoulder on the first game of the year.
  11. I would like to get Vander Esch to be our next middle linebacker. He has had some injuries but he can really hit running backs hard and plug up the middle of our defense. Not sure if he is still on the Cowboys roster. Hope he is a free agent now.
  12. I subscribe to Mark Bullock's emails about the team. Today he analyzed Mitchell Trubisky. He said he would take Jameis Winston over Trubisky and Marcus Mariota over him as well. Here is his last sentence- "In terms of what he's put on film, Trubisky would be more of a Plan F or G than a Plan B for me". He did say that Rivera has ties to the football people in Buffalo if he needs to get feedback about him.
  13. If he blows the quarterback selection he could be out by the end of next season. This fan base has been through so much change over the years it will be braced for more bad decisions by the Danny.
  14. There is a good quarterbacks article in the Athletic today written by Jeff Howe. He talks about how the quarterback salaries are escalating and how teams are thinking about team priorities. Meanwhile agents will want to reset the market for the new young crop of quarterbacks like Joe Burrow. He sees some teams willing to pay between $40-50 million while other teams are going to try to come up with a better way of keeping their quarterbacks and not losing them to other teams who bid higher for them when they become free agents.
  15. Please remember that Sheehan fully supported the development of Dwayne Haskins until the mainstream media had concluded he would not work out in Washington. Wilson is not coming here if he is smart. This morning Sheehan says he would prefer Deshawn Watson over Rogers and Wilson. Ron is not going to bring Watson to Washington. When it comes to evaluating quarterbacks most of us should not trust Sheehan's pronouncements because he is usually wrong. I rarely listen to his show any more. I like Pete Medhurst on the same radio station in the afternoons. While Sheehan may know how to bet on nfl games I really do not think he is a sports guru. I agree with you that we do not have a quarterback to give in exchange.
  16. Just listened to Eagles radio on WIP radio 94FM and they criticized Snyder and the name selection. They did a parody using the name with the old Redskins fight song. They said as long as Snyder is the owner the Eagles can ignore the Washington team. I would have preferred keeping WFT name. The WIP radio people said they should have kept WFT because it was unique.
  17. I have all 3 of the Super Bowl plaques. They are in a storage unit somewhere. Also have a Redskins Fox robot man I bought a few years ago and he is not allowed out of his box until the WFT makes the playoffs. I am sure this robot is not pleased at all about this situation.
  18. Any team interviewing former Eagles Super Bowl winning Head Coach Doug Pederson?
  19. I agree that Charles is not impressing. Probably should be a backup. They won't let him go and then have to admit the pick was wrong.
  20. Hurts and TH look similar. Breaking news- Jerry Jones intends to keep Mike McCarthy as Head Coach. This is good news for other NFC East teams.
  21. Do we need to do anything else to officially disconnect from him now? Or does the expiring contract take care of his official release?
  22. Jalon Hurts sure likes Taylor Heinke to me. Both are good number 2 quarterbacks but not ready for prime time. Eagles have 3 first round picks so they will be going after another quarterback. Their GM Howie Roseman has a 50-50 chance that he will pick the wrong guy. Eagle fans still crying about him picking Jalen Raeger in the first round. Raeger fumbled punt yesterday.
  23. NFL rumor before the game started was Cowboys would fire McCarthy if they lost to 49ers and replace him with their offensive coordinator. Other teams are interested in Kellen Moore.
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