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Everything posted by veteranskinsfan

  1. We need 10 defensive linemen so we can substitute freely. Once the first five linemen get worn out then the next series we roll out the next five guys.
  2. Troy Apke is back to anchor down the special teams unit. New report- no Sammy Reyes per radio he is just coming to the game. Very confusing.
  3. Maybe Reyes can block because he is not great with catching the ball on a consistent basis. Also WFT bringing in their own benches just like Cowboys did.
  4. Philly will be running the ball at least 30 times. Both teams have similar strengths and weaknesses.
  5. I remain optimistic that we will get back at least half of the 21 players before game time on Tuesday night. Of course if we get 90% back that would be fantastic too.
  6. Eagle fans were salivating over the chance to play us on Sunday with 21 players not available to play. I listened to WIP radio and they were talking about placing bets on this game. Only one guy said it could be a trap game for the Eagles and he was worried that WFT might pull out a win.
  7. Losing Fuller really hurts for this Eagles game. Did you know the WFT leads the league in giving up touchdown passes this year? Yes, this weak secondary has given up 27 touchdown passes so far this year. Next year we need to bring in some new defenders.
  8. Early in the season Ron tried to convince his unvaccinated players to get their shots. He brought in some medical expert to explain COVID to the players. So now going into the Eagles game this Sunday we are hurting big time with 17 players now on COVID reserve list. A total so far of 75 NFL players added to the COVID list in the past two days.
  9. I listened yesterday to the 4 pm radio interview with Jay Gruden and of course he sounds happy and under zero stress. The guys asked him about Allen coming to his office after a loss and questioning why he did not run ball or why he called a certain play. Gruden revealed it always bugged him to be second guess after games by the front office. Hope Gruden gets another chance to be an offensive coordinator in the NFL. Also heard WIP radio interview with their previously fired head coach who had won a Super Bowl for them- Peterson. He sounded relaxed living in Florida and said he wants to coach again in the NFL and has learned a lot by not coaching this year. The Eagles paid his contract this year. Both Skins and Eagles for years have had dysfunctional front offices. Both teams have drafted poorly over the last 10 years. Both franchises then put their head coaches no win situations.
  10. Saw this morning that Matt Ionnidis and Kyle Allen were added to the reserved COVID-19 list. Now 17 are on the list.
  11. I had both vaccinations and got COVID at work from a tech guy who installed all new computer equipment. He was unvaccinated and did not wear a mask. Another lady in our same office got it. Both of us had family at home and no family got it. Both of us got the monoclonal antibodies in the hospital and then had to wait 10 days before we could go back to work. The state dept. of health kept tabs on us constantly with phone calls and text messages. I hope I have built up some natural immunity now. The hospital gave me a piece of paper which says I cannot get the booster shot until 90 days after the hospital infusion which would be January 10. My wife has cancer and I am so relieved that she did not get COVID from me.
  12. It was dumb to release our long snapper who was a veteran before the season began.
  13. Cut Seals Jones after the game for dropping 2 points conversion pass from Allen.
  14. Two first downs in a row running. Turner should not have abandoned the run so early in the first quarter.
  15. After Dallas gets the field goal is there any reason to kee watching this dumpster fire??
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